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[Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri] - Turkish Armed Forces - Türkische Streitkräfte

Anadolu Kartali wird jede woche auf TRT ausgestrahlt. Es handelt sich darum was die Türkischen Rüstungunternehmen in der vergangenen 10 Jahren bis zum heutigen und noch in der Zukunft Enwickeln und Produziert haben/wollen.

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Das Türkische Rüstungskonzern FNSS übernimmt die erneuerung und Modenizierung Azerbaijcans und die an Saudi Arabien verkauften FNSS Pars Gepanzerten Mannschaftswagen.

Turkey’s FNSS Defence Systems takes interest in the project of modernization of armored personnel carriers in Azerbaijan.
The company’s CEO Nail Kurt said his company could take part in production of new tracked vehicles on the basis of written-off T-55 tanks, but they have not received invitation from Azerbaijan yet.
According to the Turkish company’s official, Azerbaijan’s Defence Ministry is interested in purchasing different armored vehicles produced by FNSS, including newly-produced Pars, which was presented to the Azerbaijani defense minister at the defense industry exhibition in UAE early this year.
Nail Kurt said this armored vehicle was provided with the most developed systems. It has larger potential than ZTR for personnel carrier and weapon installation, as well as mine-protection and ballistic defense systems.
Well-known defence industry company BAE Systems is FNSS shareholder. FNSS produced about 3000 transport means, including armored carriers so far and 2000 of those vehicles are used by the Turkish armed forces. The company’s products are also used by UAE, Malaysia and the Philippines. FNSS modernized more than 400 transport means of the Saudi Arabian armed forces and is expected to develop this project for modernization of 300 more vehicles.


Quelle :
FNSS takes aim at Azerbaijani armor projects | TR Defence
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Wir müssen mehr fürs luftabwehr investieren,heute zutage werden die kriege in der Luft begonnen und beendet.

NATO Warns Turkey Against Chinese, Russian Systems

ANKARA - NATO officials have warned Turkey that if it buys Chinese or Russian air and missile defense systems, Ankara would operate them without the Western alliance's intelligence on incoming ballistic missiles.
Turkey's national air and missile competition has attracted bids from a U.S. partnership of Raytheon and Lockheed Martin, offering the Patriot air defense system; Russia's Rosoboronexport, marketing the S-300; China's CPMIEC (China Precision Machinery Export-Import Corp.), offering its HQ-9; and the Italian-French consortium Eurosam, maker of the SAMP/T Aster 30.

Turkish officials, who are planning to choose a system late this year or early next year, have declined to rule out the Chinese and Russian entries.
Many Western officials and experts say the Russian and Chinese systems are not compatible with NATO systems. If Ankara picks one, Moscow or Beijing may gain access to classified NATO information and disrupt alliance procedures, they say.
"If, say, the Chinese win the competition, their systems will be in interaction, directly or indirectly, with NATO's intelligence systems, and this may lead to the leak of critical NATO information to the Chinese, albeit inadvertently. So this is dangerous," one Western analyst said.
But one Western official here familiar with NATO matters said alliance officials won't let such information slip.
"If the Chinese or the Russians win the Turkish contest, their systems will have to work separately. They won't be linked to NATO information systems," the official said.
This was the first time NATO strongly urged Turkey against choosing the non-Western systems.
"One explanation is that Turkey itself doesn't plan to select the Chinese or Russian alternatives eventually, but still is retaining them among their options to put pressure on the Americans and the Europeans to curb their prices," the Western expert said.
Turkey's long-range air and missile defense systems program, or T-Loramids, has been designed to counter both enemy aircraft and missiles.
Turkey's national air and missile defense program is totally separate and independent from NATO's own plans to design, develop and build a collective missile shield.
Under that NATO plan, approved last November during a summit meeting in Lisbon, the Western alliance agreed to create the collective missile shield against incoming ballistic missiles from rogue countries. Ankara agreed to the decision only after the alliance accepted a Turkish request that neither Iran nor other countries would be specifically mentioned as potential threats.
NATO is seeking to deploy a special X-band radar on Turkish territory for early detection of missiles launched from the region. Senior U.S. and Turkish officials in mid-July discussed the matter in Istanbul on the sidelines of a visit by U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, and both sides reported progress toward an agreement on eventual deployment of the radar.
Ideally, in the event of a launch of a ballistic missile from a rogue state, the launch would be detected by the Turkish-deployed X-band radar, which would send targeting data to U.S. Aegis missile destroyers to be deployed in the eastern Mediterranean and, potentially, to land-based launchers in Romania.
U.S.-made SM-3 interceptor missiles would then be fired to hit the incoming missiles in mid-flight.

NATO Warns Turkey Against Chinese, Russian Systems - Defense News

Paar Videos von der Konkurrenz. Ende 2011 - Anfang 2012 wird die Türkei ihre Entscheidung treffen.

S-300 destroyed 10 targets

‪S-300 destroyed 10 targets‬‏ - YouTube

Raytheon - Patriot Air And Missile Defense System (PAC-3) Simulation [480p]

‪Raytheon - Patriot Air And Missile Defense System (PAC-3) Simulation [480p]‬‏ - YouTube

SAMP-T Mamba ground-to-air missile defense system Aster 30 France French Army.flv

‪SAMP-T Mamba ground-to-air missile defense system Aster 30 France French Army.flv‬‏ - YouTube
China PLAAF Air Defense Terminal Phase Interception

‪China PLAAF Air Defense Terminal Phase Interception‬‏ - YouTube
Scheiß wir mal jetz drauf was die Nato von von sich gibt. welche system würdest du empfehlen Smersch ?? soweit ich weiß mangelt es ja nicht an low air defense systemen in der Türkei und Paar Long range air systeme hat die Türkei auch wie zum beispiel

-Nike Hercules

oder Das türkische T-LORAMIDS Project

Die Türkei wir sich so oder so für Das Nato system entscheiden.

Die Türkei tut so als würden sie sich für china oder russische Long range system intressieren in endefeckt geht es nur darum das der Preis durch die Nato system gesenkt werden damit sich eine Invesition lohnt.
Scheiß wir mal jetz drauf was die Nato von von sich gibt. welche system würdest du empfehlen Smersch ?? soweit ich weiß mangelt es ja nicht an low air defense systemen in der Türkei und Paar Long range air systeme hat die Türkei auch wie zum beispiel

-Nike Hercules

oder Das türkische T-LORAMIDS Project


Die Türkei hat im Arsenal solche Systeme wie:

MIM-14 Nike-Hercules

‪MIM-14 Nike Hercules‬‏ - YouTube

MIM-23 Hawk XXI

‪MIM-23 Improved HAWK‬‏ - YouTube

Tracked Rapier

‪Tracked Rapier‬‏ - YouTube

Rapier Jernas Missile

‪Rapier Jernas Missile‬‏ - YouTube

When Rapier goes wrong!

‪When Rapier goes wrong!‬‏ - YouTube

Atilgan PMADS

SEIT Anfang 2000 arbeitet die türkischen Havelsan und die us - amerikanische Boeing Unternehmen an einem neuen Raketenabwehrsystem.

Leider wird im Text nicht genau gesagt, um welche S-300 Version es geht. Gehe aber von S-300: Antey-2500 (S-300V), Favorit-S (S-300P) (<<<Export-Versionen) aus.

Reichweite: 3 - 200 km
Einsatzhöhe : 0,01 – 27 km
Max. Ziel-V.: bis zu 2800 m/s

S-300P, NATO-Bezeichnung SA-10 Grumble, ist ein modernes russisches Langstrecken-Boden-Luft-Lenkwaffensystem. Das System S-300P ist nicht mit dem System S-300V zu verwechseln.
Es kann mobil eingesetzt werden, ist allwetterfähig und kann neben Kampfflugzeugen in allen Flughöhen auch tieffliegende Ziele mit kleinem Radarquerschnitt (wie Marschflugkörper) bekämpfen. Mit der Ausführung S-300PS können zudem taktische ballistische Kurzstreckenraketen abgefangen werden. Das westliche Gegenstück zum S-300P-Komplex ist das US-amerikanische MIM-104-Patriot-System.


Hochfliegende Flugziele können auf eine Distanz von 200 km bekämpft werden. Ein Flugziel in einer Flughöhe von 100 m kann auf eine Maximaldistanz von 38 km bekämpft werden. Bei einem Flugziel in einer Flughöhe von 50 m liegt die maximale Bekämpfungsdistanz bei 28 km. Mit dem S-300PM-2-System können ballistische Mittelstreckenraketen mit einer Maximalreichweite von 1000 km abgefangen werden. Diese können bis zu einer maximalen Fluggeschwindigkeit von 2800 m/s auf eine Distanz von 40 km bekämpft werden.

Die S-300V, NATO-Code SA-12A Gladiator und SA-12B Giant ist ein mobiles, allwetterfähiges Langstrecken-Boden-Luft-Lenkwaffensystem zur Bekämpfung von Kampfflugzeugen, Marschflugkörpern sowie ballistischen Kurz- und Mittelstreckenraketen.
Der GRAU-Index ist 9K81. Das S-300V-System war bei der Indienststellung das weltweit erste einsatzfähige mobile Raketenabwehrsystem.

Die neueste Version ist die S-300VM, NATO-Code SA-23 Gladiator/Giant.


Im Westen gibt es kein mit der S-300VM vergleichbares System. Am ehesten entspräche das israelische Arrow-Raketenabwehrsystem der S-300VM. Dieses System erreicht aber keinesfalls die nahezu uneingeschränkte Mobilität und Störfestigkeit der SA-12. Das US-amerikanische MIM-104-Patriot-Flugabwehrraketensystem gilt als das westliche Gegenstück, obwohl das SA-12-System in vielerlei Hinsicht dem Patriot-System ebenbürtig und in einigen Bereichen, wie der Mobilität, Störfestigkeit und Einsatzreichweite sogar deutlich überlegen ist.
Mit der vernetzten Operationsführung ist ein SA-12-Bataillon fähig, ein Gebiet von rund 2.500 km² gegen einen Angriff mit Abstandswaffen und ballistischen Raketen zu verteidigen. Von manchen Rüstungsexperten wird die S-300VM als das weltweit beste taktische Raketenabwehrsystem angesehen. Die Lafettierung auf Kettenfahrzeugen sowie die Verwendung von zwei unterschiedlichen Lenkwaffentypen machen das SA-12-System aber wesentlich teurer als ihre Konkurrenten MIM-104 PATRIOT und S-300PMU-1. Das Antey-2500-System wurde Südkorea, Taiwan sowie Kuwait zum Kauf angeboten. Das auf Kettenfahrzeugen aufgebaute SA-12-System ist jedoch teurer als das auf einem Anhängersystem basierende Konkurrenzsystem Patriot.

S-300 Series Tactical and Technical Performance

the S-300V was developed as tactical SAM system, while the S-300P was developed as a strategic SAM system. The S-300V was developed for Land Forces and the S-300P system for long-range air defense.
SA-10 GRUMBLE is the low-end S-300PS/PT series with FLAP LID radar and 5V55 radars. SA-20 GARGOYLE is the high-end S-300PM-1/2 series with TOMB STONE radar and 48N6 missiles. The 9M96 missiles don't fit into the larger 48N6 tubes, rather, the four-round 9M96 launcher replaces a 48N6 tube.
The S-300P has a similar code name but in fact is an entirely different missile system. The S-300V series includes two systems, S-300V (SA-12), and the improved S-300VM Antey 2500. These two weapons systems use two types of missiles, the 9M83 SA-12A Gladiator and the 9M83 SA-12B Giant.
The S-400 can selectively use several types of missiles, both previously developed SAMs and the new, unique SAMs. The Triumph air defense system can use 48N6E missiles of the S-300PMU-1 system and the 48N6E2 missiles of the S-300PMU-2 Favorit system. There are two new missiles in the S-400 system: the quad-packed missile has a range of 120-150km and the big one has a range of 400km.
Almaz is working on an S-500, described in September 2002 as an improvement of the Phase 2 S-400, with new missiles and radar. As of 2007 it appeared that the merged Antey-Almaz was working on the S-500 Samoderzhets (Autocrat) system, that will include elements from both the S-400 system and the S-300VM (Antey 2500).

Antey-2500 S-300VM

The Antey-2500 is designed to combat aircraft and tactical missiles, including ballistic missiles with a launch range of up to 2,500 kilometers. The Antey-2500 mobile complex, developed on the basis of the well-known S-300V [SA-12] air defense complex, is a new-generation system, capable of autonomous combat action. It can simultaneously engage 24 aerodynamic targets, including stealth targets, or 16 ballistic targets with a RCS of up to 0.02 meters, flying at speeds of up to 4,500 m/s. Improved characteristics of the radar information facilities and optimization of radar signal processing technics make it possible to combat high-speed ballistic targets with a small radar cross section. Antey-2500 can effectively protect an area of up to 2,500 sq. km and engage targets at altitudes of 25 to 40,000 m.
The Antey-2500 employs new missiles, the 9M82M and 9M83M, whose weight and size characteristics, guidance system concept and warhead effect remain the same as those of the 9M82 and 9M83 missiles of the S-300V complex. The missiles have a significantly longer range and higher kill potential, and can engage all types of battlefield and theater, ballistic and aeroballistic missiles. The 9M82M and 9M83M missile's maneuvering characteristics have been considerably enchanced, thus allowing engagements of highly maneuverable targets. The 9M82M missile is intended to engage battlefield, theater and medium-range ballistic missiles, as well as aerodynamic targets at a distance of up to 200 km. The missile is under control throught the flight. The 9M83M missile is designed to engage battlefield and theater missiles at short and medium ranges, as well as aerodynamic targets.
The system features two different missile types that can be mixed within a single battery. A standard configuration would include six long-range 9M82E missiles and 24 shorter range 9M83E missiles. In its The 2500 system has been designed to incorporate multiple radar emitters to set up a bi-static array, which separates transmitter and receiver. Such an array has the potential to pick up signals deflected below or to the side of stealth aircraft shaped and coated for reflecting radar beams.

S-300PMU2 Favorit SA-20 GARGOYLE

The S-300PMU2 Favorit variant is a new missile with larger warhead and better guidance with a range of 200 km, versus the 150 km of previous versions. The S-300 PMU2 "FAVORIT" air defence missile system is designed for defense of vital facilities of the state and its armed forces against mass strikes by modem and future aircraft, strategic cruise missiles, tactical and theatre ballistic missiles, and other air attack weapons over a full range of altitudes and speeds in heavy ECM environments. The universal mobile multichannel Favorit air defence missile system is a follow-on of the S-300 PMU1 ADM system and 83M6E command and control system and is distinguished by improved technical and operational characteristics. The improvements were achieved by introducing new engineering innovations in the S-300 PMU1, based on experience gained during its operation, and perfection of software support using state-of-the-art computer aids.
Unveiled at the MAKS'97 exhibition in August 1997, the S-300PMU2 Favorit represents a thorough modification of the S-300PMU1. The first tests were performed on 10 August 1995 at the Kapustin Yar firing range. One new element is the entirely new 96L6E autonomous mobile radar, which works in conjunction with the 83M6E2 control post and S-300MPU2 launchers. The new 48N6E2 missile, developed by MKB Fakel, weighs 1,800 kg, and is 7.5 m long and 0.5 m in diameter. After a cold start in the upright position with help of a catapult, the 48N6E2 accelerates up to 1,900 m/s in 12 sec time, and then approaches the target from above. The 48N6E2 differs from the older 48N6E in having a new warhead specially designed for destroying ballistic missiles, with a warhead weight of 145 kg versus 70-100 kg.
The S-300PMU2 Favorit can engage targets flying from 10 m to 27 km above the surface at a speed of up to 10,000 km/h. It is claimed that it has a kill ratio ranging from 0.8 to 0.93 against aircraft and from 0.8 to 0.98 against Tomahawk-class cruise missiles.
The S-300PMU2 Favorit system is comprised of:

  • 83M6E2 command post (CP)
  • up to six 90Zh6E2 air defence missile complexes
  • 48N6E2 air defence missiles
  • technical support facilities.
The 9M96E and 9M96E2 missiles are completely unifed in there board equipment structure, war equipment and design, and differ in sustaincr only. The missiles use "cold" vertical launch - before starting sue-tainer they launched from a container to height over 30 metres. While lifting to such a height a missile is tended toward the target by a gas-dynamic system. After starting the sustaincr, at initial and middle phases of the flight, inertial guidance with radio correction is used, and during target interception, - active self-guidance. If intensive maneuvering before contact with a target is required, the missile is capable to realise "supermanoeuvrability" mode. For this purpose gas-dynamic control system is used. This system imparts to missile unique -maneuverability all over the interception zone, at both high and law attitude. Equipping the missile with 24-kg warhead with controlled hitting field provides them with high efficiency in struggle with aircraft means of air attack. In every transport-and-launching container having sizes analogous to the containers for 5V55R, 48N6E, and 48N6E2 missiles (such as surface-to-air missile system S-300 PMU or S-300 PMU2) there arc four 9M96E or 9M96E2 missiles.
The 83M6E2 command post (CP) is intended for operational control of multi­channel SAM system S-300 PMU, S-300 PMU1. S-300 PMU2, S-200DE and S-200VE and cooperation among SAM system groupings and with higher command. The 83M6E2 is a highly mobile automated control aid pro­viding the above SAM systems with designation of targets including modem and future aircraft, cruise missiles, ballistic targets and other air attack means over the entire range of there practical employment, cooperation between SAM sys­tems (also under intensive jamming conditions). To control the SAM systems, the 83M6E2 uses its own radar data and data received from the controlled SAM systems, as well as information derived from higher control aids, elec­tronic reconnaissance troops and neighbouring SAM sys­tems groupings.

