Sorry aber Baschar al Assad ist ein Hurensohn !!!
Link: 20 Minuten - «Schaum vor dem Mund, verkleinerte Pupillen» - News
Sieht ziemlich nach Fake aus.
Sorry aber Baschar al Assad ist ein Hurensohn !!!
Link: 20 Minuten - «Schaum vor dem Mund, verkleinerte Pupillen» - News
Du willst doch nicht wirklich die grausamen Ereignisse von "damals" mitten in Europa, mit der jetzigen Situation in Syrien gleichsetzen?
Da spiele ich nicht mit, sorry.
Grüsse zurück.
Kurz nachdem die Uno- Mission eingetroffen ist kommen die Soldaten von Assad auf die Idee die Rebellen mit Giftgas anzugreifen?
Warum haben die das nicht vorher getan, als die Uno-Inspektoren noch nicht im Land waren?
Funny how the UN Chemical weapons inspectors have just arrived in SYRIA!!!!!
these jihadi rats are trying the same evil tactic as before!! just watch the worlds media start to report this as FACT and blame ASSAD!!! without putting 2+2 together!
The SAA are winning everywhere on the ground!! UN inspection teams just arrived, and WOW LOOK WHAT HAPPENS A CHEMICAL WEAPON ATTACK!!! wake the fuck up world these sick jihadi terrorist scum will do anything!
LMAO. Idiots who never took chemistry/science or bothered to simply Google.
Syria's arsenal of WMDs is sarin, it is absorbed through the skin. You NEVER put your bare hands on anyone exposed to sarin. One drop of sarin will cause death.
Seeing everyone put their bare hands on these fakes on the floor, and pouring water over them with the water spreading everywhere, which means sarin spreading everywhere. That whole room would have been dead. Fail propaganda.
Al-Nusra released their Chemical Weapons stache . . . they got destroyed in latakia and do not know what to do next. Homs/Allepo is ready to fall within the next few months and they cannot counter-attack the Assad Offensive.
They use the chemical weapons on a small village and now Erdogan will call up Obama tomorrow demanding a No-Fly Zone.
It will be interesting to see what happens
I could not find any videos of actual "attack" - only aftermath videos of people laying in the street and others spraying water on them.
We all remember what happened few months ago - alleged use of chemical weapons was the only reason western countries started paying attention to Syrian war, before they quickly forgot about it again. Will Uncle Obama believe this one - I guess we'll find out on White House's personal media channel tomorrow - CNN.
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