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Nachrichten aus Serbien

Ein sehr interessanter Beitrag bezüglich China und Serbien und die Beschwichtigungspolitik der EU Serbien ggü.

Vučić also plays the China card for an external audience, leveraging the China threat to gain concessions from the EU. Sometimes he is less than subtle about this—in 2020, for example, he stated that if the EU failed to fund a planned overhaul of the railway from Belgrade to Niš, he would turn to China. Still, the threat worked, and the EU provided a non-repayable grant of €610 million for the project.

Ever since the former Commissioner for Enlargement Johannes Hahn warned of Beijing turning Serbia into a “Trojan Horse,” the EU has scrambled to deepen its influence in Serbia. Brussels has always turned a blind eye to Vučic’s unsavory dimensions, expressing its concern, rather than risking the apparent stability Vučić provides. Now that geopolitics is back to the fore, the EU will only grant more concessions and turn an even blinder eye to Vučić’s authoritarian impulses.
Kenne ich. Mich hat er auch auf ignore. Ist zwar mühsam, aber ich logge aus wenn mich Beitrag interessiert :lol:
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Da fängt er den Ghettoblaster mit dem Gesicht auf und Erschütterung des Hirns. Bild muss schon Jahre her sein, würde manches erklären :lol:

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Disse ist Serbe wir handeln instinktiv wenn alles andere versagt hat xD