Kragujevac has shown excellent results when it comes to working with young people and as a present from the Republic of Serbia it is getting a sports arena.
The arena is located in the sports complex in Kragujevac near the football stadium and the engineering faculty while it borders the pool complex, city park and restaurant Sport in which there are various photos of when basketball started in Kragujevac.
The children look forward to the completion of this project.

Kragujevac je pokazao izuzetne rezultate u radu sa mladima i dobio kao nagradu, suinvestiranje sportske hale od strane Republike Srbije.
Hala nastaje u divnom sportskom kompleksu u Kragujevcu, u blizini fudbalskog stadiona i Mašinskog fakulteta, a naslanja se na kompleks otvorenih bazena, gradski park i restoran Sport, u okviru koga se nalazi i lepa soba-mali muzej sa starim slikama iz vremena kada je košarka krenula u Kragujevcu.
Deca Kragujevca će se radovati ovom objektu.
Photos of the arena under construction / Slede slike objekta u izgradnji: