“1992, during author's fieldwork there, the population of Letnica and the surrounding villages fled to Croatia, mainly due to existential fear and insecurity caused by the war in Croatia, and locally fueled by threats from armed Serbian extremists. This exodus is described against the background of similar events in the Vojvodina.“
Lässt Serbien mal wieder im besten Licht erscheinen. Du Dummkopf hast das Thema angefangen![]()
Der Artikel ist von 1995 damals war die Lage noch wesentlich unklarer als heute.
In 1948, there were 5,290 Croats (0.7%) in Kosovo; in 1971 there were 8,264; in 1981 - 8,718 (0.6%); in 1991 - 8,062 (0.4%). During and after the Kosovo War, most of the community had fled to Croatia. 1998 estimations had their number at only 1,800, of which 350 lived in Janjevo. In 2008, there were only 300 Croats estimated to live in Janjevo.[SUP][2][/SUP] In 2011, about 270 Croats lived in the area.[SUP][3][/SUP] The Croatian government has planned to resettle the remaining Janjevci in Kosovo to Croatia. According to the Kosovan 2011 census, there was a total of ca. 400 Janjevci, of whom 80 remain in the Vitina municipality.
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Ändert nichts an der Tatsache das die meisten Kroaten anfangs 90iger aus Janevo nach Kroatien geflohen sind.
Mag auch sein das Albaner den Kroaten das Leben schwer macht, doch die Serben machten es ihnen viel schwerer.
Der Exodus der Janjevo-Kroaten begann während des Kosovo-Krieges. Ironischerweise werden die Janjevo-Kroaten heute von Serbien unterstützt genauso wie die Roma, während die Albaner sie unterdrücken. Du siehst es selber ein, aber bekommst einfach nich deinen Kopf aus den albanischen Hintern raus.