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Projekte im engeren Serbien + Kosovo

The Pančevo bridge expects urgent reconstruction

Minister of Capital Investments, Velimir Ilić, stated that the Pančevo bridge was in the “decay phase” and that it needed the urgent reconstruction, due to which the commission had been formed that should submit report on the degree of damage.
- The bridge is in very poor condition, because some cracks appeared and became visible - said Ilić, adding that the authorized officials are aware of the existing problem, but, in order to start any work, it is necessary that experts give some suggestion for traffic regulation.
He estimated that the construction of new bridge across the Danube and bypass near Ostružnica would much contribute to the reduction of traffic on some junctions and that the Government of Serbia had provided 30m EUR for the works on the aforementioned bypass, while 20m EUR had been provided through credit lines.
Also, the Minister pointed out that the tender for new bridge near Vinča would be announced soon and that the Transportation Institute CIP was hired to prepare project dossier.

Srpske verzije trenutno nema
"Hameum international" to start construction of a burek factory in Prokuplje

A private company from Prokuplje which exports burek from Serbia - "Hameum international", by the decision of Prokuplje county, was given a free arranged construction land for building up a burek factory, which would employ 200 workers.
The new factory would make it possible for the company to monthly export burek to the markets of Western Europe and United Arab Emirates. 60 tones of ecological burek will be made out of plant fat.
This company already has a contract for export of 30 tones of burek monthly to Germany and Switzerland, and it also made some arrangements with Italy, while it also recently begun, after getting HALAL standard certificate, to export to Muslim countries.
The burek from Prokuplje, made out of potatoes, apples, cherries, soya, mushrooms or without additives to West already made and frozen and it is the only product of the baking industry which has a label of a acknowledged Serbian brand with HACAP standard.

Prokupačko privatno preduzeće koje izvozi burek iz Srbije – "Hammeum internacional", odlukom opštine Prokuplje, dobilo je besplatno uređeno građevinsko zemljište za izgradnju fabrike bureka, koja će zapošljavati 200 radnika.
Nova fabrika omogući će da pomenuta firma mesečno na tržište zapadne Evrope i u Ujedinjene Arapske Emirate izvezu 60 tona ekološkog bureka pravljenog sa biljnom mašću.
To preduzeće, na osnovu već sklopljenih ugovora, izvozi 30 tona bureka mesečno u Nemačku i Švajcarsku, a uvozne aranžmane napravilo je i sa Italijom, dok je na osnovu nedavno dobijenog HALAL standarda otpočelo i izvoz u muslimanske zemlje.
Prokupački burek od krompira, jabuka, višanja, soje, pečuraka i prazan, putuje na zapad pečen i zamrznut i jedini je proizvod pekarske industrije koji na zapadu nosi etiketu, priznati srpski brend sa HACAP standardom.
Ski-center on Stara Mountain to be more attractive than Kopaonik

Minister of Finance in Serbia, Mlađan Dinkić, promised quick construction of ski centre on Stara Mountain, which should become "a far more attractive centre than Kopaonik" and "one of the highest incomes" from tourism in Serbia.
- Since, at the moment, there is only one small holiday hostel on Stara Mountain, we will start over from the beginning. First of all, we have to organize 50 km of road from Svrljig to Stara Mountain and make four-seat cable railway and one ski lift, so that, for the next season, we will have a ski-track 2 km long, which is longer than the track on Kopaonik - said Dinkić.
He said that Austrian experts had worked on the master plan, which would determine the location for construction of a hotel and other tourism capacities on Stara Mountain. After that, as he said, the investment "worth several hundreds of millions of euros" should follow.
- Although the construction of hotels on Stara Mountain will be financed from Serbian private capital, I am sure that the foreigners will be the ones who will invest the most. Construction of ski-centre on this mountain is the investment opportunity for Niš and other cities on the south of Serbia, as well as for Niš-based Airport – the Minister explained.

