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Skandal: Fakelaki Jorgos bezeichnet mazedonische Journalisten als "Malakas"

Gibts hier Freibier wenn man jemanden Malaka nennt? Ich hätte aber lieber gerne Rotwein. :-(

MINA Breaking News
Chatzimarkakis: Many People in Greece speak Macedonian
Friday, 04 November 2011

Greeks can pretend all they like... but in the end, they all end up speaking Macedonian ;-)

Chatzirmakakis speaks Macedonian at a Press Conference: (he is of Greek ethnicity with German passport)

I am glad to be here and that I am able to say a few words in Macedonian. Lately, there have been signals from Brussels that point to difficulties and I condemn this, because I still believe in the swift accession of your country in the EU. I have only one goal, and that is to help your country join the EU as soon as possible, Member of European Parliament (MEP) Jorgo Chatzimarkakis addressed Friday's press conference speaking Macedonian.
The German MEP of Greek descent, who co-chairs the Macedonia-EU Joint Parliamentary Committee, said the country registered progress in all areas, which has been noted in the European Commission report.

"In general, the EC report is positive. Progress has been noted in all chapters, more in some, less in others. The truth is that the country is moving forward, and we are here to keep this up and help you", stressed Chatzimarkakis.
Chatzimarkakis stressed he would convey to the EC the Macedonian Parliament's resolution, which protests the failure to use adjective "Macedonian" in the last three Commission reports, hoping this would be corrected in the next report.

"At the Joint Parliamentary Committee we supported the amendment noting the Parliament's Resolution over the absence of term 'Macedonian' in the EC Progress Report. This adjective was used until 2009, but has been missing in the last three reports. We expect the Commission to note the negative perception by your citizens, taking it into consideration when preparing next year's report", added the German MEP.

The meeting also focused on the Ohrid Framework Agreement implementation, cultural diversity, reforms in public administration and fight against corruption, civil society and media freedom, eurozone crisis and effects on the Western Balkan region, especially due to the situation in Greece. Transport corridors and the use of European funds for their realization were also tackled.

At yesterday's meeting with Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, MEP Chatzimarkakis congratulated the country's 20. independence anniversary and the Ohrid accord 10. anniversary, but also the fact there is no other EU candidate or member state which has such enormous Union support of 90 percent.
"There are many EU member-states that dream of such high support", he added.

Asked if he would suffer consequences in Greece due to his address in Macedonian language, Chatzimarkakis said he was not afraid since a lot of people in Greece speak Macedonian and have no problems".

"There are many people in Greece who speak Macedonian and there are no problems with the language, which is named Macedonian. One of the former foreign ministers proposed it is called Macedonian", underlined Chatzimarkakis.

Perhaps too ironic, but Greece's ex PM Kostas Karamanlis had a grandmother who was ethnic Macedonian. In fact she didn't speak Greek. It was widely known that Karamanlis spoke Macedonian, however his anti-Macedonian stance was so great that it ruined his political career.
MINA Breaking News
Chatzimarkakis: Many People in Greece speak Macedonian
Friday, 04 November 2011

Greeks can pretend all they like... but in the end, they all end up speaking Macedonian ;-)

Chatzirmakakis speaks Macedonian at a Press Conference: (he is of Greek ethnicity with German passport)

I am glad to be here and that I am able to say a few words in Macedonian. Lately, there have been signals from Brussels that point to difficulties and I condemn this, because I still believe in the swift accession of your country in the EU. I have only one goal, and that is to help your country join the EU as soon as possible, Member of European Parliament (MEP) Jorgo Chatzimarkakis addressed Friday's press conference speaking Macedonian.
The German MEP of Greek descent, who co-chairs the Macedonia-EU Joint Parliamentary Committee, said the country registered progress in all areas, which has been noted in the European Commission report.

"In general, the EC report is positive. Progress has been noted in all chapters, more in some, less in others. The truth is that the country is moving forward, and we are here to keep this up and help you", stressed Chatzimarkakis.
Chatzimarkakis stressed he would convey to the EC the Macedonian Parliament's resolution, which protests the failure to use adjective "Macedonian" in the last three Commission reports, hoping this would be corrected in the next report.

"At the Joint Parliamentary Committee we supported the amendment noting the Parliament's Resolution over the absence of term 'Macedonian' in the EC Progress Report. This adjective was used until 2009, but has been missing in the last three reports. We expect the Commission to note the negative perception by your citizens, taking it into consideration when preparing next year's report", added the German MEP.

