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Mazedonien Sport Thread

Donate to Preston Makedonia, the Macedonian Face of Australia
Wednesday, 08 February 2012

MINA Breaking News - Donate to Preston Makedonia, the Macedonian Face of Australia
There is hardly a Macedonian person in Australia who has not heard the patriotic chant of ‘Makedonia, Makedonia, Makedonia’ echoing from the crowd at a Preston Makedonia game at least once in their lifetime.
Frankly, Macedonians at home, in Europe, North America are also familiar with Preston.
It is a feeling that only a Macedonian can understand - one that conjures up a mixture of emotion, passion, sacrifice, loyalty, courage and hope.

For over 50 years, the Preston Makedonia Football Club has been the national face of the Macedonian community in Australia and can arguably lay claim to being the biggest and most well known Macedonian sporting club outside of Macedonia.

In many ways Preston was responsible for putting Macedonians on the map through its successful participation in the National Soccer League during the 1980s and 90s. Not only is it a focal point for members of the local Macedonian community, but it also provides the younger members of the community with an opportunity to learn and play the ‘world game’. And the club continues to be a linchpin, the ‘glue’ that binds the Macedonian community together.

The club has lost significat revenue due to internal and external factors. As an example, Preston Makedonia lost tens of thousands in revenue and punishment issued for crowd trouble and was forced to play behind closed doors.
The final debt tab is $150,000. We'd like to make sure this club doesn't go anywhere, so we call on 30,000 Macedonians to donate $5 today! The link to donate is <<Here>> :
Wird der Sohn von Mike Zafirovski für Makedonien spielen? Die Rede ist von Todd Zafirovski, der 204cm große College Spieler soll für die makedonische Nati bei der Olympia Quali in Venzuela spielberechtigt werden!

Синот на Мајк Зафировски ќе игра за Македонија во Венецуела?
Вторник, 14 Февруари 2012 14:33


Претседателот на Македонската кошаркарска федерација (МКФ) Даниел Димевски денеска како потенцијално засилување во репрезентативниот состав го најави Тод Зафировски, синот на Мајк Зафировски.

Тод Зафировски кој настапува на „Дјук“ универзитетот во САД, но за да заигра за Македонија ќе мора да се обезбедат законски услови.

Условите се Тод да добие македонско државјанство и да настапува како роден Македонец, бидејќи место за странски играч е резервирано за Лестер Бо Мекејлеб.

Зафировски има 21 година и со своите 204 сантиметри игра на позиција крило.
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Anm.: Mit Brett Bitove hätten wir noch mal einen solchen Hünen.

Dazu heute eine Nachricht die für aufsehen in MK sorgt: Makedonien soll gegen ein NBA Dream Team spielen!!!!!!

Македонија ќе игра против НБА ѕвездите?
Вторник, 14 Февруари 2012 14:01

Постои можност Македонија да игра против „дрим-тимот“ на Америка, но тие преговори се уште траат, изјави денеска претседателот на МКФ Даниел Димевски.
Со квалитетни подготовки какви што имаме зацртано и со добра работа Македонија има реални можности да игра на Олимписките игри во Лондон оваа година, изјави Марјан Лазовски на неговата денешна промоција во селектор на кошаркарската репрезентација.

Лазовски изрази задоволство што по петгодишен стаж како помошник-селектор ја превзема селекторската функција.

- Задоволство, но и обврска е да се биде селектор на Македонската кошаркарска репрезентација. По првпат ќе играме квалификации за Олимпијада. Добивме неатрактивни, но ни малку наивни противници во групата. Очекувам добри резултати и продолжување на континуитетот добри резултати, рече Лазовски.

Што се однесува до составот тој најави дека товарот во квалификациите ќе го понесат играчите кои настапија на ЕП во Литванија, но ќе има и освежувања со нови играчи, а посебно тоа се однесува на Кирил Николовски, Бојан Трајковски и Александар Костовски.

Раководството на Македонската кошаркарска федерација за да им овозможи добри подготовки на кошаркарите веќе договори неколку пријателски натпревари, а за време на турнејата на американскиот континент стапи во контакт и со двајцата видни бизнисмени во САД со македонско потекло кои имаат допирни точки со кошарката, Мајк Зафировски и Џон Битов.

- И Зафировски и Битов се добро информирани околу состојбата во македонската кошарка и успесите кои ги постигнува репрезентацијата во последниот период. Тие се подготвени да помогнат во организацијата на подготовките, од кои едниот дел би се одвивале во Канада, истакна Димевски.

Димевски ги информираше новинарите дека постои можност Македонија да игра против „дрим-тимот“ на Америка, но тие преговори се уште траат.

