For reconstruction of heating power plants in Serbia - 22 millions eur
Representatives of the Government of Serbia and the German Credit institution for reconstruction have signed a contract about financing of the reconstruction of central heating system in Serbia, worth 22 millions eur. Minsiter of financies, Mladjan Dinkic, said after signing the contract, that 10 million eur is a donation of the German government, and the rest is a credit of the German bank under very good conditions.
The whole program of reconstruction of the heating power plants in six cities in Serbia will cost 32 million eur, and the difference of 10 millions eur will be secured from the local departments.
Predstavnici Vlade Srbije i nemačke Kreditne ustanove za obnovu potpisali su ugovor o finansiranju obnove daljinskog sistema grejanja u Srbiji, vredan 22 miliona evra. Ministar finansija Srbije Mlađan Dinkić kazao je posle potpisivanja ugovora da je od te sume 10 miliona evra donacija nemačke vlade, a ostatak je kredit te nemačke banke pod povoljnim uslovima.
Ceo program obnove toplana u šest gradova Srbije koštaće 32 miliona evra, a razliku od 10 miliona evra obezbediće lokalne samouprave.
Representatives of the Government of Serbia and the German Credit institution for reconstruction have signed a contract about financing of the reconstruction of central heating system in Serbia, worth 22 millions eur. Minsiter of financies, Mladjan Dinkic, said after signing the contract, that 10 million eur is a donation of the German government, and the rest is a credit of the German bank under very good conditions.
The whole program of reconstruction of the heating power plants in six cities in Serbia will cost 32 million eur, and the difference of 10 millions eur will be secured from the local departments.
Predstavnici Vlade Srbije i nemačke Kreditne ustanove za obnovu potpisali su ugovor o finansiranju obnove daljinskog sistema grejanja u Srbiji, vredan 22 miliona evra. Ministar finansija Srbije Mlađan Dinkić kazao je posle potpisivanja ugovora da je od te sume 10 miliona evra donacija nemačke vlade, a ostatak je kredit te nemačke banke pod povoljnim uslovima.
Ceo program obnove toplana u šest gradova Srbije koštaće 32 miliona evra, a razliku od 10 miliona evra obezbediće lokalne samouprave.