The meeting also focused on the Ohrid Framework Agreement implementation, cultural diversity, reforms in public administration and fight against corruption, civil society and media freedom, eurozone crisis and effects on the Western Balkan region, especially due to the situation in Greece. Transport corridors and the use of European funds for their realization were also tackled.

At yesterday's meeting with Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, MEP Chatzimarkakis congratulated the country's 20. independence anniversary and the Ohrid accord 10. anniversary, but also the fact there is no other EU candidate or member state which has such enormous Union support of 90 percent.
"There are many EU member-states that dream of such high support", he added.

Asked if he would suffer consequences in Greece due to his address in Macedonian language, Chatzimarkakis said he was not afraid since a lot of people in Greece speak Macedonian and have no problems".

"There are many people in Greece who speak Macedonian and there are no problems with the language, which is named Macedonian. One of the former foreign ministers proposed it is called Macedonian", underlined Chatzimarkakis.

Perhaps too ironic, but Greece's ex PM Kostas Karamanlis had a grandmother who was ethnic Macedonian. In fact she didn't speak Greek. It was widely known that Karamanlis spoke Macedonian, however his anti-Macedonian stance was so great that it ruined his political career.

egal wie oft man ein Kaugummi durch kaut, wie neu wird er sicher nicht mehr schmecken;)
Asked if he would suffer consequences in Greece due to his address in Macedonian language, Chatzimarkakis said he was not afraid since a lot of people in Greece speak Macedonian and have no problems".
Allein schon diese Frage finde ich unmöglich. Ich sags mal in der Sprache meiner "ethnic macedonian" Oma: ζασραμότα!
Jorgo, Union, Commisions, Reports, Debt...
Sunday, 06 November 2011

Macedonia slowly, but surely has become a model for a well governed nation. EU and OSN (our southern neighbor) on the other hand have become a well documented case studies of what not to do and frankly things to avoid in general.

Macedonia has a very peculiar relationship with the EU. The Union who simply usurped the name of an entire continent, calling itself the "European Union" is very much anti-Macedonian for reasons known only to them. Thanks to this behavior, the Macedonians have grown increasingly angry with the EU and their soulless representatives.

The EU Commission has formed a group tasked to collaborate/negotiate with each 'candidate' country. As expected, it created such a group for Macedonia. The EU sent all the love to the red and yellow flag by appointing (this is good) three Greeks and two Bulgarians!?:-) The Boss of this Commission is Jorgo Chatzirmakakis, you know the one who got his diplomas and titles stripped away in his 'native' Germany.

This selection of EU representavies hand picked by Brussels to report on Macedonia's progress is rather comical. It would be the same as picking a Macedonian and Turkish national to write about Sofia and Athens, although we'd be much more professional at this.

The most hated and heated relationship Macedonia has in Europe is with both Bulgaria and OSN. Of course the EU picked these two to 'judge' Macedonia. The Eurocrats could have picked a Romanian, French, English, Austrian, Slovenian, anyone really. But no, it picked the two 'nationalities' who don't recognize Macedonians living in their countries.

But it gets better.
Jorgo the Greek and his Bulgarian colleagues made sure to remove every single "Macedonian" word from their "Report" which was widely believed to have been a "copy & paste" job from a 2005/2006 report. No way Jorgo would do that, he wouldn't plagiarize!

After ex communist and current eurocrat Stefan Fule playing the role of EU Commissioner was inundated with 500+ Macedonian protest letters, he dispatched Jorgo to Skopje where Brussels' comedy continued to unravel.

Jorgo, who is responsible for removing the term "Macedonian" from the report, spoke Macedonian at the press conference, put on a show (great actor) and had this to say: "it is unacceptable for Macedonian to be removed from the Report, heck, many people in Greece speak Macedonian". As every Greek politician Jorgo is as reliable as a Kia and his views are dependent on the direction of the wind.

Meanwhile OSN is doing what it was created to do. Milk France and Germany for their money. It somehow got both nation's banks to 'forget' 100+ billion euros owed to them. Sarkozy and Merkel put their political careers for OSN on the line. OSN is in such bad shape, its caretakers are working around the clock, sending tankers full of cash so they can survive the next few weeks.

PM Gruevski is not doing so hot himself. After scoring major points for not allowing UCK's Ahmeti to count his people five times over, the Prime Minister has alienated his supporters by continuing the 'name' negotiations with OSN. By continuing the name negotiations, the ruling Government is in the same boat with the dreaded SDSM, only difference is SDSM and Kim Chong Crvenkovski would have changed the name to "Krushevska Ustavna Republika" without anyone knowing about it.