Reichweite: 3 - 160 km
Einsatzhöhe : 60m – 24 km
Max. Ziel-V.: bis zu 2800 m/s
Reichweite: MIM-104A/B: 70 km
MIM-104C: 160 km
PAC-3: 15 bis 45 km (Luftziele), 15 bis 45 km (ballistische Ziele)

Was die Chinesen angeht, dazu kann man leider nicht viel sagen. Diese bieten eine modernisierte Version bzw. eine modernisierte Kopie von S-300V an. Da dies ein altes System ist, sollte die Frage des besseren Systems schon auf der Hand liegen. Muss es aber nicht. Vom Preis her, dürfte das chinesische System billiger sein.


SAMP/T (Surface-Air Moyenne Portee / Terrestre)
SAMP/T ist ausgelegt für die Luftverteidigung mittlerer und hoher Reichweite (Truppenschutz, Schutz strategisch wichtiger Gebiete, Gebietsverteidigung) einschließlich Selbstverteidigung. Der Lenkflugkörper kann als Stand-alone-Lösung oder koordiniert vernetzt eingesetzt werden. Wenn das System mit einem Langstreckenradar vernetzt wird, kann es auch zur Abwehr ballistischer Flugkörper bis 600 km Reichweite eingesetzt werden. Eine Batterie besteht aus:

    • Multifunktionsfeuerkontrollradar Arabel mit elektronischer Abtastung auf LKW
    • Einer mobilen Kontrollstation auf einem LKW
    • vier bis sechs Werferfahrzeuge mit je acht startbereiten Aster 30
Aster 30
Reichweite: bis zu 120 km
Operational range 1.7–30 km (Aster 15)
3–120 km (Aster 30)

Flight altitude 13 km maximum (Aster 15)
20 km (Aster 30)

Aster 15 and 30 missiles differ only in the size of their booster - total weights being 310 kg and 450 kg respectively. Aster 30 requires the longer tubes of the SYLVER A50 launcher, but its range is extended from 30 kilometres (19 mi) to 120 kilometres (75 mi). Aster 30 is also capable of ballistic missile defense. Radars The shipboard radar fulfills roles of sentry, meteo, target discrimination, acquisition and chase. It is capable of simultaneously tracking 300 flying objects, discriminating around 60, and guiding up to 16 missiles.
As of April 2008, the Aster has never been used in actual combat. During trials, between 1993 and 1994, all flight sequences, altitudes and ranges, were validated. This was also the period during which the launch sequence of Aster 30 was validated. In May 1996, trials of the Aster 15 active electromagnetical final guidance system against live targets began.

ALLGEMEIN zum Thema:

Das TVM-Verfahren kombiniert das halb-aktive Zielsuchlenkverfahren mit der Kommandolenkung: Die Rakete empfängt das vom Bodenradar ausgestrahlte und vom Ziel reflektierte Signal, leitet es aber über eine Funkdatenverbindung zur Bodenstation zurück. Dort werden die Zielverfolgungsdaten errechnet und die Steuersignale im Signal des Zielradars wieder an die Rakete gesandt. Damit verbinden sich die zwei Vorteile: Die Rakete ist technisch weniger aufwändig, die Bodenstation verfügt über höhere Rechenleistung und das taktische Kommandosystem. Das Verfahren ermöglicht die höchste Genauigkeit und wird heute bei allen modernen Langstrecken-FlaRak-Systemen und Anti-Raketen-Raketen eingesetzt.

Alles in Allem würde ich das S-400 System bevorzugen. Aus den obengenannten Systemen setze ich auf jeden Fall auf S-300.

Wahrscheinlich wird sich das türkische Militär nicht für dieses System entscheiden, sondern für Patriot.

Türken kaufen doch nicht Waffen vom Sheytan Russland und China, das ist eine Typische Strategie....
Gut zu wissen DANKE.
Bin mal gespannt wann die Türkische Long air system ( T-LORAMIDS ) fertig sein wird die vom Ausland soll ja nur ledelich zur überbrückung der eigenen systemfertigstellung dienen. von daher sollte die Türkische Regierung nicht so viel wert daruf legen und einen Etwas billigeren Long air System zulegen. bis halt die eigenen fertig sind.