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Die heimlichen Herrscher von Diyarbakir

hier wird die terroristenpartei hdpkk sehr gut beschrieben. Von wegen demokratisch und so.....zerschlagen und ins loch geworfen gehören sie.

Tja vielleicht bleibst du besser im Kosovo. Probleme anderer Länder übersteigen deinen Horizont.
heute in diyarbakir silvan 3 pkk-terroristen elliminiert,der anti-terrorkampf geht umgebremst weiter..


- - - Aktualisiert - - -

die turkische luftwaffe bombardiert wieder pkk-terrorstellungen im nordirak

[h=2]Turkish Jets Strike Kurdish fighters Targets in Northern Iraq[/h]
3/11/2015 16:18:00
Turkish Jets Strike Kurdish fighters Targets in Northern Iraq

Turkish jets carried out new raids on suspected Kurdish fighters targets across the border in northern Iraq, the military said Tuesday as the ruling party pressed ahead with anti-rebel operations after winning a resounding victory in Sunday's election.

The Turkish airstrikes hit shelters, underground bunkers and weapon emplacements belonging to the Kurdistan Workers' Party, or PKK, in six locations Monday in northern Iraq, including the Qandil Mountains where the rebel leadership is based, the military said in a statement.
Inside Turkey, authorities declared a curfew in certain parts of the mainly Kurdish town of Silvan, where security forces clashed with PKK rebels. At least two militants were killed, the local governor's office said.

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