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Projekte im engeren Serbien + Kosovo

For reconstruction of heating power plants in Serbia - 22 millions eur

Representatives of the Government of Serbia and the German Credit institution for reconstruction have signed a contract about financing of the reconstruction of central heating system in Serbia, worth 22 millions eur. Minsiter of financies, Mladjan Dinkic, said after signing the contract, that 10 million eur is a donation of the German government, and the rest is a credit of the German bank under very good conditions.
The whole program of reconstruction of the heating power plants in six cities in Serbia will cost 32 million eur, and the difference of 10 millions eur will be secured from the local departments.

Predstavnici Vlade Srbije i nemačke Kreditne ustanove za obnovu potpisali su ugovor o finansiranju obnove daljinskog sistema grejanja u Srbiji, vredan 22 miliona evra. Ministar finansija Srbije Mlađan Dinkić kazao je posle potpisivanja ugovora da je od te sume 10 miliona evra donacija nemačke vlade, a ostatak je kredit te nemačke banke pod povoljnim uslovima.
Ceo program obnove toplana u šest gradova Srbije koštaće 32 miliona evra, a razliku od 10 miliona evra obezbediće lokalne samouprave.
Most modern prison, construction in Kruševac

Počinje gradnja najmodernijeg zatvora u Srbiji, u Kruševcu
Gradnja najmodernijeg, ali i najobezbeđenijeg okružnog zatvora u Srbiji, počinje na proleće, najavljuje Stevan Aksentijević, upravnik Vaspitno-popravnog doma u Kruševcu.
Novac je obezbeđen, ali se resorna ministarstva još nisu usaglasila o tome koju od tri ponuđene lokacije će izabrati za gradnju, potvrdio je Aksentijević, inače i član tima za reformu zatvorsko-vaspitnog sistema Srbije.
Okružni zatvor u Kruševcu, osim što se nalazi na neprimerenoj lokaciji, u strogom centru grada, već odavno je prebukiran, sa uslovima života zatvorenika koji ne zadovoljavaju evropske standarde.
Posle CZ-a u Beogradu, ovo će biti drugi najveći okružni zatvor u Srbiji. Imaće najbolji video-nadzor kako bi se smanjila mogućnost bekstva. Poslednji okružni zatvor sagrađen je 1987/88. godine u Novom Sadu, koji je po tadašnjim kriterijumima bio i najmoderniji. Ali, u razgovoru sa njegovim upravnikom, saznali smo da u njemu ima dosta toga što bi trebalo promeniti, kazao je Aksentijević i dodao da će njegova iskustva "ugraditi" u novi zatvor u Kruševcu.
Na adekvatan način biće odvojene prekršajno kažnjene osobe od onih koji izdržavaju kaznu za teška krivična dela - naglasio je Aksentijević.

Italian "Tempo" and German "Obi" are building a trade center in Kragujevac

Italian trade company "Tempo" and German "Obi" company have agreed to purchase 1.2 hectares more of a land in Kragujevac (Tempo already bought 3.8 hectares) for building of a joint mall.
The new mall will be on around 20.000 m2, and besides the stores with products of mass consumption will also have sale rooms of cars and white techniques. The building of this object in Kragujevac' es Industrial zone (near Dairy 'Mladost') should be started at the end of the Summer of 2006.

Italijanska trgovinska kompanija "Tempo" i nemačka firma "Obi" ugovorile su kupovinu još 1,2 ha zemljišta u Kragujevcu ("Tempo" je već kupio 3,8 hektara) za izgradnju zajedničkog tržnog centra.
Novi centar prostiraće se na oko 20.000m2 i osim prodavnica robe široke potrošnje imaće i prodajne salone automobila i bele tehnike. Gradnja tog objekta u kragujevačkoj Industrijskoj zoni (kod Mlekare "Mladost") trebalo bi da počne krajem leta 2006.
Construction of first, of three halls of Kragujevac's Fair

The contract has been signed between the city of Kragujevac and company ITSC Ltd Belgrade, which made the beginning of realization of project "Kragujevac-the Fair City" official. The works on the hall of 2,700 square meters will commence as soon as the main project has been completed. The value of the investment is 152m CSD. The works start in September 2006.

