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Massaker der Türkei in Smyrni/Izmir

Haha, schade dass dieser Makedon.EU (Verfasser des obigen Textes) hier nicht mehr schreibt. Er war immer für einen Lacher gut. Er schrieb bulgarisch mit griechischen Buchstaben und wollte uns weis machen dass dies die antiken Makedonen auch taten..... :idiot:

Hier wimmelts nur von Solchen und wie ich bemerke kommt auch ständig Frischfleich ähm kommen Frischlinge dazu.
Auch Armenier wurden in Smyrni/Izmir von den türkischen Soldaten massakriert


In September 1922 the Kemalists forces set fire to Smyrna and massacred the Armenians and the Greeks of the city. The premeditated fire of the city had the intention of terrifying the Christian population and making them leave the city forever. The streets were 'covered' with the corpses of the Armenians and Greeks. Many of them drowned when they were trying to set great hopes on the English, Italian and American ships. Thus, Smyrna Catastrophe became the last episode of the Armenian Genocide and the starting point of the Kemalists' "Turkey for Turks" state-building policy. Nowadays, Smyrna is famous by the Turkish name of Izmir and the majority of the inhabitants are Turks.
Genocide Museum | The Armenian Genocide Museum-institute




The outstanding study, SMYRNA 1922: The Destruction of a City, authored by Professor Marjorie Housepian Dobkin, published by Newmark Press, NY, NY, USA, in 1998, is available in bookshops as well as online at Amazon.com: Online Shopping for Electronics, Apparel, Computers, Books, DVDs & more [Click here: Amazon.com: Customer Reviews: Smyrna 1922: The Destruction of a City]

SMYRNA 1922: The Destruction of a City was first published in 1971. Based on a thorough research of historical archives, it provides captivating factual documentation with vivid accounts about the destruction of the City of Smyrna , as well as the slaughter and deportation of its Christian inhabitants. Until 1922, Smyrna had been a remarkably prosperous city in Asia Minor and was rightly considered the jewel of the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea.

Professor M. H. Dobkin brings to light suppressed and very little known facts about the annihilation and deportation of the Christian citizens of Smyrna, whose roots there went far back thousands of years.

In September 1922, Mustapha Kemal, the revolutionary ruler of Turkey , led his troops into Smyrna (now Izmir ), which at that time was a predominantly Christian city. While a flotilla of twenty-seven Allied warships - including three American destroyers - looked on, the Turks indulged in an orgy of pillage, rape and slaughter; which the Western powers condoned - eager to protect their oil and trade interests in Turkey - through their silence and by their refusal to intervene. Turkish forces then set fire to the legendary city and totally destroyed it. A massive cover-up followed, by tacit agreement of the Western Allies, who had defeated Turkey and Germany during World War I. By 1923, Smyrna 's demise was all but expunged from historical memory.
The Genocide of the Eastern Christians of the city of Smyrna in 1922

Auch fast ein Jahrhundert nach dem Großbrand bleibt die Verantwortung dafür unter Historikern umstritten

Brand von Izmir ? Wikipedia

In deiner Quelle steht ja drin:

Das Feuer wurde am 13. September 1922, vier Tage nach der Rückeroberung der Stadt, gelegt. Der Hergang ist strittig. Der dadurch ausgelöste Großbrand, der die christlichen und levantinischen Viertel vernichtete und die muslimischen Viertel verschonte,[3] war begleitet von Massakern an der christlichen Zivilbevölkerung.

Mit der Zerstörung der christlichen Quartiere wurden zudem noch zwischen 50.000[4] und 400.000[5] weitere kleinasiatische Christen vertrieben, die dann unter sehr harten Bedingungen an der Küste Zuflucht suchen mussten. Am 24. September begannen Schiffe der hellenischen Flotte, die Überlebenden zu retten und sie ins sichere Griechenland zu bringen.