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[Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri] - Turkish Armed Forces - Türkische Streitkräfte

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Atatürk -
Türkiye, yarın tarihi bir gün yaşayarak, ilk yerli yer gözlem uydusu RASAT'ı uzaya yollayacak


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TÜBİTAK Uzay Teknolojileri Araştırma Enstitüsü (TÜBİTAK UZAY) tarafından, DPT tarafından sağlanan kaynakla Türkiye'de tasarlanıp üretilen Türkiye'nin ilk yerli yer gözlem uydusu ve Türkiye'de bugüne kadar üretilen en büyük uydu olma sıfatlarını elinde bulunduran RASAT, Yasny Fırlatma Üssü'nden verilen bilgiye göre yarın uzaya gönderilecek. TÜBİTAK yetkililerinden edinilen bilgiye göre, RASAT15 Haziran 2011 tarihinde Rusya Federasyonu'nun Kazakistan sınırındaki Yasny Fırlatma Üssü'ne gönderildi. Buradaki testleri tamamlanan RASAT, yarın uzaya gönderilecek. RASAT'ın tasarım, üretim ve test aşamalarının tamamı Türk mühendisler ve teknisyenler tarafından, hiç bir yabancı ortak ya da danışman kullanılmadan, Ankara'da TÜBİTAK UZAY Tesislerinde gerçekleştirildi.

RASAT'ın uçuş bilgisayarı, uçuş yazılımı, hızlı haberleşme sistemi, görüntü sıkıştırma sistemi gibi kritik alt-sistemleri de Türkiye'de tasarlanıp üretildi.

7,5 metre siyah beyaz, 15 metre çok bantlı görüntüleme kapasitesine sahip, yaklaşık 100 kilogram ağırlığındaki RASAT'ın yörüngeye yerleştirilmesiyle birlikte, Türkiye tarafından tasarlanıp geliştirilen uydu sistemleri uzayda denenmiş ve uzayda başarılı şekilde çalışarak uçuş tarihçesi kazanmış olacak.


Yerli uydu uzay yolunda - Milliyet.com.tr

Morgen ist es soweit





Turkey to buy its first heavy-lift army copters

Turkey has inked a deal with the US to buy six CH-4 helicopters, or Chinooks, for $400 million. The Turkish party will make some modifications on copters

Turkey has signed a government-to-government deal with the United States to buy six Boeing-made CH-47 heavy-lift military transport helicopters, the first such weapons in its inventory, a senior procurement official said over the weekend.

The deal is worth up to $400 million, the official said.

The Defense Security Cooperation Agency, or DSCA, the Pentagon’s body coordinating weapons sales, notified the U.S. Congress of a potential sale of a total of 14 CH-47F heavy-lift helicopters for $1.2 billion in December 2009. Congress gave permission for the sale later that month.

Because of financial constraints, however, the Undersecretariat for the Defense Industry, or SSM, Turkey’s procurement agency, later wanted to buy only six CH-47Fs, five for the Army and one for the Special Forces Command, leaving a decision on the remaining eight platforms for the future. Contract negotiations between the SSM, the U.S. government and Boeing were launched last year.

“The contract was signed in late July,” the procurement official told the Hürriyet Daily News. “After the helicopters begin to arrive, we plan to make some modifications to them according to our needs.”

The six CH-47F Chinooks will be the first heavy-lift helicopters in the Turkish Army’s inventory. Their deliveries are expected to begin in 2013 and end in 2014.

“These helicopters have incredible capabilities. Three or four of them can transport a company-sized unit and its equipment over long distances in only a few hours,” the procurement official said. The maximum speed of the CH-47F is around 312 kilometers per hour.

Developed in the late 1960s, the Chinooks have been exported to many countries, including Australia, Britain, Canada, Egypt, Greece, Italy, Japan, Morocco, the Netherlands, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand and the United Arab Emirates.

The Chinook has been successfully operated in combat conditions in several wars and armed conflicts.

Heavy-lift military transport helicopters are much larger versions of utility helicopters. The Chinook is a twin-engine, twin-rotor helicopter. Its counter-rotating rotors eliminate the need for an anti-torque vertical rotor, allowing all power to be used for lift and thrust.

The CH-47F is the upgraded version of the CH-47D, and is the latest model in this helicopter family. It can carry up to 60 troops and personnel.

A NATO CH-47 Chinook was shot down by Taliban forces southwest of the Afghan capital, Kabul, in early August, killing 30 U.S. troops, including 23 Navy SEALs, and eight Afghans.

“These are not unsafe devices. On the contrary, these helicopters had mission flights of thousands of hours in Afghanistan this year alone, and this was the first such incident,” the procurement official said.

Turkey usually manufactures its defense equipment itself, or jointly produces it with foreign partners. But since the number of the heavy-lift helicopters was rather small, the SSM ruled in favor of direct procurement from a single source, in this case, Boeing. The heavy-lift helicopter program is expected to be among the last of Turkey’s direct foreign procurement projects.


Turkey to buy its first heavy-lift army copters - Hurriyet Daily News
With current statues of Turkish missile programs, We may list the Development/Design budgets of Ongoing Turkish Missile/Torpedo Development Programs ..

Atmaca anti-shiping Missile project (Started in 2008)
-Main Comntactor: Roketsan
-Budget= 80 million Euro

AKYA 533mm Heavy Torpedos project
-Main Contactor: ARMERKOM
-Design Budget= 24 million $

AKYA Light Weight Torpedo project
-Main Contactor: ARMERKOM
-Budget=Not known

Stand-Off A-G munition program (Prototipe trials phase)
-Main Contactor: Tubitak SAGE
-Budget= 60 million $

UMTAS AT missile (Prototipe Trials phase)
-Main Contactor:Roketsan
-Budget= 76.688.476 €

OMTAS AT Missile (Prototipe production phase)
-Main Contactor: Roketsan
-Budget= 43.448.750 TL + 42.210.119 €

KMTAS AT Missile (Design phase)
-Main contactor: Roketsan
-Not known

Cirit 2.75 Laser Guided Missile Program (Serial production phase)
-Main Contactor: Roketsan
-Budget=25 million $

HGK-ER (JDAM equivalent) Direct Attack A-G Munition (Prototipe trials phase)
-Main Contactor: Tubitak SAGE
-Development cost: 25.9 million $

Bunker Buster A-G Glide Bomb
-Main Contactor:Tubitak Sage, SubContactor: MKEK
-Budget: 6.8 million $

Demet Cluster Bomb
-Main Contactor: Tubitak SAGE
-Budget: Not known

Low Altitude Air Defence Missile Program (Development phase)
-Main Contactor: Roketsan
-Design Budget: 54.095.500 €

Medium Altitude Air Defence Missile Program
-Main Contactor: Roketsan