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Nachrichten aus Kroatien

Zivjela Jugoslavija !

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Operacija Maslenica je oslobodilačka operacija Oružanih Snaga Republike Hrvatske i pripadnika Ministarstva unutrašnjih poslova RH, protiv vojnih snaga tzv. "Republike Srpske Krajine" koje su na području Zadra do tada držale okupiranim područje koje je prekidalo kopnenu komunikaciju Dalmacije s područjima pod kontrolom legitimnih vlasti Republike Hrvatske u preostalom dijelu zemlje.


    Sie haben keine Berechtigung Anhänge anzusehen. Anhänge sind ausgeblendet.
[h=1]Croatian Jews to boycott Holocaust remembrance event over 'relativization' of crimes[/h]
(Reuters) - Croatian Jews said on Monday they would boycott the country's main Holocaust remembrance event this week, accusing the authorities of playing down crimes perpetrated under the Nazi-backed Ustasa regime during World War Two.
International Holocaust Remembrance Day is held on Jan. 27 each year, the date in 1945 when the biggest Nazi concentration camp, Auschwitz in occupied Poland, was liberated by Soviet troops.
Three months ago, rightist veterans of Croatia's 1991-95 independence war raised a commemorative plaque in the town of Jasenovac to comrades killed there at the beginning of the conflict Zagreb fought to secede from Serbian-led Yugoslavia.

Zbog neprimerenih reakcija i veličanja ustaštva predstavnici Koordinacije jevrejskih opština neće se pridružiti tradicionalnom skupu sećanja koji 27. januara, povodom Međunarodnog dana sećanja na žrtve Holokausta, organizuje hrvatska vlast, potvrdio je predsednik Jevrejske opštine Zagreb Ognjen Kraus.

Croatian Jews to boycott Holocaust remembrance event over 'relativisation' of crimes | World | Reuters

bravo dem faschismus in kroatien muss n deutliches zeichen gesetzt werden wie den relativierenden ochsen die sich durch die politik und gesellschaft ziehn
Croatian Jews to boycott Holocaust remembrance event over 'relativization' of crimes

(Reuters) - Croatian Jews said on Monday they would boycott the country's main Holocaust remembrance event this week, accusing the authorities of playing down crimes perpetrated under the Nazi-backed Ustasa regime during World War Two.
International Holocaust Remembrance Day is held on Jan. 27 each year, the date in 1945 when the biggest Nazi concentration camp, Auschwitz in occupied Poland, was liberated by Soviet troops.
Three months ago, rightist veterans of Croatia's 1991-95 independence war raised a commemorative plaque in the town of Jasenovac to comrades killed there at the beginning of the conflict Zagreb fought to secede from Serbian-led Yugoslavia.

Croatian Jews to boycott Holocaust remembrance event over 'relativisation' of crimes | World | Reuters

bravo dem faschismus in kroatien muss n deutliches zeichen gesetzt werden wie den relativierenden ochsen die sich durch die politik und gesellschaft ziehn

Gegen den Artikel hab ich nichts, dein Kommentar zeigt aber wie faschistisch du veranlagt bist.
[h=1]Croatian Jews to boycott Holocaust remembrance event over 'relativization' of crimes[/h]
(Reuters) - Croatian Jews said on Monday they would boycott the country's main Holocaust remembrance event this week, accusing the authorities of playing down crimes perpetrated under the Nazi-backed Ustasa regime during World War Two.
International Holocaust Remembrance Day is held on Jan. 27 each year, the date in 1945 when the biggest Nazi concentration camp, Auschwitz in occupied Poland, was liberated by Soviet troops.
Three months ago, rightist veterans of Croatia's 1991-95 independence war raised a commemorative plaque in the town of Jasenovac to comrades killed there at the beginning of the conflict Zagreb fought to secede from Serbian-led Yugoslavia.

Croatian Jews to boycott Holocaust remembrance event over 'relativisation' of crimes | World | Reuters

bravo dem faschismus in kroatien muss n deutliches zeichen gesetzt werden wie den relativierenden ochsen die sich durch die politik und gesellschaft ziehn

...*dem serbentum...dann passt's...