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Mazedonier in Albanien | Македонци во Албанија


16.12.2014, 12:52:55

Constitutional Court yesterday for the second time refused to discuss the territorial division of municipalities. Thus, despite the Macedonians their municipalities lost and members of the Vlach, Montenegro and the Greek minority.
.Constitutional Court was our last chance to keep the Macedonian municipalities, members of Macedonian minority in Albania said. They are disappointed that the Court has showed courage to challenge redistricting with which the number of municipalities was drastically reduced, and most damage suffered exactly the municipalities in which minorities live.
Kimel Fetahu the Macedonian company "Mir" says that after this it became clear that the Constitutional Court is extended hand of the government of Edi Rama, who at any cost was determined to push through redistricting despite all indications of the parties and civil society that it is wrong decision.
- After this we are left with nothing but to seek a meeting with representatives of the European Union and the Council of Europe so they to put pressure on the government in Albania. This is especially important why the treatment of minorities and respect for human rights is one of the conditions that the EU requires from Albania to start negotiations - Fetahu.
Although the official government explanation of why decided to such drastic cuts is that their performance is unsustainable, Macedonians say the reasons are different. According to them, a clear trend is the south, where most is invested primarily in tourism, to be in a privileged position in relation to the north of the country where they live mostly poorer population, including most of the minorities.
Nezir Meca of "Ilinden" company says that expected reaction of all minorities and that is the wrong impression that only Macedonians are damaged. - Besides the Macedonians their municipalities lost and members of the Vlach, Montenegro and the Greek minority. I expect all together once again to respond to the authorities and thereby show that Albania does not respect the rights of minorities.
Not by accident a few days ago EU was decisive that Albania is not yet ready to begin negotiations - Meca.
Under the new territorial division, which should enter into force after the local elections next year, Macedonian minority is abolished of five municipalities, which functioned as independent units.
Only remained municipality Pustec in Mala Prespa. This municipality has about 2,000 residents and Mayor is Edmond Temelko. Macedonians in Albania think that there should be municipalities of Golo Brdo, which will include three former municipalities, and the municipality of Gora, which would have two municipalities. With the new worst affected are Macedonians from Golo Brdo.
The three municipalities in that part Steblevo, Trebiste and Osterni, assigned to the city Burkiza. It creates additional problems because it is on 50 miles away, so for any document they will have to travel so far.


16.12.2014, 12:52:55

Constitutional Court yesterday for the second time refused to discuss the territorial division of municipalities. Thus, despite the Macedonians their municipalities lost and members of the Vlach, Montenegro and the Greek minority.
.Constitutional Court was our last chance to keep the Macedonian municipalities, members of Macedonian minority in Albania said. They are disappointed that the Court has showed courage to challenge redistricting with which the number of municipalities was drastically reduced, and most damage suffered exactly the municipalities in which minorities live.
Kimel Fetahu the Macedonian company "Mir" says that after this it became clear that the Constitutional Court is extended hand of the government of Edi Rama, who at any cost was determined to push through redistricting despite all indications of the parties and civil society that it is wrong decision.
- After this we are left with nothing but to seek a meeting with representatives of the European Union and the Council of Europe so they to put pressure on the government in Albania. This is especially important why the treatment of minorities and respect for human rights is one of the conditions that the EU requires from Albania to start negotiations - Fetahu.
Although the official government explanation of why decided to such drastic cuts is that their performance is unsustainable, Macedonians say the reasons are different. According to them, a clear trend is the south, where most is invested primarily in tourism, to be in a privileged position in relation to the north of the country where they live mostly poorer population, including most of the minorities.
Nezir Meca of "Ilinden" company says that expected reaction of all minorities and that is the wrong impression that only Macedonians are damaged. - Besides the Macedonians their municipalities lost and members of the Vlach, Montenegro and the Greek minority. I expect all together once again to respond to the authorities and thereby show that Albania does not respect the rights of minorities.
Not by accident a few days ago EU was decisive that Albania is not yet ready to begin negotiations - Meca.
Under the new territorial division, which should enter into force after the local elections next year, Macedonian minority is abolished of five municipalities, which functioned as independent units.
Only remained municipality Pustec in Mala Prespa. This municipality has about 2,000 residents and Mayor is Edmond Temelko. Macedonians in Albania think that there should be municipalities of Golo Brdo, which will include three former municipalities, and the municipality of Gora, which would have two municipalities. With the new worst affected are Macedonians from Golo Brdo.
The three municipalities in that part Steblevo, Trebiste and Osterni, assigned to the city Burkiza. It creates additional problems because it is on 50 miles away, so for any document they will have to travel so far.

Zoran, Quelle fehlt.
die sehen aus wie Ziegeuner, kann schon sein das es Mazedoner sind..


- - - Aktualisiert - - -

Na das ist ja mal ein Wort......sich in die albanische Gesellschaft integrieren. Haben die ihr Wort gehalten Zoran bzw. haben die viele Stimmen von den Mazedoniern erhalten?

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Ach ja Zoran...schau dir mal den Lehrer ab 3:30 an :haha: Wenn der die Kinder unterrichtet dann wirds schlimm :lol:

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[h=1]President Gjorge Ivanov to Meet Macedonian Community in Pustec[/h]
April 3, 2015, Friday @ 09:41 in Politics | Views: 3
Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov. Photo: Vlatko Perkovski

Macedonian President Gjorge Ivanov continues on Friday his official visit to Albania with a meeting with the Macedonian community in the municipality Pustec and with the Mayor Edmond Temelko.
This is to be the first official visit in Pustec by a president from Macedonia.
During the meeting on Thursday, Ivanov and Albanian President Bujar Nishani discussed the rights of the Macedonian community in Albania.
Before traveling to Pustec, the President Gjorge Ivanov will meet with the former Albanian President Bamir Topi.

On Thursday, Ivanov met with Prime Minister Edi Rama, Parliament Speaker Ilir Meta, Mayor of Tirana Lulsim Basha and with the Head of Albanian Orthodox Church Anastasij Junulatos.
President Ivanov and Albanian State Leadership stated that Macedonia and Albania are sharing a common European future. They consider that their stable political relations should provide them an economic cooperation as well, and for now they need to direct their next activities in the infrastructural connection.

- See more at: President Gjorge Ivanov to Meet Macedonian Community in Pustec - Independent.mk