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Nachrichten aus Griechenland

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ALEXANDROUPOLIS -- U.S. Ambassador to Greece Geoffrey Pyatt on Friday underscored the United States' strategic commitment to northern Greece, in statements to the Athens-Macedonian News Agency while visiting the port of Alexandroupolis for the final phase of the inter-allied military exercise Defender-Europe 2021. VIPs visited Alexandroupolis on Friday for the start of the port authority's support of the exercise and the hosting of U.S. forces at the port.

Asked by ANA about the significance of the use of the Alexandroupolis port by US forces in actions such as that on Friday, as well as his own frequent visits to the region, for bilateral Greek-U.S. relations, Pyatt said that "this is a proof of our strategic commitment to northern Greece and of Alexandroupolis' role as a military logistics hub, an energy hub, a regional access hub and a transport hub."

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