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[Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri] - Turkish Armed Forces - Türkische Streitkräfte


Du hast zum Teil natürlich recht. Länder wie S.Korea (altay, T-155), Deutschland (Milgem, U-Boote, M-1), China ( Kasirga, Yildirim ) haben der Türkei Schützenhilfe geleistet in ihrem Aufbau einer unabhängigen Rüstungsindustrie. Aber auch Länder wie Israel, USA waren daran beteiligt. Nur sehe ich darin nichts verwerfliches. Diese Art der Kooperation ist im militärischem Bereich Gang und Gebe. Was wäre Israels Rüstungsindustrie ohne deutsche oder amerikanische Hilfe? Was ist der US Panzer wert ohne den Motor aus Deutschland (MTU) oder dem Kanonenrohr von Rheinmetall. Was ist die modernste deutsche Fregatte ohne sein Sonar von Thales wert. Hierzu gibt es noch weitere unzählige Beispiele.

Dennoch, den Türken wurde nicht alles auf dem Silbertablett serviert. Viele der Errungenschaften verdanken sie ihrem eigenen Können und Fleiß, weil sie mindestens eine Sache gelernt haben. Ohne Forschung und Entwicklung geht da nämlich rein garnichts. Und genau in diesem Feld sind die Türken sehr engagiert und investieren auch eine Menge Geld.
Richtig, und das ist auch gut so, nur die selber forschen und entwickeln können lernen und sich weiterentwickeln!
PS:z.B Chemie hat nicht jedes Land neu erfunden, sondern wurde immer weiter gereicht und neu erforscht bis es überall zu was normalem würde.
Mit der Waffenentwicklung war das auch nicht anderes seit den Anfängen der Militärgeschichte.
Zum 100 jährigen jubiläum ( 2023 ) Motto : "Neues Türkei Neues Flugzeug" also bekannte Nachricht heute wurde es nur offizel abgesegnet und unterzeichnet.

Also können wir jetz offizel auf die Türkischen Kampfflugzeuge bis 2023 hoffen.

Bakan Yıldırım:Yeni bir uçak, yeni bir devlet gibi

Ulaştırma Bakanı Binali Yıldırım, yeni kurulan bir devletin tanınması neyse, bir uçak yapıp onu uluslararası semalarda uçurmanın aynı şey olduğunu belirterek, "Uçurmak belki de uçak yapmaktan daha çetin bir iştir. Şu anda biz onun adımını atıyoruz" dedi.




- Ulaştırma Bakanı Binali Yıldırım, yeni kurulan bir devletin tanınması neyse, bir uçak yapıp onu uluslararası semalarda uçurmanın aynı şey olduğunu belirterek, "Uçurmak belki de uçak yapmaktan daha çetin bir iştir. Şu anda biz onun adımını atıyoruz" dedi.
Hürkuş Uçak Serfitikasyonu imza töreni Ulaştırma Bakanlığı toplantı salonunda yapıldı. Ulaştırma Bakanı Yıldırım, imza töreni öncesinde yaptığı konuşmada, Türkiye'nin kendi uçağını yapma macerasının yeni bir girişim olmadığını söyledi. Cumhuriyetin ilk yıllarında başlayan ve 1930'lu yılları n sonunda doruğa erişen bu projenin o dönemde yaşanan bazı talihsizlikler nedeniyle kesintiye uğradığını hatırlatan Yıldırım, o tarihlerde Türkiye'nin havac ılıkta henüz emekleyen birçok ülkenin önüne geçmişken bu hızını devam ettiremediğini ifade etti. Yıldırım, şimdi ise "zararın neresinden dönersek kardır" hesabı yaparak, geçmişin kayıp yıllarını telafi edecek bir projeyi başlattıklarını açıkladı.
Türkiye'nin 2023 için bütün parçaları, şekli ve modeliyle, "Türk Malı" denecek özgün bir uçak yapma hedefi olduğuna işaret eden Yıldırım, "U çak yapmak o kadar zor bir iş değil. Uçağı yapabilirsiniz. Nitekim Vecihi Hürkuş da uç ağı yaptı, ama uçağı uçurmak... Yeni kurulan bir devletin tanınması neyse, bir uçak yapıp uluslararası semalarda uçurmak aynı şey. Bu belki de uçak yapmaktan daha çetin bir iştir. Şu anda biz onun adımını atıyoruz" diye konuştu. Y ıldırım, şöyle devam etti:
"Hürkuş adı verilen, Vecihi Hürkuş anısına Türk sivil havacılığının kendi özgün uçağını geliştirmeye yönelik ilk adımı olacak bu eğitim uçağının sertifikalandırılması, test edilmesi ve onayının verilmesi konusunu, Türk Sivil Havacılığı ile Savunma Sanayi Müsteşarlığı birlikte yapacak.
Türk Sivil Havacılığı, dahil olduğu EASA sistemi içerisinde bu yetkiye sahip. Bu noktada EASA'dan alınan desteğe devam edilecek. Ancak asıl önemlisi, Savunma Sanayi Müsteşarlığı, TAİ marifetiyle de teknik imkan ve kabiliyetleriyle eksik uzman ihtiyacını buradan karşılayacak ve böylece kendi özgün uçağı mızın yapımına ve bunun belgelendirilmesine yönelik çok önemli bir projeyi başlatmış oluyoruz. Ülkemize, milletimize ve sivil havacılık sektörümüze hayırlı olsun diyorum."