Potpisan je ugovor između grada Kragujevac i firme ITSC Ltd Beograd, čime j i zvanično počela realizacija projekta "Kragujevac-sajamski grad". Radovi na hali površine 2700 m2 počeće po ozradi glavnog projekta, a vrednost investcije je 152 mil din. Radovi počinju u septembru 2006.godine.
Construction of Vidin - Kalafat bridge across the Danube to start in spring 2007

The bridge on the Danube, between Vidin, in Bulgaria, and Kalafat, in Romania, will be of immense economic significance for the three border regions of Serbia, Bulgaria and Romania and its construction will start in spring 2007 - it was said at the first meeting dedicated to the realization of an interregional study “Bridge on the Danube Vidin – Kalafat”, which is held in Gamzigradska Banja spa, near Zaječar.
The value of the aforementioned investments is 270 million EUR and the project will be financed by European Union. This project is expected to engage about a thousand people, because shopping and office buildings will be built in the vicinity of the bridge.
The aim of the construction of the bridge is to connect the three countries that encompass six regions – Zaječar and Bor in Serbia, Vidin and Montana in Bulgaria and Dolj and Mehedince in Romania.
It is expected that the transport of goods through this region should become much better and, by 2010, the border will be annually crossed by 2,300 trains, 80,000 international trucks and 100,000 other vehicles.

Most na Dunavu između Vidina u Bugarskoj i Kalafata u Rumuniji imaće veliki ekonomski znacaj za tri pogranična regiona Srbije, Bugaske i Rumunije, a njegova izgradnja će početi na proleće 2007. i trajaće četiri godine, rečeno je na prvom sastanku posvećenom realizaciji interregionalne studije Most na Dunavu Vidin - Kalafat, koji se održava u Gamzigradskoj banji kod Zaječara.
Vrednost pomenute investicie iznosiće 270 mil EUR, a projekat će finansirati Evropska unija. Očekuje se da će izgradnja tog mosta uposliti oko hiljadu ljudi, jer će se u njegovoj okolini graditi trgovinski i poslovni objekti.
Cilj izgrdnje mosta je i spajanje tri regiona koji obuhvataju šest okruga - Zaječar i Bor u Srbiji, Vidin i Montanu u Bugarskoj i Dolj i Mehedince u Rumuniji.
Očekuje se da će transport robe kroz ovaj region biti znatno bolji i da će do 2010. granicu godišnje prelaziti 2.300 vozova, 80.000 međunarodnih kamiona i 100.000 drugih vozila.
Everything is ready for "enhancement" of Serbian bridges

Serbian Minister of Finance, Mlađan Dinkić, have signed the contract with European Investment Bank (EIB) on credit worth 66m EUR, which will be used for reconstruction of about 100 bridges and overpasses on the regional roads in Serbia.
Dinkić announced that about 200m EUR would be set aside from the national investment plan in 2006 for construction of road network in Serbia, and, in the next two years, additional 600m EUR, with the help of EIB, European Bank for Rehabilitation and the Government of Serbia would be set aside for the same purpose.
According to the contract, the repayment period for the credit is 20 years with the five-year grace period for repayment of the principal.
The contract was signed by Dinkić, the representative of EIB, Romualdo Masa Bernuchi, Minister of International Economic Relations of SCG, Predrag Ivanović, and director of the Directorate for Roads of Serbia Branko Jocić.

Srpski ministar finansija Mlađan Dinkić potpisao je ugovor sa Evropskom investicionom bankom (EIB) o kreditu od 66 mil EUR, koji će se koristiti za rekonstrukciju oko 100 mostova i nadvožnjaka na regionalnim putevima u Srbiji.
Dinkić je najavio da će iz nacionalnog investicionog plana u 2006. godini biti izdvojeno oko 200 mil EUR za izgradnju putne mreže u Srbiji, a u naredne dve godine oko 600 mil EUR, uz pomoć EIB, Evropske banke za obnovu i razvoj, a sredstva će izdvojiti i Vlada Srbije iz budžeta.
Potpisanim ugovorom je precizirano da je vreme trajanja otplate kredita 20 godina, sa periodom počeka otplate glavnice od pet godina.
Ugovor su, osim Dinkića, potpisali predstavnik EIB Romualdo Masa Bernuchi, ministar za međunarodne ekonomske odnose SCG Predrag Ivanović i direktor Direkcije za puteve Srbije Branko Jocić.
Company "Serbian Railways" starts construction of new railway in Smederevo

