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Religion in Mazedonien


12/10/2012 4:14:07 PM
Tetovo, 10 December 2012 (MIA) -
The new facade of the Colored Mosque, restored with a $94,708 grant provided through the Ambassador’s Fund for Cultural Preservation between September 2011 and April 2012, was presented Monday in Tetovo.
Culture Minister Elizabeta Kanceska-Milevska said the mosque's facade was restored through the program funded by the U.S. Department of State by using modern techniques and materials for conservation.
"The Colored Mosque is one of the most renowned monuments from the Ottoman period in Macedonia. The 15-century construction is most famous for its internal and exterior decorations," Kanceska-Milevska stated.
U.S. Ambassador Paul Wohlers welcomed the successful completion of the project.
"The restoration project has preserved the facade of this exceptional cultural facility in its original beauty. Now, people from Macedonia and visitors from other countries regardless of their religious or ethnic background have the chance to experience the rich cultural heritage of this mosque," he said amongst other things.
Since the creation of the Ambassador’s Fund for Cultural Preservation in 2001, the U.S. Embassy in Skopje has funded eleven projects in Macedonia, which has received more support for restoration projects through the Fund than any other country in Europe. This program was established by the U.S. Congress to assist developing countries in preserving and maintaining their important cultural heritage.

Bilder auf der US Embassy FB Page: Successful Completion of the 2011 AFCP Grant | Facebook
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Wie heißt den dieser Heilige mit den Speer auf dem Foto??Sieht bissl aus wie Agios Georgios

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Digging up a mystery

The researches and conservations were synchronized and done at the same time for three years. Dragan Dakich and Petre Kamchevski from the Kavadarci Museum were also included in the project. A complete conservation on the architecture; frescos; carvings; icons was done and copies of the two folding doors were also made. The main gate of the monastery, the bakery, the fountain and the supporting walls were also refurbished, and the yard was finally trimmed by planting grass and trees, one of which was a very rare indigenous tree called “naked man”. It is still in the monastery’s yard.

The first information concerning the history of the “Saint George” monastery come from the two charters issued in 1340 and 1378. The first one was issued by Tsar Stefan Dushan who ruled this part of the Balkan Peninsula from 1331 to 1355. The charter was about his decision to give the Polog monastery along with the villages of Poloshko, Dragozhel and Koshani as a gift to the Hilandar monastery on Mount Athos. The second charter was issued by the Dejanovich brothers – Jovan Dragash, the despot and his brother Konstantin – by which they gave the monastery and all of its property along with the river Crna and the nearby villages as a gift to the Russian “Saint Pantelemon” monastery on Mount Athos. Judging by the content of the 1340 charter, it can be concluded that the body of Dragushin, cousin of Tsar Dushan, was laid to rest in the church located in the village of Poloshko. However, this charter was interpreted in different ways by different researchers and interpreters. There were great differences concerning Dragushin, who he was and how he was related to the king and Maria the despot. There was no proof of that until the day the mysterious inscribed frescos were found underneath the newer frescos.

That day, the researchers of the Polog monastery “Saint George” suddenly had two inscriptions in front of them, written on the eastern wall in the narthex over the church entrance. The first one dates back to 1609 when during the ruling of the abbot Sava the narthex was painted, and the second one dates back to 1881 when a third restoration on the frescos was done. Multiple abbots were mentioned in different travelers’ entries, as well as that there were two buildings in the monastery, one of which was old, two-tiered, with four rooms on each floor as well as a big terrace. A 40-cattle stable, a kitchen, a cellar with two big barrels, two barns outside the monastery yard were also mentioned, as well as 600 uvri of mountain and 600 uvri of new forests near the villages of Dobrotino, Pravednik, Sheshkovo, Resava, Begnishte, Kumanichevo, Klinovo and Galishta. For example, prior to 1893 the monastery had about 20 sheep, 120 goats, 10 oxen, 15 bullocks, 3 cows, 4 horses and one foal.

It was also mentioned that at one point in early 18th century the monastery was completely desolated, even though it had been one of the best and most famous scripture centers in Macedonia during the 15th and 16th century. Anyway, during the first phase, the second layer of frescos from 1609 located on the façade was removed, so the figures of Jovan Dragushin and his wife Ana showed up on the northern side, with a monumental figure of Tsar Stefan Dushan located above them. Dragushin was dressed in a noble gown, decorated with pearls and golden, two-headed eagles; red and blue precious stones and had a massive ring on his right hand. There was an inscription located at the height of Dragushin and Ana’s heads that provided relevant data for further research about the church and new information about Dragushin himself. Namely, in the ten-row-long inscription there is information that “Jovan Dragushin is the son of Aldimir, the despot, and the true brother of the sublime king and our lord”.
Денес низ цела Македнија има слави во чест на светиот Никола! Нека му е вечна слава и воедно да им честитам унапред утрешниот именден на дотичните :)

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Makedonische Nikolausfeier in Mainz

Live im Land: Makedonische Nikolausfeier in Mainz
aus der Sendung vom Mittwoch, 19.12. | 18.45 Uhr | SWR Fernsehen in Rheinland-Pfalz
In einigen christlich-orthodoxen Kirchen ist heute ein besonderer Tag. Der Grund: Heute ist Nikolaustag. Nach dem julianischen Kalender, also der Zeitrechnung dieser Kirchen, ist am 19. Dezember Nikolaus und nicht wie bei uns am 6. Dezember.

In vielen orthodoxen Gemeinden wird deshalb zur Stunde des heiligen Nikolaus gedacht.
Eine Gemeinde orthodoxer Christen baut sich in Mainz eine Kirche. Es ist das erste mazedonisch-orthodoxe Gotteshaus in Deutschland. Das Projekt kommt ohne einen einzigen Euro Zuschuss von der Mutterkirche oder aus öffentlichen Kassen aus. Die Baustelle hat die Zuwanderer aus dem früheren Jugoslawien und ihre Kinder zusammengeschweißt.
Wir werden vor Ort noch einen gewissen Baustellenflair haben. Die Nikolaus-Kirche ist noch nicht komplett fertig, die Ikonenwand ist noch nicht eingerichtet (die Ikonen des Schutzpatrons, des hl. Nikolaus werden aber vor Ort sein).

Es werden rund 100 Besucher für die Nikolausfeier in der kleinen Kirche erwartet. Nach eigenen Angaben gehören etwa 1.000 Familien aus dem Umkreis der makedonisch-orthodoxen Gemeinde an. Die Kirche selbst ist komplett nach religiösen Vorgaben gebaut. Der Stein, die Fenster und Türen wurden aus Makedonien importiert. Der Bau der Kirche wurde durch Spenden finanziert.
Der Julianische Kalender
Der Großteil der orthodoxen Kirchen (z.B. die mazedonische, russische und serbische) begeht alle ihre Feste nach dem Julianischen Kalender. Die festen Feiertage sind immer 13 Tage nach den Terminen des gregorianischen Kalenders - Nikolaus also am 19. Dezember, Weihnachten am 7. Januar.
Für die Ermittlung des Ostertermins und anderer beweglicher Feiertage wird eine Osterformel verwendet, kann auch schon mal einen Monat später sein.

am 20.12.2012, 02.50 Uhr im SWR Fernsehen
am 20.12.2012, 09.25 Uhr im SWR Fernsehen
Artikel: Live im Land: Makedonische Nikolausfeier in Mainz - SWR Fernsehen :: Landesschau Rheinland-Pfalz :: Live im Land | SWR.de

Live im Land: Nikolausfeier in der makedonisch-orthodoxen Kirche in Mainz - SWR Fernsehen :: Landesschau Rheinland-Pfalz :: Live im Land | SWR.de
Nicht alle Menschen feiern am 6. Dezember den Nikolaustag. Nach dem julianischen Kalender ist am 19. Dezember Nikolaus. Wir sind beim Gottesdienst zum Nikolausfest in der neu gebauten St. Nikolaus-Kirche in Mainz und der anschließenden Feier, mit der die Weihnachtszeit beginnt. [mehr zur Sendung]