Според првичниот план првиот собир македонските кошаркари ќе го имаат на 4 јуни во Скопје. Од 11 до 18 јуни во Литванија ќе се одиграат пријателски натпревари со домашната селекција и со Русија. Од 18 до 23 Македонија ќе гостува во Канада каде ќе игра со канадската репрезентација, со Велика Британија и евентално со Нов Зеланд. Се очекува да се потврди натпреварот со американскиот „дрим-тим“ кој би се играл во периодот 23-26 јуни. Потоа три дена Македонија ќе гостува на Порторико, а од 30 јуни експедицијата се сели во Венецуела, која од 2 јули ќе биде домаќин на квалификациите.

Македонија во квалификациската група е заедно со Ангола и Нов Зеланд. Првите две репрезентации одат во четвртфинале. За пласман на Олимпијадата е потребно да се биде најмалку трет од вкупно 12 репрезентации колку што ќе играат на турнирот.
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Wird der Sohn von Mike Zafirovski für Makedonien spielen? Die Rede ist von Todd Zafirovski, der 204cm große College Spieler soll für die makedonische Nati bei der Olympia Quali in Venzuela spielberechtigt werden!

Zafirovski added to Macedonian Basketball Team because of famous father
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
MINA Breaking News
At today's press conference Marjan Lazovski was promoted into the new Macedonian basketball coach replacing legend Marin Dokuzovski.
Of course, this promotion could not have gotten without a scandal, after all, it is the Macedonian basketball federation.

Without consulting the new coach, the Basketball Federation decided to include an unknown Macedonian player, Todd Zafirovski, the son of famous Macedonian businessman Mike Zafirovski.
Although attending Duke, Todd is a complete unknown to the Macedonian public and sports journalists alike, as no one has seen him play for a single second.

However, his famous father was good enough reason to extend him an invitation to play for the national team, or as the head of the Basketball Federation Mr. Daniel Dimevski put it: "Todd has shown interest to play for Macedonia, so in the upcoming period we'll be starting the procedure for obtaining Macedonian citizenship...".

Although Lazovski is starting his new coaching job today, the Basketball Federation has already reduced his influence and disrespected him by selecting players for him.

The normal procedure would have been for coach Lazovski to pay a visit to Duke University and watch at least several games to see Todd in action. If Lazovski was pleased with what he saw, only then he could extend an invitiation to Todd Zafirovski. All this is somewhat difficult because Todd gets no playing time at Duke while his father Mike is helping out the Basketball Fedearation to set friendly match against the US in Las Vegas.

Are there any other sons of famous Macedonian businessmen who have shown interest to play for Macedonia? If so, call Daniel Dimevski.
Bulldog Beat with Stojan Gjuroski
Tuesday, 14 February 2012
By: Louisiana Tech Athletics
Category: Louisiana Tech News
Bulldog Beat with Stojan Gjuroski

Stojan Gjuroski is a freshman forward from Gostivar, Macedonia who was redshirted during the 2010-11 campaign by former head coach Kerry Rupp.

While in Macedonia, he led his club team to the Macedonian championship three consecutive years and was named one of the top 50 athletes in the country for two straight seasons.

Gjuroski decided to come to the United States so he could get an education while also getting a chance to play basketball.

"Back home in Europe you can either choose to go to school or play professional basketball. You can't do both because there is not enough time because the pro teams practice two times a day," said Gjuroski.

He got an opportunity to come to the United States when a couple of American coaches that were in Europe sent DVDs of his club basketball games to high school coaches back in the United States. Gjursoki got offers to attend high school his senior year from all over the country and decided to originally attend Cedar Bluff High School in Alabama.

After attending Cedar Bluff for a few weeks, he realized that Alabama was not the right place for him so he transferred to Life Center Academy in Burlington, New Jersey.

"Moving to Life Center Academy was one of the best decisions I have made in my life," said Gjuroski. "The people were very nice, and I loved being there."

While at Life Center Academy, Gjuroski helped lead the boy's team to an eighth-place finish in the New Jersey Postseason High School Fantastic 65 Tournament in 2010.

He then signed with Louisiana Tech after the 2009-10 season mostly because of assistant coach Dusty May and the hospitality that he received on his visit.

"When I came here on my visit I could tell there was a difference between how people are in the north and the south," Gjuroski said. "People were nicer and everybody holds doors open for you and says please and thank you. That was unique for me and all the coaches, staff members and the community made me feel welcomed here."

