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wenn postieren wir sehr alte Historischer Bücher, die sehr schweer ist zu finden , Sie sagen : eh zu alt ( wie Grobar sagt) , wenn wir postieren von Größeres bekannte Linguisten die alte pellasgischer Sprache mit albanisch ähnlich ist , wie von erste seite in diese Thread sagt ihr immer wider , wo sind beweisen :)
Habt ihr gelesen ? = NEIN , darum fragt ihr :)

Wen ich postier jetzt linguisten von heutiger tage , was sagt ihr , wider nicht ?

What's the "oldest language"?
How old is language?

Answer provided by Elizabeth Pyatt, Pennsylvania State University

What's the "oldest language"?

In my opinion, we don't know the answer to this question, although some people will give one anyway. Here are some criteria people use, and reasons why linguists don't think they really work.

Oldest Written Form
But all of this is irrelevant, because writing is not equal to speaking.

In 3200 BC, there were many, many languages spoken besides Sumerian and Egyptian, but they weren't fortunate enough to have a writing system. These languages are just as old. To take one interesting case, the Albanian language (spoken north of Greece) was not written down until about the 15th century AD, yet Ptolemy mentions the people in the first century BC.* The linguistic and archaeological evidence suggests that Albanians were a distinct people for even longer than that. So Albanian has probably existed for several millennia, but has only been written down for 500 years. With a twist of fate, Albanian might be considered very "old" and Greek pretty "new".
Ask A Linguist FAQ: Oldest Language


Dr. Stefan Schumacher Austrian Science Fund FWF
Mag. Stefan Bernhardt

University of Vienna nstitute of Linguistics / Indo-European Studies


(Old) Albanian - Living legacy of a dead language?

According to the central hypothesis of a project undertaken by the Austrian Science Fund FWF, Old Albanian had a significant influence on the development of many Balkan languages. Intensive research now aims to confirm this theory. This little-known language is being researched using all available texts before a comparison with other Balkan languages is carried out. The outcome of this work will include the compilation of a lexicon providing an overview of all Old Albanian verbs.

Different languages in the same geographical area often reveal certain similarities, despite there being no evidence of a common origin. This phenomenon, known as "Sprachbund", is also evident in the Balkan region where the Albanian, Greek, Bulgarian, Macedonian and Romanian languages display common words and structures. The question is whether these languages have influenced one another, or whether one specific language has been decisive in shaping the evolution of the others?

A project by the Department of Linguistics at the University of Vienna aims to prove that (Old) Albanian was a major influence on the other Balkan languages. Linguist Dr. Stefan Schumacher and his colleague Dr. Joachim Matzinger are undertaking pioneering research in two key areas. The initial stage involves an in-depth examination of Old Albanian, as research into this language is extremely scarce in comparison to modern Albanian. This includes an analysis of the Old Albanian verbal system using all available written sources - the first study of its kind. In the second stage, the results are compared with the verbal systems of the other Balkan languages to establish where similarities occur......

Hier noch was fur De_La_GreCo
The Enigma of Pelasgians and Etruscans, Albanians

Hier Italienisch :
Enigma dei Pelasgi e degli Etruschi, Albanesi

Du bist mir noch paar antworten schuldig, versuch dich mal daran bevor wir zu neuen ufern aufbrechen.
Nun auch wenn der Zypriote versucht gescheit zu wirken so sind sein mangel an griechischer Geschichte kaum zu übersehen.

Die Geschichten die Herodot, Strabon und co. erzählt haben wurden je nachdem anders ausgelegt.

Noch heute werden ja die Auffasungen von Platon von Autor zu Autor, von Student zu Student anders ausgelegt und interpretiert.

Herodot sagt über die Athener sie waren früher Pelasgen, aber heute verstehen sie die Sprache nicht....

Es gibt mehrere Möglichkeiten wie man dieses auslegen kann...
Der eine wird sagen, die konnten sie deshalbt nicht verstehen, weil die athener eingewandert sind und die Pelasgen assimiliert haben.

Wiederum kann man auch sagen, dass die Athener Pelasgen waren aber durch ihr Bildungsgrad ihr Dialekt sich so verändert hatte, das die pelasgische Sprache wiederum sich wie eine andere anhörte auf dem ersten Blick obwohl es wohl das selbe war.
Summa sumarum hellenisch.

Was den zyprioten angeht naja schau meine signatur :D.
Sie wollen-versuchen was unmöglich zu machen, das was ist schon langst bechtatigt die vier Seiten der Welt , auch von eure Leute Grobar :
Stojan Novakoviç “Balkansko pitanje i istorisko -politie beleske od Balkanski poluostrov” (1886 -1905)
Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Sie wollen etwas zu machen, das was ist schon langst bechtatigt die vier Seiten der Welt auch von eure Leute Grobar :
Stojan Novakoviç “Balkansko pitanje i istorisko -politie beleske od Balkanski poluostrov” (1886 -1905)
Mag sein das es 1905 oder wann auch immer jugoslawen gab die Buecher geschrieben haben...so what?...niemand hier bestreitet das.