Ministar finansija Srbije Mlađan Dinkić obećao je ubrzanu izgradnju ski-centra na Staroj planini koja bi trebalo da postane "daleko atraktivniji centar od Kopaonika" i "jedan od najvećih prihoda" od turizma u Srbiji.
- Pošto sada na Staroj planini postoji samo jedno malo odmaralište, krenućemo praktično od nule. Najpre moramo srediti 50 kilometara puta od Svrljiga do Stare planine i napraviti četvorosednu žičaru i jedan ski-lift, tako da ćemo već za narednu sezonu imati ski-stazu od dva kilometra, što je duže nego staza na Kopaoniku – rekao je Dinkić. On je kazao da austrijski stručnjaci već rade na master planu kojim će, pored ostalog, biti određena lokacija za izgradnju hotela i drugih turističkih kapaciteta na Staroj planini. Nakon toga, kako je kazao, trebalo bi usledi investicija "vredna nekoliko stotina mil EUR".
- Mada će hoteli na Staroj planini biti građeni i srpskim privatnim kapitalom, siguran sam da će u njihovu izgradnju najviše investirati stranci. Izgradnja ski-centra na ovoj planini je investiciona šansa za Niš i druge gradove na jugu Srbije, kao i za niški Aerodrom – objasnio je ministar.

Construction of six capital gas pipelines in Serbia

Thanks to the money from the National Investment Plan, the construction of eight projects wroth around 60m EUR in the field of power supply should start in few months.
The construction of six distributive gas pipelines that would make it possible for consumers in central and west Serbia to start using cleaner and cheaper fuel. There are also two projects for increase in energy efficiency and use of solar energy, in scope of which the subventions will be given to the consumers for exchange of windows, installation of insulation and solar boilers, as well as investment in reduction of losses in heating plants in 50 cities and municipalities around Serbia.
The single value of the construction of a gas pipeline ranges between 2 and 14m EUR, with total of about 35m EUR. Approved means from the National Investment Plan are 60-70% of total value of the works, whereas "Srbija gas" and local self-managements should provide the rest.
These are the gas pipelines Kruševac-Vrnjačka Banja, Batočina-Cvetojevac, Požega-Arilje-Ivanjica, Beograd-Valjevo, Užice-Čajetina and Trstenik-Aleksandrovac.
About 5m EUR should be set aside for subventions for citizens for exchange of windows and insulation, as well as for installation of solar boilers.

Zahvaljujući parama iz Nacionalnog investicionog plana, u Srbiji bi za nekoliko meseci trebalo da počne izgradnja osam projekata u energetici vrednih oko 60 mil EUR.
Reč je o izgradnji šest razvodnih gasovoda koji bi omogućili prelazak potrošača u centralnoj i zapadnoj Srbiji na čistiji i jeftiniji energenat. Tu su i dva projekta za povećanje energetske efikasnosti i korišćenje sunčeve energije u okviru kojih se predviđa davanje subvencija potrošačima za zamenu prozora, postavljanje izolacije i ugradnju solarnih kotlova, kao i ulaganje u smanjenje gubitaka u toplanama u 50 gradova i opština širom Republike.
Pojedinačna vrednost izgradnje gasovoda kreće se od 2 do 14 mil EUR, a ukupno oko 35 mil EUR. Odobrena sredstva iz Nacionalnog investicionog plana su 60 do 70% ukupne vrednosti posla, dok je predviđeno da ostatak obezbedi preduzeće "Srbija gas" i lokalne samouprave.
Reč je o gasovodima Kruševac-Vrnjačka Banja, Batočina-Cvetojevac, Požega-Arilje-Ivanjica, Beograd-Valjevo, Užice-Čajetina i Trstenik-Aleksandrovac.
Za subvencije građanima prilikom zamene prozora i izolacije, kao i postavljanje solarnih kotlova, trebalo bi da bude izdvojeno oko 5 mil EUR.
Belgijska kompanija "Planta spontanea" najavila je da će na proleće naredne godine početi izgradnju fabrike za preradu lekovitog bilja u Dobri, pored Golupca, u koju će investirati 17 miliona evra.

