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Mazedonier in Albanien | Македонци во Албанија

Temelko re-elected for Mayor of Pustec

JUNE 22, 2015

While Albanian electoral commission is counting the votes from Sunday’s municipal elections, the only ethnic Macedonian Mayor, Edmond Temelko, declared he won in the municipality of Pustec. Temelko, who leads the Macedonian Alliance for European Integration, says he won his third term with over 2.000 votes in his favour, while opposing candidate Mihalak Apostolovski from the Democrat Party won 488 votes.


Temelko’s party expressed its gratitude to the voters of this lakeside town for their support, and also hopes it will have majority in the municipal council. MAEI had its candidates for councillors in 16 of the 61 municipalities in Albania. These are the first elections held after the reform that the Socialist Party led Government introduced, which saw a major cut in the total number of municipalities. Several smaller Macedonian majority municipalities, as well as municipalities where other smaller communities had the majority, were abolished, which caused protests against the reform.

According to the Central electoral commission, overall turnout stood at 46,8 percent. Initial results are expected to be published on Monday. The ruling Socialist Party claimed victory in the important race in the capital of Tirana, but the opposition Democrat Party is complaining of voting irregularities. Democrats are expected to win in Shkodra (Skadar), while Socialists are announcing a win in the port city of Durres. Democrat leader Lulzim Basha said that his party prevented worse voting irregularities, and won across the country
[h=1]Macedonian Becomes Deputy Mayor of Tirana[/h]
August 26, 2015, Wednesday @ 13:00 in Politics | Views: 45
Deputy Mayor of Tirana, Arbjan Mazniku. Photo: MIA

A Macedonian originating from Golo Brdo region is the second person in charge of the Albanian metropolis of Tirana.
After Erion Veliaj, member of the Socialist Party, assumed office as Mayor of Tirana, Arbjan Mazniku was appointed his deputy.

The information was confirmed by the Macedonian associations in Albania, which deem that it is a very important public office and a huge gain for the Macedonian community in Tirana.
Mazniku lives in Tirana but comes from the village of Vrmica, located in the Golo Brdo area.
This is not the first high office Mazniku has served. His appointment as the deputy mayor comes after his position of the deputy minister of education and sports.

- See more at: Macedonian Becomes Deputy Mayor of Tirana - Independent.mk
Gora liegt ja gar nicht in Albanien, mein Fehler. ::lol:

Schwachsinn, Gora erstreckt sich auch über Albanien.

Žarnoski;4073516 schrieb:

Schwachsinn, auch in Mazedonien

Na also, weil Gora klingt ja nicht sonderlich Bulgarisch. Und wieso der alte Name Liqenas einfach knallhart in Pushtec umgewandelt wird, verstehe ich auch nicht?! Was soll Pushtec überhaupt bedeuten?


Pusteec ist Original.

Pusteec heisst = ``wüst`` ``eine wüste Landschaft/Ort``... nicht Wüste, sondern so ähnlich..

Žarnoski;4073532 schrieb:
Gora bedeutet auf serbisch soviel wie Berg.....deswegen auch cranGora---> Montenegro = Schwarzes Gebirge


Gora bedeutet nicht nur Berg, der Begriff umfasst eine ganze Landschaft....

Aha. Epo mirë de.


Nur Kinder hier, aller...


Ähm Leute. Ihre Parteien sind alle bosniakisch.



Macedonian Becomes Deputy Mayor of Tirana

August 26, 2015, Wednesday @ 13:00 in Politics | Views: 45
Deputy Mayor of Tirana, Arbjan Mazniku. Photo: MIA

A Macedonian originating from Golo Brdo region is the second person in charge of the Albanian metropolis of Tirana.
After Erion Veliaj, member of the Socialist Party, assumed office as Mayor of Tirana, Arbjan Mazniku was appointed his deputy.

The information was confirmed by the Macedonian associations in Albania, which deem that it is a very important public office and a huge gain for the Macedonian community in Tirana.
Mazniku lives in Tirana but comes from the village of Vrmica, located in the Golo Brdo area.
This is not the first high office Mazniku has served. His appointment as the deputy mayor comes after his position of the deputy minister of education and sports.

- See more at: Macedonian Becomes Deputy Mayor of Tirana - Independent.mk

Lächerlich. Da wir uns entschieden haben eigenes Ding durchzuziehen ist Golo Brdo automatisch goranisch.

Pozdrav aus Goranski Quartier in Tirana.
