Pare mia Pipa kai ei sto dialo.
Patrida lass den Qar´sr-el-Yahud,
wahrscheinlcih sitzt er die meiste Zeit vor seinem Computer und schaut sich türkische Militärvideos und holt sich dabei eine........
Zeit hat er, er gehört, mit hoher Wahrscheinlichkeit zu diesen hier:
80% of Turkish Muslim Settlers in Germany Live off Welfare
Turks came to Germany as ‘guest workers’. They were supposed to provide some “necessary cheap labor” and then leave. But it didn’t work out that way.
Very few Turks in Germany have a regular job; about 20%. The other 80% live on the so-called Hartz IV (state social benefits). 70% of their children have no GCSE; they left school before they finished their basic education.
80% of Turkish Muslim Settlers in Germany Live off Welfare | FrontPage Magazine
Zwar finde ich persönlich, die Anzahl von 80% zu hoch, aber wahrscheinlcih ist es so.