Spielt ja keine rolle das sie aus bosnien stammen , Bosnirn hieß damals nur der Name des Königreich, wie es auch andere serbische Königreiche und Fürstentümer gab im Mittelalter, wie Zeta, Hum, Raška, Zahumlje usw.
Fakt ist das Isa Begs Ursprung aus serbischen Adelsfamilien aus Bosnien stammen.
Englisch Wili ist immer am genausten und mit genaueren Quellen versehene:
House of Kosača (
Serbian Cyrillic: Косача,
pl.Kosače / Косаче), somewhere
Kosačić (
Serbian Cyrillic: Косачић,
pl. Kosačići / Косачићи), was a Bosnian
[6][7][8] medieval noble family which ruled over parts of modern-day
Bosnia and Herzegovina,
Montenegro, and
Serbia between the 14th century and the 15th century. The land they controlled was known as
Humska zemlja (Hum, for short),
[9][10][11] roughly corresponding to modern region of
Herzegovina, which itself was derived from the title "Herzog", which
Stjepan Vukčić Kosača adopted in 1448., with latin title "Dux Sancti Sabbae". Besides Hum, they ruled parts of
Dalmatia and
Rascia. They were vassals to several states, including the
Kingdom of Bosnia and
Ottoman Empire. Historians think the Kosača family is part of the
Kőszegi family (House of Herceg), but there is a lack of evidence for this claim.
The religious confession of the Kosača family is uncertain. They were in contact with the
Eastern Orthodox Church, the
Church of Bosnia, the
Roman Catholic Church and
Islam. During the fall of the Bosnian Kingdom, the "Kosače" split into three branches: Venetian, Dalmatian and Ottoman. From then onward, these branches became accepting of the Roman Catholic faith, in the first two cases, and of Islam in the third.