-Milli Savunma Bakanı Yılmaz-

Milli Savunma Bakanı Yılmaz da havacılıkla ilgili Türkiye'nin "İstikbal Göklerdedir" ve "Kendi uçağını kendin yap" sloganlarını çok önemsediğini belirtti. Türkiye'nin gelmiş olduğu aşamayı göstermesi açısından bu sözleşmenin önemine işaret eden Yılmaz, "Uçak üretiyorsun ki bunun sertifikalandırılması ortaya çıkıyor. Demek ki uçak üretmeye başlamışız. Bunun sertifikasyonu, yani uluslararası uçabilir niteliklere sahip olduğunu gösterebilir şekilde belgelenmesi lazım" dedi.
Bu belgelendirmeyi de Sivil Havacılık Genel Müdürlüğünün yapaca ğını hatırlatan Yılmaz, Türkiye'nin bugününün dününden daha iyi olduğunu, yarınının da bugünden daha iyi olacağını inandığını ifade etti.
Konuşmaların ardından Sivil Savunma Sanayi Müsteşarı Murad Bayar ile Ulaştırma Bakanlığı Müsteşar Yardımcısı Suat Hayri Aka kurumlar arasındaki iş birliğini sağlayacak protokole imza attı.

-"Türkiye için artık sıradan bir iş"-

Ulaştırma Bakanı Yıldırım gazetecilerin, "İsrail ile Hamas arasındaki takas anlaşması çerçevesinde serbest bırakılacak Filistinlilerden bir bölümünün, Türkiye'ye geleceğine ilişkin yorumlar yapıldığını" hatırlatmaları ü zerine, gidecek bir uçak bilgisine sahip olmadığını söyledi. Ancak darda olanlara yardım eli uzatmanın Türkiye için artık sıradan bir iş haline geldiğine işaret eden Yıldırım, "Nerede bir sıkıntı varsa Türkiye imdada yetişen ilk ü lkelerin başında geliyor. Böyle bir ihtiyaç hasıl olursa Filistin'e de gideriz, Fizan'a da gideriz"

Türkiye Gazetesi
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Japan to cooperate with Turkey in space sector



Japan to cooperate with Turkey in space sector

Higuchi said he would contribute to the space institution which Turkey was planning to set up as well as share his and his country's experiences in space sector.

Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) Vice President Kiyoshi Higuchi said he would contribute to the space institution which Turkey was planning to set up as well as share his and his country's experiences in space sector.
Higuchi told AA on Tuesday that JAXA contacted Turkish officials regarding the establishment of a space institution in Turkey, and they would cooperate with Turkey.
Higuchi said that opening a space institution, which would regulate Turkey's space activities, was important.
Noting that space studies were still very risky, Higuchi said that Turkey did not have a space shuttle launch system, adding that it would be Turkish government to decide whether to have it or not.
Higuchi said that if Turkey demanded, Japan could help in this issue.
Higuchi gave a conference in Rixos Hotel in Ankara. He will give another conference in Istanbul on Wednesday.

