Naja als Serbin müsstest du dich ja mit Manipulation und Propaganda aus der Milosevic/Karacic Ära sehr gut auskennen.
Es ist nicht nur peinlich FALSCHE Bilder ins netz zu setzen, es ist bewusste Manipulation und zwar egal wo, wie, wann oder warum. Du hast schon verstanden.
Trabzonlari birakin, in einem Jahr gibt es das PKK Problem nicht mehr. Pekocular trabzon'da ne ariyorlar?
PKK nüfusu cok hizli artiyor ve Türklerden cok daha örgütlüler. Türkler ise Osmanli hayalleriyle uyusmus vaziyetteler.
Turkey launches first air strikes on PKK in northern Iraq since attempted coup
ISTANBUL - Agence France-Presse
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The Turkish Armed Forces (TSK) have carried out their first air strikes against the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) in northern Iraq since the July 15 failed coup attempt, killing 20 PKK militants, state media reported on July 20.
F-16 fighter jets late on July 19 hit PKK targets in the Hakurk region of northern Iraq, said the state-run Anadolu Agency, quoting security sources.
Former Turkish Air Force Chief Gen. Akın Öztürk, 25 other ex-generals and a large number of soldiers have been arrested, suspected of planning a coup on July 15.July/20/2016
Turkey launches first air strikes on PKK in northern Iraq since attempted coup - MIDEAST
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