On the other hand, the EU has turned into a nice little empire. Nations like Bulgaria and Romania were convinced they would have a spectacular rise in salaries once they entered this majestic union. Instead both countries shipped out their unemployed across the continent, while their salaries remained unchanged (250 euros). In fact, huge majority of Bulgarians (91%) in a survey conducted by daily "Standart" claim they lived much better when not part of the EU because they could afford to buy food.

Angela Merkel claims the EU's debt crisis will last until 2021, adding "war was possible". Where have we heard this before? A British historian for the Guardian said the same thing, except he went further and stated Germany would take over OSN because OSN would refuse to pay back any of the money they owe, while the French would attack the UK. The French believe the UK has made the Euro experiment unstable by staying out of it.
Yes, this is a Union everyone should enter! //Gorazd Velkovski

MINA Breaking News

Vecer, Macedonia: Athens and Skopje have no contacts about name issue, says Macedonian PM
07 November 2011 | 09:22 | FOCUS News Agency

Skopje. Macedonia and Greece have not had any contacts about the name issue for a long time, except for the meeting between the two countries’ foreign ministers in the middle of the summer, said Macedonian Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, cited by Vecer daily.
According to Gruevski Athens does not pay any attention to the name dispute, feeling the burden of the crisis. He said both Macedonia and the UN special representative Matthew Nimetz had made several attempts to organize a meeting, but Greece had rejected them.

Vecer, Macedonia: Athens and Skopje have no contacts about name issue, says Macedonian PM - FOCUS Information Agency


Грција се плаши од пресудата во Хаг

Ако информациите кои ги добива грчката власт за тоа каква ќе биде пресудата во Хаг беа розови, Папандреу нема да го споменеше ниту името, ниту Хаг во ваков момент. Грчкиот премиер можеби добил јамп во најава, анализираат наши извори

Власта и опозицијата во Грција да изградат консензус како ќе постапат по пресудата во Хаг која ќе пристигне во тежок момент за Атина, кога веројатно на чело на државата ќе има транзициска влада. Вака, според некои домашни аналитичари, треба да се чита изјавата на грчкиот премиер Јоргос Папандреу, кој изненади со тоа што во своето обраќање пред пратениците ги спомена прашањето за името и пресудата во Хаг, во миг кога целата домашна и светска јавност ги очекува следните грчки потези за финансиско стабилизирање на земјата и спас на еврозоната.

Поопширно во нашето печатено или во електронското издание.

Грција �е плаши од пре�удата во Хаг
Das ist die Rede des Hr.Jorgos Chatzimarkakis ORIGINAL leider auf griechisch.Die jänigen die es nicht verstehen bin mir sicher werden eine Lösung finden.Also der ganze Jubel in Skopje um sonst.

Ο όρος «Macedonian» χρησιμοποιείται από όσους αποκαλούν διεθνώς τη FYROM με τη συνταγματική της ονομασία. Είναι γνωστό σε όλους πως οι αρχαίοι Μακεδόνες που ήταν πολιτισμικά και εθνοτικά Έλληνες μιλούσαν Ελληνικά.

Στο σκεπτικό αυτό θα πρέπει να σημειωθεί ένα συγκεκριμένο παράδειγμα που φανερώνει την αντίληψη περί γλώσσας. Στη Νότια Αφρική ομιλείται από μετανάστες Ολλανδούς μία γλώσσα η οποία αποκαλείται "Afrikaans". Υπάρχει λοιπόν μια "Αφρικανική" γλώσσα που ομιλείται σ’ ένα κομμάτι της Αφρικανικής ηπείρου, αλλά η γλώσσα αυτή δεν αναφέρεται ως γλώσσα «της Αφρικής», δεδομένου ότι υπάρχουν πολλές άλλες γλώσσες που ομιλούνται στην Αφρική.

Η γλώσσα "Makedonski" στην Κυριλλική γραφή, που προέρχεται κατά 70% από Βουλγαρικές διαλέκτους και 30% από Σλαβικές δεν μπορεί να ονομαστεί ως «Μακεδονική» αφού απηχεί μια μόνο τοπική παράδοση. Η ελληνική γλώσσα ήταν εκείνη που μιλούσαν οι αρχαίοι Μακεδόνες και αυτό αποτελεί ξεκάθαρη ιστορική καταγραφή.