The Administrative Board of Serbian Railways made a decision on construction of railroad from the crossroads Jezava, on the current railroad Smederevo – Mala Krsna, to the new railroad station, the Smederevo Harbour, and farther to the harbour on the Danube, in total length of 5.3 km.
Works on the construction of the railroad should begin in 2006 and the entire investment is estimated to about 8.6m EUR, which should be provided by the Republic Government.
With the construction of the railroad, harbour station and industrial railroad tracks, the railroad tracks for the reloading of ore and other materials, from ships into railroad cars, will be relocated from downtown Smederevo.
The new railroad will have one railroad track, it will be electrified, equipped with signal-safety and telecommunication devices. A quay for ship docking have already been built and two loading cranes set up in the new harbor, which belongs to the business system of "U.S. Steel Serbia".
The new railroad and station will mostly be used for the needs of "U. S. Steel", while passenger and cargo transport for other clients will still be carried out at the present station.

Upravni odbor preduzeća "Železnica Srbije" doneo je odluku o početku priprema za izgradnju pruge od rasputnice Jezava, na postojećoj pruzi Smederevo - Mala Krsna, do nove železničke stanice Smederevo Luka i dalje do luke na Dunavu, u ukupnoj dužini od 5,3 kilometara.
Radovi na tom projektu bi trebalo da počnu tokom 2006. godine, a cela investicija procenjena je na oko 8,6 mil EUR, koje bi trebalo da obezbedi Vlada Srbije.
Izgradnjom pomenute pruge, lučke stanice i industrijskog koloseka, iz centra Smedereva biće premešteni koloseci za pretovar rude i drugog materijala iz brodova u vagone.
Nova pruga imaće jedan kolosek, biće elektrificirana, opremljena signalno-sigurnosnim i telekomunikacionim uređajima, a u novoj luci, koja je u poslovnom sistemu kompanije "U.S. Steel Serbia", već je izgrađen kej za pristajanje brodova i postavljene su dve dizalice za pretovar.
Nova pruga i stanica koristiće se u najvećoj meri za potrebe "U. S. Steel", dok će se putnički saobraćaj i prevoz robe za ostale korisnike i dalje odvijati u postojećoj stanici.
"Interspeed" soon to commence construction of shopping mall near Preševo

Company "Interspeed" from Belgrade will soon, on the border crossing Preševo towards Macedonia, starts construction of modern "Interspeed shopping mall", which will encompass big number of outlets, modernly equipped motel, bank, restaurant, post office, casino and night club.
Opening of the complex with all related contents (spatious parking space, access junctions and new gas station of Hungarian company "MOL") is schedulled for September 2007. As far as its surface is concerned, the executive manager of company "Interspeed", Slaviša Potežica, says that the future shopping mall will occupy about 13,200 square meters and that it will be built only 500 meters away from the border crossing (on the right side of E-75 highway after the entrance to Macedonia).
Besides, the investors point out that "Interspeed shopping mall" will be built in accordance with the state-of-the-art architectural trends, the building will have ground floor and one storey leves and everything in it will be subordinated to the comfort of visitors and employees. Judging by preliminary solution, the facility will be of skeleton type, with steel-concrete structure and facade made of quality glass that will stop the UV radiation. The floors will be made of high-quality granite ceramics, whereas, in addition to comfort and spaciousness, the toilets will be decorated by highly elegant ceramics.
The building will have three passenger and one cargo elevator, four entrance-exits and three stairways. As far as city planning and permits are concerned, the construction of the aforementioned complex is part of the Spatial Plan of the territory of special purpose of border crossing Preševo, which was determined by the Government of Serbia, while the design of thorough plans for land on which the facility will be built was in progress at the moment.
According to company "Interspeed", the interests in outlets and other commercial space in the future shopping mall is exceptionally big even now.