Japan to cooperate with Turkey in space sector | Diplomacy | World Bulletin
Murat Bayar Sekräter des National Türkische Defense industrie Ministerium im gespräch über die zukunft und entwicklung des Türkischen Militärs & Industrie


Baku. Rashad Suleymanov – APA. APA’s interview with Defense Industry Secretary of Turkish National Defense Ministry Murat Bayar

- I would like to learn your opinion about the current opportunities and capacity of Turkish defense industry, which carries out a number of large regional projects. What are Turkey’s targets in this sphere?

- Our main duty is to meet needs of the Turkish armed forces and we are working towards this. We see Azerbaijani armed forces as our own armed forces and consider it ion our activity. The recent developments, specially the sale problems with “Firtina” auxiliary propelled artillery systems, once again showed that military technologies of our production will make our arsenal stronger, but if we purchase some part of the weapons from abroad, it prevents our cooperation.
We have started a number of projects in the past 10 years. And these projects have already brought results and we achieved producing some weapon systems. We can produce all ground transport means, including armored fighting vehicles in Turkey. Azerbaijan border troops import armored personnel carriers from Turkey and they are satisfied with our production. Our navy industry was also strengthened. We are producing coast watching boats, corvettes and other fighting ships. We are working together with Azerbaijani partners to start producing such types of ships in Baku because it is impossible to export it. Turkey made progress in the field of electronic and communication. ASELSAN became one of the world’s leading companies in this field. Azerbaijani Defense Ministry uses a number of communication means produced by ASELSAN. We are discussing this issue now. Aviation is a new sphere for us. We attach importance to the production of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). Our armed forces are using mini-UAV of local production. We created prototypes of mid-sized UAV and are going to begin its production. Anka UAV continues test flights. This UAV can fly 24 hours interruptedly. Anka’s first prototype will be prepared within a year. Then we will begin its serial production. Anka have same capacity with US’ Predator, Israel’s Heron. We produced it for our armed forces, but we would like it to serve the Azerbaijani armed forces too.

- Do you have official proposals concerning Azerbaijan’s participation in Altay armored fighting vehicle and Attack helicopter projects? How can Baku join these projects?

- We are discussing this issue now. The cooperation can be in several forms, including joint production. We offered to Azerbaijani government to work out joint engineering projects. Production of Attack helicopters will be started soon. The work on design and improvement of armored fighting vehicles is continued. In 2014, we will see the armored fighting vehicles supplied with modern shooting-control systems.
There are other fields that we can work together, for example, air defense. Turkey is new in this sphere. The cooperation can be established in ASELSAN warning projects. We visited Azerbaijani Defense Industry’s computing device plant in Baku. We have TASMUS warning system project. ASELSAN will research opportunities for its joint production. I would like to note that Azerbaijani President, Prime Minister, Defense Minister have positive opinion about the Turkey-Azerbaijan cooperation in the field of defense industry.
We will share most modern technologies and due to joint production both sides will reduce expenditures. At the same time both countries will have common weapons.

- Azerbaijan and Turkey reached agreement on joint production of infantry weapon, 120-mm mortar launcher and 105-mm air-transportable canon. Please give details about these projects.

- The infantry weapon was designed completely and now is tested. We will start its serial production within a year. We can produce it in Azerbaijan too. Now our ground troops are testing this weapon. It will be more modern and developed weapon that G-3 and Kalashnikov gun. The 105-mm cannon project is in the first phase of development. We will plan its joint production with Azerbaijan. We send our proposals on 120-mm mortar launcher to Azerbaijan. They will start production after researching it.

- What about the production of 12.7-caliber model of “Istiqlal” sniper weapon in Turkey?

- One of the agreements we reached in May, 2011 is related to that. We will start its production after learning the needs of our army.

- What about the navy cooperation?

- Ares Shipyard is holding talks on this issue. Recently Yonca-Onuk had similar talks. Turkey has 5-6 shipyards for producing warships. We think that these shipyards can work for Azerbaijan too. We can produce attacking warships there.

- Dearsan Company also applied for joint production, but their cooperation with another littoral Caspian country prevented its activity.

