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Religion in Mazedonien

Formal academy marks 45. anniversary of Macedonian Orthodox Church's restoration
Ohrid, 7 October 2012 (MIA) -
In a time of some kind of erosion of moral and spiritual values, in a world overwhelmed by an economic crisis, conflicts and instability, spirituality is what the modern man needs. Faith has saved us through centuries and nowadays attributes quality and meaning of the lives of human beings and perspectives for the future. We are aware of the reality, the responsibility. What we are going to leave behind, it will remain for succeeding generations.
This was stated by President Gjorge Ivanov in a speech at a formal academy marking the 45th anniversary of the restoration of the Macedonian Orthodox Church – Ohrid Archbishopric, held Saturday evening in St. Sofia church in Ohrid.
"We are celebrating the 45th jubilee, a bright milestone speaking volumes about the sincere and profound dedication of the Macedonian Orthodox people towards their church," Ivanov stressed.
Recalling that the Macedonian Orthodox Church (MOC) throughout its existence had been and was facing ordeals unseen for an apostolic church, President Ivanov said that at the third church assembly in Ohrid in 1967 it came to a restoration of something that had been strongly disputed and condemned for two centuries.
"The church is not only a place for religious rituals, but it is also a spiritual space for sincere faith in God. The church are also the temples, art and literacy, but the followers are the most important...," Ivanov said in his speech.
MOC Head, Archbishop of Ohrid and Macedonia, H.H. Stefan said that even though the restoration of the Ohrid Archbishopric as a rescuing act for an Orthodox nation had been misunderstood today, it was a reality in compliance with all the rules for the Macedonian people, Macedonian Orthodox Christians and the Orthodox churches.
On Saturday, an annual assembly of bishops took place in the monastery "Holy Mother of God" near Struga as part of the festivities marking the 45th anniversary of MOC's restoration.
Morgige Schlagzeile des Vecer: Erkennt Serbien MPC im April als Autokephal an?

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Serbische Orthodoxie will Ende des Streits mit mazedonischer Kirche
Von unserem dpa-Korrespondenten und Europe Online
Belgrad (dpa) - Erstmals seit mehr als vier Jahrzehnten hat die Serbisch-Orthodoxe Kirche (SPC) ein Ende des Streits mit den Glaubensbrüdern in Mazedonien signalisiert. Die bisher international nicht anerkannte Mazedonisch-Orthodoxe Kirche (MPC) müsse in die Unabhängigkeit entlassen werden, sagte der einflussreiche serbische Bischof Lavrentije der größten Zeitung «Blic» (Dienstagsausgabe).

Im Jahr 1967 hatten sich die mazedonischen Gläubigen für unabhängig von ihren serbischen Brüdern erklärt. Das serbische Patriarchat hatte das nicht anerkannt und auf internationaler Ebene die neue Kirche blockiert. «Fast alle orthodoxen Kirchen sind autokephal (eigenständig), warum sollte es die mazedonische nicht sein», begründete Lavrentije seinen Vorstoß.

Serbische Orthodoxie will Ende des Streits mit mazedonischer Kirche | EUROPE ONLINE