The place where the Albanian language was formed is uncertain, but analysis has suggested that it was in a mountainous region, rather than in a plain or seacoast[42]: while the words for plants and animals characteristic of mountainous regions are entirely original, the names for fish and for agricultural activities (such as ploughing) are borrowed from other languages
Albanian language - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Aber natuerlich werden in eurer Phantasie heldenhafte "albanische" Vorfahren die Meere der Welt umsegeln(ionier???)...und das sollen sie auch...
Es ist Serbiens Enzyklopädie , du kanst kaufen wan du willst ..
Für diejenigen, Fotos was habe ich gepostet gibt es keine Antwort , alte kultur nur bei uns ist .

Wer sagt das ?
Alle Albaner waren , Amtssprache war albanisch bis vor 20 jahrhundert , nicht lange zeit oder ?
Erste President war Albaner , zweiter auch , Minister auch .Helden auch !
Was noch ?

The first President of Greece was an Albanian, 1824!



2. Vater der Nation= Albaner
Lazaros Koundouriotis fought during the Greek War of Independence 1821 and is
called "the Father of the Nation"

The Koundouriotis family, which produced the first President of the Greek Republic, was Albanian, like many of Idra's early settlers, who fled here from the Turks in the 15th century. Despite popular mistrust of theAlbanians today in the face of a new wave of immigration, elements of Albania have penetrated into Greek culture: the foustanella or kilt that's a part of the formal attire of Greek soldiers is based on Albanian fighting gear, and is sometimes referred to as the "Albanian kilt:" http://books.google.com/books?id=CZUhoF ... ka&f=false

3. Griechenland

Greece and the Greeks of the present day
By Edmond



Greece and the Greeks of the present day - Google Books

was willst du mehr als das ?
Sag mal bitte , vater der nazion Albaner , wo gibt so ?

Du zeigst die Überschrifft von George Finlay aber die Seite eines anderen Buches wo Griechen als Primaten beschimpft werden. Wo sind da jetzt die beweisse?? Du hasst meine fragen noch immer nicht beantwortet, wo ist da die zugehörichkeit?
wenn postieren wir sehr alte Historischer Bücher, die sehr schweer ist zu finden , Sie sagen : eh zu alt ( wie Grobar sagt) , wenn wir postieren von Größeres bekannte Linguisten die alte pellasgischer Sprache mit albanisch ähnlich ist , wie von erste seite in diese Thread sagt ihr immer wider , wo sind beweisen :)
Habt ihr gelesen ? = NEIN , darum fragt ihr :)

Wen ich postier jetzt linguisten von heutiger tage , was sagt ihr , wider nicht ?

What's the "oldest language"?
How old is language?

Answer provided by Elizabeth Pyatt, Pennsylvania State University

What's the "oldest language"?

In my opinion, we don't know the answer to this question, although some people will give one anyway. Here are some criteria people use, and reasons why linguists don't think they really work.

Oldest Written Form
But all of this is irrelevant, because writing is not equal to speaking.

In 3200 BC, there were many, many languages spoken besides Sumerian and Egyptian, but they weren't fortunate enough to have a writing system. These languages are just as old. To take one interesting case, the Albanian language (spoken north of Greece) was not written down until about the 15th century AD, yet Ptolemy mentions the people in the first century BC.* The linguistic and archaeological evidence suggests that Albanians were a distinct people for even longer than that. So Albanian has probably existed for several millennia, but has only been written down for 500 years. With a twist of fate, Albanian might be considered very "old" and Greek pretty "new".
Ask A Linguist FAQ: Oldest Language


Dr. Stefan Schumacher Austrian Science Fund FWF
Mag. Stefan Bernhardt
University of Vienna nstitute of Linguistics / Indo-European Studies


(Old) Albanian - Living legacy of a dead language?

According to the central hypothesis of a project undertaken by the Austrian Science Fund FWF, Old Albanian had a significant influence on the development of many Balkan languages. Intensive research now aims to confirm this theory. This little-known language is being researched using all available texts before a comparison with other Balkan languages is carried out. The outcome of this work will include the compilation of a lexicon providing an overview of all Old Albanian verbs.

Different languages in the same geographical area often reveal certain similarities, despite there being no evidence of a common origin. This phenomenon, known as "Sprachbund", is also evident in the Balkan region where the Albanian, Greek, Bulgarian, Macedonian and Romanian languages display common words and structures. The question is whether these languages have influenced one another, or whether one specific language has been decisive in shaping the evolution of the others?

A project by the Department of Linguistics at the University of Vienna aims to prove that (Old) Albanian was a major influence on the other Balkan languages. Linguist Dr. Stefan Schumacher and his colleague Dr. Joachim Matzinger are undertaking pioneering research in two key areas. The initial stage involves an in-depth examination of Old Albanian, as research into this language is extremely scarce in comparison to modern Albanian. This includes an analysis of the Old Albanian verbal system using all available written sources - the first study of its kind. In the second stage, the results are compared with the verbal systems of the other Balkan languages to establish where similarities occur......

Hier noch was fur De_La_GreCo
The Enigma of Pelasgians and Etruscans, Albanians

Hier Italienisch :
Enigma dei Pelasgi e degli Etruschi, Albanesi

Glaubst du die Albaner sprechen das Illyrische wie vor 1500 Jahren? Kein Volk auf der Erde spricht die Sprache, die man vor hunderten oder tausenden Jahren gesprochen hat. Ausgenommen Eingeborene die dicht im Urwald wohnen und selten konatkt mit der Zivilisation haben. Wenn das albanische bzw Iyllrische Schriften erst vor 500 Jahren endeckt wurden,wieso ist das griechische "neurer"?