- Our shipyards are owned by private companies and are working in different countries. Dearsan is a veteran shipyard and has no problem with working in Azerbaijan too. But there are alternatives and we will consider other options.

- At what stage is the joint production project of 107 and 122mm caliber missiles and “Sakarya” missile launcher system with ROKETSAN?
- ROKETSAN made proposals to the Ministry of Defense Industry. Now they assess this proposal. I hope that the positive decision will be passed and we will start the works.

- How much does Turkey forecast the defense export in 2011?
- We forecast USD 1 bln this year. As I said our main goal is not an export, but to meet our requirements.

- Which place does the national production take in the provision of the Turkish armed forces?

- It was 53% in 2010. This number increase from year to year. Our goal was to pass 50% and we have achieved it.

- The observations show that after the “One minute” scandal occurred between Mr. Erdogan and Israeli president in Davos Forum, the new opportunities established for Turkish defense industry in the Middle East and Far East markets.

- The defense industry cooperation is a sphere related with the politics. One country must have the high level relations with another one in order to have cooperation in defense sphere. There are valuable results caused by the policy of our government. Our relations with Middle East and Southern Asian countries have developed very much. As our relations develop, our defense industry find new cooperation spheres for itself. The political relations increase our activity.

- Are there plans of extending the Turkish defense industry to Caucasian and Central Asian republics?

- As I noted, we have high level relations with Azerbaijan and Kazakhstan. We have some projects with Georgia and Turkmenistan. Now we don’t have great activities on export to the Central Asia. Our relations will deepen when the time comes.

- Do you face difficulties in the Caucasian and Central Asian markets where Russia, Belarus and Ukraine dominate?

- No. These countries are in the transition period and they try to integrate into the West, NATO. They pass to NATO standards. Turkey is the closest and the most experienced country which can help these countries in this sphere. Of course, some difficulties can occur during transition period. In my opinion, the right way is the leaving the former soviet standards of these countries.

- To what degree is possible the participation of Turkish companies in modernization projects in Azerbaijan?

- We can participate in all spheres of defense industry.

- ASELSAN had certain works on modernization of tanks. But Israel’s “Elbit Systems” won the project.

- May be, ASELSAN made wrong proposals in the commercial accounts. It is impossible that “Elbit” is cheaper than ASELSAN. We hope not to permit such mistakes with working with Azerbaijan closer.

- It is said that “Heron” crisis and the political tension between Israel and Turkey infected the defense projects as well as it is underlined that Turkey will refuse some military projects.

- We don’t have the abolished projects with Israel. But we have the finished projects. Frankly speaking, despite the political crisis with Israel, our cooperation in defense sphere was gradually decreasing, because we have gained achievements in the sectors similar to spheres of activities of Israel. We are able to produce these goods ourselves, for example, IFF, tank modernization and etc. I cans surely say that Turkey has the best tank fire-control system. ASELSAN created it. Now we can’t buy fire-control system from Israel. We can implement the aircraft modernization ourselves. We will not but PUAs from abroad after “Anka” commences production. Now Turkish defense industry can work in the spheres where we needed in Israel’s assistance previously.

- Joint attack aircrafts (JSF – F-35) program faces some problems like increase of expenditures or US’ intention not to give codes to Turkey. What proposals does Turkey have to solve these problems?

- As you know, 9 countries participate in KSF consortium and the problems are only of Turkey, but all 9 countries. This year we are on the eve of making the first order. We are trying to settle some issues on it. There isn’t a bulk order in JSF program. There are annual orders. The first period of delivering the products for us in 2015, and we intend to purchase 6 “F-35” aircrafts. The orders can be less or more. It is right, there is an increase in the financing. Today the Turkish industry produces the clear parts of the aircraft. We want to increase the production in Turkey, because the production in Turkey is cheaper than in the US and the other countries. If we realize it, the fund, which will be spent by 9 countries, will decrease. Now the member countries are considering it. There is a problem on code. I want to note that there are many programs on the warcraft. We want and will buy the some programs used in the operations. We understand that the US doesn’t open the certain codes to any country, as well as to the member countries of consortium. We will not do it either.

