Richtig, sollen soviele gewesen sein in der Oric Brigarde.
Schau dir mal diese norwegische Doku auf english an, Yugo Untertitel.... wenn du sie gesehen hast kannste ja Statement abgeben
In the opinion of the committee, the film overlooks or downplays some basic facts regarding the retelling of the story in Bosnia. In particular, the committee finds it journalistically unacceptable that the program does not mention the sentencing of the war crime hearings at The Hague, the ICJ, and the ICTY. Court proceedings have, after a review of the comprehensive evidence, maintained that there existed a plan to cleanse the country for non-Serbs, a plan that, according to the judgments, culminated in the massacre at Srebrenica, perhaps one of the best documented genocides in history, with more than 8000 killed. Several controversial sources can be found win the program, without their claims being weighed against conclusions from the trial proceedings that these sources in practice argue against.