When not on the basketball court or working on his academic studies, Gjuroski is hanging out with his teammates playing NBA 2K12 and Madden 2012, and watching ESPN and college basketball as extra motivation to work hard on his game in order to improve.

His favorite team to play on NBA 2K12 is the Los Angeles Lakers because his favorite player is Kobe Bryant while he primarily plays as the Pittsburgh Steelers on Madden.

"In Europe, we don't watch a lot of NFL games, but the first game that I saw as a kid was a Steelers game and I have been a fan of them ever since."

Like most of his Bulldog teammates, he listens to Hip-Hop and R&B with his favorite artiest being Drake.

Gjuroski says his favorite movie is Braveheart because of the way Mel Gibson's character showed that you can accomplish anything, even things you can't imagine, if you stay strong and believe in yourself.

Along with English, Gjuroski can also speak Macedonian and Serbian and can understand Spanish.

Gjuroski is majoring in business administration and says he plans on pursuing his master's degree in another area of business later in his collegiate career. Once he is done playing basketball, Gjuroski says he wants to start his own business that is basketball-related.

"I wanted to have a back-up plan when the ball stops bouncing in my basketball career," said Gjuroski. "Now I will have a degree from Louisiana Tech that I can use the rest of my life."
Zafirovski invited to Macedonian national team tryouts
Staff Reports | The Chronicle
Junior men’s basketball player Todd Zafirovski has been extended an invitation to try out for the Macedonian national basketball team.

The Macedonian International News Agency (MINA) reported Thursday that Zafirovski had already been named to the team, but Duke sports information denied that the 6-foot-9, 240-pound forward has already secured a roster spot.

“Todd has shown interest to play for Macedonia, so in the upcoming period we’ll be starting the procedure for obtaining Macedonian citizenship,” Daniel Dimevski, the head of the Macedonian Basketball Federation, told MINA.

Zafirovski hails from Lake Forest, Ill., but is the son of Macedonian businessman Mike Zafirovski. He has played a total of nine minutes this season over four games, recording two points, two rebounds and one block, and he has not seen court action since Jan. 19 against Wake Forest. Macedonia has risen to 33rd in FIBA’s world rankings after an upset-filled run to the semifinals of EuroBasket 2011.
U19 squad to face Slovenia in two friendlies
Macedonian Football .com - Makedonski Fudbal .com - Macedonian Football (soccer) website | U19 squad to face Slovenia in two friendlies
The Macedonian U19 national team will play two friendlies against its counterparts from Slovenia on 21 and 23 February.

Both friendlies will be played in the Slovenian city of Dekani with each match starting at 14:00 CET. These matches will be used in preparation for the next qualifying cycle. Macedonia U19, in the qualifying round from 11-16 October, will face Germany, Ireland, and Luxembourg in Group 5.

Mensur Jakupi, the manager of the U19 national team, announced a squad of 19 players for the two friendlies against Slovenia:

Igor Aleksovski - Makedonija GjP
Dean Iliev - Belasica

Mevljan Murati - Shkendija
Egzon Bejtulahi - Teteks
Dimitar Zafirovski - Vardar
Visar Musliu - Renova
Kristijan Tosevski - Teteks
Kostadin Dzinov - Metalurg

Hristijan Atanasovski - Pelister
Boban Nikolov - Academia Gheorghe Hagi (Romania)
Martin Gocevski - Saluzzo (Italy)
Valjmir Jonuzi - Drita
Besart Karimani - Shkendija
Stefan Kocev - Bregalnica Stip

Lavdrim Skenderi - Renova
Antonio Kalanoski - Ohrid
Filip Nakov - Vardar
Martin Aleksov - Bregalnica Stip
Mile Mitrevski - Metalurg
Boah geil, und schon haben wir einen passenden Event für das Skopjer BF treffen :D

U19 friendly: Slovenia - Macedonia 1:1

In the first of two friendlies by the U19 national teams of Macedonia and Slovenia, the first encounter ended without a winner in a 1:1 draw.

Slovenia U19 took the initial lead in the 30th minute to take a 1:0 lead at halftime before striker Lavdrim Skenderi equalized for Macedonia in the 65th minute to bring the score at 1:1. That would be the final score as well in a match played in the Slovenian city of Dekani where the second friendly between these youth national teams will also take place this Thursday.

Manager Mensur Jakupi fielded the following starting 11 for Macedonia U19: Iliev, Murati, Zafirovski, Tosevski, Musliu, Bejtulai, Skenderi, Nikolov, Mitrevski, Kolanoski, Gocevski.

Also played: Aleksovski, Karimani, Atanasov, Dzinov, Jonuzi, Kocev, Aleksov, Nikov.