Direktor kompanije "Planta spontanea" Rino Tutobene (Tuttobene) rekao je agenciji Beta da bi izgradnja trebalo da bude završena do oktobra 2007. godine i da će u fabrici biti zaposleno oko 50 ljudi, od kojih će polovina biti farmaceuti i biohemičari. On je istakao da će lekovito bilje biti prerađivano po najmodernijoj tehnologiji francuskih i italijanskih proizvođača i da će za potrebe fabrike raditi oko 500 uzgajivača. "Planta spontanea" će fabriku graditi u saradnji sa beogradskim preduzećem "Infleks" na mestu tekstilne industrije "Nata Dugošević", koju je ranije kupila belgijska kompanija.
Works on the Belgrade bypass road have been continued


Work will start immediately and the construction firm responsible for this project will be the national consortium including Mostogradnja and Planum. They will have the opportunity to finally complete the agreement signed several years earlier.

The first phase of work on the fourth sector, from Ostružnica to Orlovača (Ibarska Magistrala), will begin immediately. A little bit later, work will begin on the second phase, which involves the construction of the section from Orlovača to Bubanj potok. This will be done during the same time as the construction of the bridge crossing over the Danube River at Vinča.

The total path of the bypass road requires the construction of a new brigdge over the Danube at Vinča and a new highway to Pančevo. The total length will be approximately 48 kilometres with 17.3 kilometres already completed. The complete project should be worth approximately 400 million Euros and should be completed within 4 years.

Works on the bypass road will help domestic construction firms to employ their entire capacities and the minister called on them to be well organized and to plan for the completion of the privatization process.

He said that the bypass road project is a question of the survival of domestic construction firms because if they are not organized and if they do not fufil deadlines, they will not be given such opportunities again.

The director for Serbian Highways has said that during the fourth sector bypass construction project, seven bridges and two tunnels will be completed. The two tunnels will be called Lipac and Železnik. 48.2 million Euros has been invested so far in this project.

Ministar za kapitalne investicije Srbije Velimir Ilić najavio je nastavak gradnje obilaznice oko Beograda, na sektoru četiri, dužine 7,7 kilometara, čija je vrednost 150 miliona evra.

On je kazao da bi radovi trebalo da budu završeni za dve godine i da je 30 miliona evra obezbeđeno iz Nacionalnog investicionog programa, a 120 miliona evra iz kredita Evropske investicione banke i Evropske agencije za rekostrukciju.

"Radovi će početi odmah", rekao je Ilić objasnivši da će izvođač biti nacionalni konzorcijum na čelu sa "Mostogradnjom" i "Planumom", čime će se realizovati ugovori koji su sklopljeni pre nekoliko godina.

Prva faza sektora četiri, od Ostružnice do Orlovače, odnosno Ibarske magistrale, počeće da se radi odmah, nešto kasnije radiće se i druga faza od Orlovače do Bubanj potoka, paralelno sa radom na mostu na Dunavu kod Vinče.

Ukupna trasa obilaznice koja podrazumeva izgradnju novog mosta preko Dunava kod Vinče i nov auto put do Pančeva biće oko 48 kilometara, a do sada je urađeno 17,3 kilometara. Vredna je oko 400 miliona evra i trebalo bi da bude završena za četiri godine.
Radovi na obilaznici oko Beograda pomoćiće domaćim putarima i građevinarima da zaposle svoje kapacitete, rekao je Ilić i pozvao sve građevinske firme da se dobro organizuju, a neke od njih da završe proces privatizacije do kraja.

On je rekao da je posao oko obilaznice pitanje opstanka domaćih građevinara, jer ako ne budu radili organizovano i budu kasnili "neće imati šanse da se vrate na velika vrata tamo gde su nekad bile".