Future look

Kompanija "Interspeed" iz Beogradu uskoro će na graničnom prelazu Preševo prema Makedoniji započeti izgradnju modernog "Interspeed shopping centra", u okviru kog će, osim većeg broja lokala, poslovati i savremeno opremljen motel, banka, restoran, pošta, kazino i noćni klub.
Otvaranje tog kompleksa sa svim pratećim sadržajima (prostrani parking prostor, pristupne saobraćajnice i nova benzinska pumpa mađarske kompanije "MOL") najavljeno je za septembar 2007. godine, a što se tiče njegove površine, izvršni direktor kompanije "Interspeed" Slaviša Potežica kaže da će se budući šoping centar prostirati na oko 13.200 m2 i da će biti sagrađen na svega 500 metara od od graničnog prelaza (sa desne strane autoputa E-75 nakon ulaska iz Makedonije).
Osim toga, investitori ističu da će "Interspeed shopping centar" biti podignut u skladu sa najmodernijim arhitektonskim trendovima, zgrada će imati pridzemlje i jedan sprat i sve u njoj će, pre svega, biti podređeno komforu posetilaca i zaposlenih. Sudeći prema idejnom rešenju, objekat će biti skeletnog tipa, sa čelično-betonskom konstrukcijom i fasadom od kvalitetnog blago toniranog stakla koje ne propušta UV zračenje. Podovi će biti od visoko kvalitetne granitne keramike, dok će sve toalete, osim komfora i prostranosti, krasiti i krajnje elegantna keramika.
Zgrada će imati i tri putnička i jedan teretni lift, četiri ulaza-izlaza i tri stepeništa. Kada je reč o urbanizmu i dozvolama, izgradnja pomenutog kompleksa je u potpunosti predviđena Prostornim planom područja posebne namene graničnog prelaza Preševo, koji je utvrdila Vlada Srbije, dok je trenutno u toku izrada detaljnih planskih dokumenata za zemljište na kom će se ovaj objekat graditi.
Kako kažu u kompaniji "Interspeed", interesovanje za lokale i ostali komercijalni prostor u budućem šoping centru je i sada izuzetno veliko.


Future look
Construction of central dump in Požarevac 80,000 EUR

The preliminary project for construction of central dump for Municipality of Požarevac will be financed by the Belgians with 80,000 EUR. The dump will be settled on the area of strip mines and Steam Power Plant in Kostolac and it will represent the first phase in the process of finding solutions for problems with trash collecting and transportation and the recycling chosen by Požarevac. The packing of trash will be entrusted to certain Austrian company, whereas a company from Germany will build the recycling factory. Since it is a multipurpose dump, in addition to the Municipality of Požarevac and other municipalities from the region, the means for the realization of this project will be also provided by European Union.

Idejni projekat za izgradnju centralne deponije za opštinu Požarevac finansiraće Belgijanci sa 80.000 EUR.
Deponija će biti smeštena na prostoru kopova i Termoelekrane u Kostolcu i predstavljaće prvu fazu u rešavanju problema iznošenja i reciklaže smeća za koju se Požarevac opredelio. Pakovanje smeća biće povereno jednoj austrijskoj firmi, a fabriku za reciklažu radiće firma iz Nemačke.
Budući da se radi o višenamenskoj deponiji, osim opštine Požarevac i opština regiona sredstva za taj projekat će obezbediti i Evropska unija.

Na konkursu prvu nagradu osvojio je rad pod šifrom 227407 čiji je autor arh. Bojan Stojanović iz Niša, u saradnji sa arh. Vladanom Nikolićem. Arh. Bojan Stojanović rođen je u Vranju 1977 god. a diplomirao je na Građevinsko-Arhitektonskom fakultetu u Nišu 2003. godine. Autor je mnogobrojnih projekata, uglavnom stambenih, kao i više konkursa. Dobitnik je druge nagrade na konkursu za rekonktrukciju istočne tribine gradskog stadiona u Nišu.

Interesantno je to što je isti autor dobio u isto vreme i prvu nagradu na sličnom konkursu za Čačak.

Socijalno stanovanje u Čačku



