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Religion in Mazedonien

Charity theater plays and concert for Treskavec monastery reconstruction
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2/15/2013 4:08:34 PM
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Skopje, 15 February 2013 (MIA) - Six plays will be performed by the Macedonian National Theater (MNT), Theater for Children and Youth, Drama Theater, Comedy Theater and the national theatres in Veles, Bitola and Prilep while the Tanec ensemble of folklore dances and songs will organise a concert as part of a charity fundraising campaign for the reconstruction of Treskavec monastery.

Money from ticket sales will be used to restore the monastery located in the vicinity of Prilep.

The performances are expected to take place in late February and early March.

Speaking at a press conference in Skopje, Prilep mayor Marjan Risteski said that the monastery of Treskavec was one of the biggest cultural heritages in Macedonia. "I would like to thank all the institutions working under the Ministry of Culture and to all the artists and workers who are ready to support the reconstruction of Treskavec."

"Since the monastery was caught on fire, a lot of people from Macedonia and the diaspora have shown willingness to help any way they can. This week, hundreds of Prilep citizens took part in cleaning up the burnt debris at the monastery block," Risteski noted.

The MNT art director, Dejan Projkoski said that all the citizens of Macedonia now had the chance to be involved in the reconstruction by attending the performances.

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[h=1]Денеска е Св. Симеон Богопримец и Св. пророчица Ана[/h]
Сабота, 16 Февруари 2013 10:39

[h=2]Според календарот на МПЦ, Јулијанскиот календар, денеска е Свети Симеон Богопримец и Света пророчица Ана.[/h]

Црквата сочувала еден благочестив обичај, во деновите после големите празници да ги слави оние личности што уче­ствувале во тој празник.
Поради тоа, веднаш после празникот Сретение се слават свети Симеон Богопримец и света пророчица Ана. Тие се првите луѓе што го познаа Помазаникот Божји, или Христос, во смирениот човек Исус.
weißt du wieviele es von denen noch in mk gibt? die meisten sind ja assimiliert...

Leider kenne ich keine entsprechenden Zahlen. Fakt scheint zu sein, dass es mehr gibt als wir denken, die zwar nach außen hin assimiliert haben, jedoch immer noch die Erinnerung an ihre albanischsprachigen Eltern/Großeltern am Leben halten.
Hier sollte vorallem die albanisch-orthodoxe Kirche die Forcierung albanisch-orthodoxer Messen in Mazedonien vorantreiben.