Direktor "Puteva Srbije" Branko Jocić kazao je da će na sektoru četiri pored izgradnje puta, biti urađeno i sedam mostova i dva tunela - Lipac i Železnik i da je dosadašnja vrednost završenog posla oko obilaznice 48,2 miliona evra.

Asphalting of road around Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport complex

Airport Nikola Tesla Belgrade has during July started with works on asphalting of near by roads, which will be complete by the end of this week.
The work on the asphalting around the perimeter of the airport is for the first time in Serbia being done with new technology – by recycling older asphalt.
The road is 12 kilometres long and 3 metres widr. For now 9.5 kilometres of road that is 28.500 square metres has been asphalted. The quality of the recycled asphalt is exceptional for the kind of traffic that usually passes by.
After the reconstruction of the runway last year 9,000 tones of asphalt was left which was enough for the asphalting of the road around Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport.
The Plan of Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport is that the asphalt that is left after this project be used for the reconstruction of roads near the airport where needed.
The works on the road has been reported to the Ministry of capital investment while the project is being based on the idea of professor Cvetanović from the university of Belgrade.
The modernization and investment in Belgrade Nikola Tesla airport is one of the strategic goals of this public company.

JP Aerodrom "Nikola Tesla" Beograd je tokom jula počeo sa izvođenjem radova na asfaltiranju obilaznice Aerodroma, koji će se završiti do kraja ove sedmice.
Izvođenje radova na asfaltiranju obilaznog puta oko perimetra kompleksa beogradskog Aerodroma, vrši se, po prvi put u Srbiji primenjenom tehnologijom – preradom već korišćenog asfalta.
Put je ukupne dužine 12 kilometara i širine tri metra. Do sada je asfaltirano oko 9.5 kilometara puta, odnosno 28.500 kvadratnih metara, a kvalitet prerađenog asfalta je odgovarajući za tu vrstu saobraćajnice (koja nije ni autoput, ni magistralni, regionalni put).
Nakon završetka rekonstrukcije poletno-sletne staze JP Aerodrom "Nikola Tesla" Beograd prošle godine, ostalo je 9.000 tona struganog asfalta, koji je dovoljan za asfaltiranje obilaznice Aerodroma "Nikola Tesla" Beograd.
Plan JP Aerodrom "Nikola Tesla" Beograd je da se asfalt koji preostane nakon završetka asfaltiranja obilaznice, uloži u popravku onih delova puteva na Aerodromu gde za to postoji potreba.
Obilazni put je vrlo značajan, jer je uz graničnu ogradu, a svakodnevno ga koriste službe koje kontrolišu ovu zonu.
Izvođenje radova prijavljeno je Ministarstvu za kapitalne investicije, a radovi se izvode prema idejnom projektu prof. Cvetanovića sa Građevinskog fakulteta, Univerziteta u Beogradu.
Modernizacija i ulaganje u razvoj kapaciteta i podizanje kvaliteta usluga Javnog preduzeća Aerodrom "Nikola Tesla" Beograd jedan je od strateških ciljeva ovog preduzeća.




In downtown Užice, a new trade centre has been opened. Public Company "Stan" invested about 4m EUR in its construction.
The apartment-business facility with a surface of 3,800 square meters contains 65 outlets, 14 apartments and 60 garages. It is built on the foundations of the cafe "Pariz" - the cult place for gathering of old citizens of Užice.
The trade centre was designed by the Dean of the Belgrade Architectural Faculty, Mihailo Timotijević, who made sure that the building fit into the city planning structure of that part of the city.
The price of the office space in the trade centre ranges between 1,200 and 2,750 EUR per square meter, whereas the price of apartments is 1,250 EUR if the payment is postponed and 996 EUR per square meter if the payment is realized in cash.

U centru Užica otvoren je tržni centar u čiju izgradnju je Javno preduzeće "Stan" uložilo oko 4 mil EUR.
Taj stambeno-poslovni objekat, površine 3.800 kvadratnih metara, raspolaže sa 65 lokala, 14 stanova i 60 garažnih mesta, a sagrađen je na temeljima kafane "Pariz" - kultnog mesta okupljanja starih Užičana.
Tržni centar je projektovao dekan beogradskog Arhitektonskog fakulteta Mihailo Timotijević, koji je vodio računa da se zgrada uklopi u urbanističku strukturu tog dela grada.
Cena poslovnog prostora u tržnom centru kretala od se od 1.200 do 2.750 evra po kvadratu, dok su stanovi prodavani po ceni od 1.250 evra na odloženo do 996 evra po kvadratu za gotovinsko plaćanje.


Serbian Minister of Capital Investments, Velimir Ilić, confirmed that negotiations between Serbia and Montenegro about construction of highway that would connect Belgrade and Bar are underway.
He said that the main theme of the negotiations is the border point, that is, the place where the road built by Serbia on one side and the road built by Montenegro on the other side would meet.
Ilić said that Montenegrins had already defined that point in their variant of the road that should go through Berane.
So far, Serbia thinks about two variants - Užice, i.e. Zlatibor, and Sjenica, i.e. Pešter. There is also suggestion that something in between should be accepted.

Srpski ministar za kapitalne investicije Velimir Ilić potvrdio je da su između Srbije i Crne Gore u toku dogovori oko izgradnje autoputa koji bi povezao Beograd sa Barom.
On je kazao da je u središtu dogovaranja granična tačka, odnosno mesto do kojeg će, sa jedne strane Srbija, a sa druge Crna Gora, da izgrade put.
Ilić je rekao da su Crnogorci, u svojoj varijanti puta koji ide preko Berana, definisali tu tačku do koje žele da dođu sa autoputem.
Za sada, u Srbiji postoje dve varijante - užička, odnosno zlatiborska, i sjenička, odnosno pešterska. Postoji predlog da se radi nešto između.


Velimir Ilić
Total value of construction of two new ski lifts on Kopaonik - 7.8m EUR

Yesterday (August 23, 2006), Minister of Finance, Capital Investment and Trade, Tourism and Services, Mlađan Dinkić, Velimir Ilić and Bojan Dimitrijević, marked the commencement of works on construction of new four-seat ski lifts "Duboka 1" and "Duboka 2".
The National Investment Plan set aside about 4m EUR for the construction of these ski lifts. However, total value of the lifts is about 7.8m EUR. The construction works will be finished and the ski lifts will be put into operation at the end of December 2006.
The capacity of both lifts after the completion of the first phase of works will amount to 1,800 skiers per hour, whereas that number will increase to 2,400 skiers per hour at the end of the second phase of works. The speed of the ski lifts will be 5 m/sec.
The manufacturer of the equipment is Austrian company "Doppelmayr", which provided five-year credit for procurement of equipment.

Ministri finansija, kapitalnih investicija i trgovine, turizma i usluga, Mlađan Dinkić,Velimir Ilić i Bojan Dimitrijević označili su juče (23. avgust 2006. godine) na Kopaoniku početak radova na izgradnji novih četvorosednih žičara "Duboka 1" i "Duboka 2".
Za izgradnju tih žičara iz sredstava Nacionalnog investicionog plana izdvojeno je oko 4 mil EUR. Međutim, ukupna vrednost žičara je oko 7,8 mil EUR, a one će, kako je rečeno, biti zvršene i puštene u rad krajem decembra 2006. godine.
Kapacitet obe žičare po završetku prve faze radova biće 1.800 skijaša na sat, na kraju druge faze radove 2.400 skijaša na sat, a brzina žicara biće pet metara u sekundi.
Proizvođač opreme je austrijska firma "Dopelmajer", (Doppelmayer) koja je i obezbedila petogodišnji kredit za opremu.
