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Nachrichten aus Griechenland

  • Ersteller Ersteller Gelöschtes Mitglied 9433
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Ist aber wenig wenn man bedängt das letztes Jahr um knapp 9% runter gegangen ist
"Bedängt", dein ernst du femboy? :lol:

"Bedängenswert" wären auch die jüngsten Entscheidungen der gr. Regierung

Defense and Geo-strategic analyst Athanasios Drougos:

From a financial perspective for a small country like Greece, the French weapons are quite expensive, Drougos thinks. He says that Greece did not get anything useful, or substantial for its industrial sector from the Paris agreement (for example some construction/auxiliary contributions, investments in the Greek shipyards etc).

“I would not be very sure and remain skeptical regarding the level, involvement of France in defending the Greek rights in its EEZ [Exclusive Economic Zone],” Drougos says. He doesn’t believe that the French would interfere with Turkey’s broad spectrum provocations in the Aegean.

“I do not trust the French to offer nuclear coverage and guarantees to Athens in an extreme scenario of threats and grave tensions, for instance. Plus, Athens should keep its distance from potential French military operations in any sub-Saharan/Sahel bones of contention.”

He remains skeptical, though, about the Rafale deal, because it’s about 12 second-hand planes, which have not had any real fighting experience in contemporary/recent 4th/5th generation wars. “It would be better and more convenient to wait a bit longer before the buy, given that Turkey has not yet reached its selection/final aircraft decision”.

Drougos believes that the US/UK/Australia alliance could potentially influence developments in Cyprus and other regions. “I remain skeptical, because I believe Greek politicians mostly do not study in depth all the relevant defense and diplomatic alternatives, and proceed to hasty, frivolous and even frustrating decisions.”

Ihr Greco Foristen erzählt mal was heute in GR los war. Faschisten und Nazis marschieren auf.... Menshen stellen sich den Nazis in den Weg und wen greifen die Cops an....genau....diejenigen die sich den Nazis in den Weg stellen. Armes GR. WTF!!!