APA - Defense Industry Secretary of Turkish National Defense Ministry Murat Bayar: ?We will start producing sniper gun ?Istiqlal? after specification of Turkish Army?s needs?
Das Frühwarn Radar aus der Luft das eigendlich im jahre 2007 bestimmt war soll jetzendlich ab 2012 im Türkischen Luftwaffe integriert werden.

wtf fast 5 jahre auf ein flugzeugwarten das gibs doch nicht.
boeing hat versagt wo es nur geht.

İlk Awacs 5 yıl gecikmeyle Aralık 2012’de geliyor


Türkiye’nin 2007’den beri beklediği Havadan İhbar Erken uyarı uçağı Awacs, 5 yıldan fazla bir gecikmeyle 2012 Aralık’ında Hava Kuvvetleri Komutanlığı’na teslim edilecek.


Türkiye’nin Boeing’le 2002’de imzaladığı 1.6 milyar dolara 4 uçak projesinde ilk teslimatın tarihi belli oldu. Barış Kartalı projesi de denilen çalışma kapsamında üretilen ilk uçak Konya’da uçuş testlerinden geçiyor. Uçak Aralık 2012’de Hava Kuvvetlerine teslim edilecek. Bu gelişmeyle uçağın Hava Kuvvetleri’ne daha erken ancak şartlı kabulle formülü devre dışı kaldı.
Gecikme cezası ve ek masraflar
Uçakları Türkiye’ye vaktinde teslim edemeyen Boeing ile Türkiye arasında ceza, masraf ve ödemeler dengesi krizi yaşanıyor. Türkiye gecikme devam ettikçe kestiği cezanın bedelini arttırıyor, Boeing de uçağa ihale bittikten sonra eklenen sistemlerin faturasını gösteriyor. Her iki taraf da yaşanan sıkıntının teslimata yansımamasını tercih ediyor. Uçakların benzerlerini Türkiye’den Avustralya ve Güney Kore de sipariş verdi. Avustralya’nın uçağı teslim edilirken durum erken sipariş ile açıklandı. Güney Kore ise Türkiye’den sonra sipariş verdi ancak o da uçağı teslim alıyor.
Havadan ikmalle 24 saat görev
Dünyanın en çok satan yolcu uçağı Boeing 737 üzerinde geliştirilen Barış Kartalı uçağı tepesinde Northrop Grumman imalatı özel bir radar taşıyor. Radar, 350 kilometre menzili içinde aynı anda 3 bin cismi tespit ve takip edebiliyor. Çok alçaktan, çok düşük süratle uçan insansız hava araçları bile tespit ediliyor. Uçak, elektronik karıştırma ve şaşırtma da yapıyor. Havadan yakıt ikmali yapılırsa 24 saat görevde kalabiliyor.

lk Awacs 5 yl gecikmeyle Aralk 2012de geliyor - Hrriyet EKONOM
Turkish army launches land operation with 22 battalions


Turkey's Prime Minister Tayyip Erdoğan said air and ground operations were underway today as a first step against the outlawed Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), a day after militant attacks near the border with northern Iraq killed 24 Turkish soldiers, inflicting one of the largest losses suffered by the military.
Security officials said around 1,000 Turkish commandos were scouring the mountainous terrain several kilometers inside Iraqi territory, and 21 militants had been killed during the counter attack.
Cobra helicopter gunships have backed up ground forces, and warplanes have carried out air strikes.

Turkish army launches land operation with 22 battalions - Hurriyet Daily News
Otokar unveiled Next Generation Cobra 2.5

Der neue Türkische Otokar Cobra 2.5

Cobra 2.5



Der alte Cobra



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und ? denn jeder anfang ist klein kein meister fällt vom himmel. dafür bekommst denn hier :fist: für deinen sinnvollen beitrag.

Du siehst nur das was du sehen willst aber denn rest ignorierst du " Von nix kommt NIX merk dir das gut.

Kannst mir ruhig das andere zeigen bzw. beweise. Du willst nur nicht zugeben, dass die Türkei ohne die Zusammenarbeit mit dem Ausland nicht so weit kommen kann... ich habe nicht behauptet, dass die Armee schlecht ausgrüstet sei... die Technologie basiert aber auf der nicht rein türkischen, wie man es in diesem Thread behauptet...man muss der Wahrheit ins Gesicht sehen :fist::fist::fist: