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[Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri] - Turkish Armed Forces - Türkische Streitkräfte

Einer der besten Spezialeinheiten bordo bereli sollen die von der Terroristischen Organisation PKK besetztest gebit Haftanin`e im Nord iraq eingedrungen sein. bei schweren aussernadersetzung zwischen Bordo berleli und PKK sollen sehr viele Änhänger der Organisation PKK umslebengekommen sein.

Özel kuvvetler Haftanin'e girdi


Özel kuvvetlere bağlı 1400 bordo bereli Kuzey Irak'taki Haftanin kampına girdi. Çıkan çatışmalarda çok sayıda terörist öldürüldü
PKK'yakarşı başlatılan harekât kapsamında Kuzey Irak'a geçen Özel Kuvvetler Komutanlığı'na bağlı birliklerin 5 noktadaki operasyonları sürüyor. Harakâtın başlamasının ardından tamamı subay ve astsubaylardan oluşan özel birlikler Kuzey Irak topraklarına geçerek nokta operasyonlar yapıyordu. Özel kuvvetlere bağlı 1400 bordo bereli PKK'lıların Türkiye'ye geçiş yolu olarak kullandığı Haftanin kampına giderek önceki gece operasyon başlattı. Özel birliklerin geldiğini öğrenen PKK'lılar ise bölgeye mayınlı tuzaklar kurarak, iç kesimlere doğru kaçmaya başladı. Gece saatlerinde Haftanin kampının 3 kilometre uzaklığındaki Ore, Bedeh ve Sirore köyü yakınlarına ulaşan özel kuvvetler ile PKK'lılar arasında 7 ayrı noktada çatışma çıktı. Sabahın erken saatlerine kadar süren şiddetli çatışmalarda çok sayıda PKK'lı öldürüldü. 5 Kobra helikopteri PKK'lıların kaçış yollarını yoğun şekilde bombaladı. Çatışmalar devam ederken özel kuvvetler Haftanin kampına girdi.


PKK'lıların İran sınırındaki Hakurk ve Hınere kamplarına kaçmaya başladığı bildirildi. Haftanin'Maradona Şeşdara bölgesi de Türk sınır karakollarından atılan havan ve obüs toplarıyla yoğun biçimde vuruldu. Küçük Zap ve Büyük Zap adı verilen derin vadiler de F-16'lar ve Kobra helikopterlerle vuruldu. F-16'lar Kandil yakınlarındaki Hakurk'taki Hacıbeg, Berereşke, Goste ve Hacıbeg suyu çevresi ile Zagros ve İkiyaka Dağları bölgesinde de birçok hedefi bombaladı. Zap Vadisindeki Tırvaniş, Rekan, Nerve ve Serdeşt köyleri de boşaldı. 200 haneli Tırvaniş'teki evlerini terk eden köylüler, eşyalarını kamyonetlere yükleyerek, Zaho ve Duhok'ta gitti.

Özel kuvvetler Haftanin'e girdi - Sabah
Nach einigen problemen bei der Landung des Türkischen Drohne wird jetz ein 2 anlauf unternommen.

ANKA göreve hazırlanıyor


TÜRK Havacılık ve Uzay Sanayii A.Ş. (TUSAŞ) tarafından geliştirilen ve 30 Aralık 2010 tarihinden bu yana uçuş testlerine devam edilen "ANKA" İnsansız Hava Aracı Sistemi ile 2 saat 10 dakikalık uçuşu başarıyla gerçekleştirdi.

Uçuşta test hedefi olan 10 bin feet irtifaya sorunsuz ulaşıldığı ve otonom uçuş modunda performans belirlemeye ve kalibrasyona yönelik seri test manevrasınında başarıyla gerçekleştirildiği bildirildi.

Hava aracının uçuş özelliklerini sistematik olarak belirleme amaçlı bir uçuş zarfı genişletme programı yapılarak önümüzdeki birkaç uçuşta da irtifa, uçuş süresi ve menzil olarak bu zarf genişletilecek. Bu uçuşları takiben sisteme entegre edilecek Otomatik Kalkış/İniş Sistemi, Buzdan Koruma Sistemi ve gece/gündüz görüş sağlayacak kameranın performanslarının doğrulanmasına yönelik uçuş testlerine geçilecek. Uçuş test programını desteklemek üzere ikinci prototip hava aracıda hazır olduğu ve diğer prototiplerin montaj faaliyetlerine hızla devam edildiği bildirildi. Prototip hava araçlarının sayısının artmasıyla birlikte test programı ivme kazanarak ANKA’nın en kısa zamanda Türk semalarındaki yerini alması bekleniyor.


Türk Havacılık ve Uzay Sanayii A.Ş. (TUSAŞ), sabit ve döner kanatlı hava platformlarından uydu sistemleri ve insansız hava araçlarına kadar entegre havacılık ve uzay sistemlerinin tasarım, geliştirme, modernizasyon, üretim, entegrasyon ve yaşam döngüsü destek süreçlerinde Türkiye’nin teknoloji merkezi konumunda bulunuyor. TUSAŞ, havacılık, uzay ve savunma sanayisinde küresel ilk yüz oyuncu arasında yer alıyor. TUSAŞ’ta 1500’ü mühendis olmak üzere yaklaşık 4000 kaliteli ve deneyimli personel çalışıyor.

ANKA greve hazrlanyor - Hrriyet Gndem

Na, erkennt ihr was sich unter der Nase der Anka befindet?
Nein, Atatürk war kein "anti-Muslim". Er trat nur für ein säkularen Staat ein. Übrigens, die Ehefrau von Atatürk war Kopftuchträgerin.
Der Türkische UAV Anka ist bereit zum einsatz aber erst 2012 soll es offiziell integriet werden in die Türkische Streitkräfte

Turkish reconnaissance UAV ready for use


Turkish reconnaissance unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) Anka which has been designed in-house, carried out ​​its first successful two-hour test flight and is now ready for use, the Zaman newspaper reports.
The Turkish Armed Forces plans to use the UAV Anka in combating terrorism. Earlier, Turkish Defence Minister Ismet Yilmaz said tthe UAV will go into service in 2012 and will be used in military operations from April.
Work to create Anka was launched in 2004. The project involved 180 engineers. The UAV is a first for Turkey in the development field.

Turkish reconnaissance UAV ready for use - Trend
Nach einem besuch vom Türkischen General Nihat Kökmen in Süd Korea soll es nach gerüchten zufolge
ein gemeinsammer 5.generation Stealh kampfjet konstruiert und gebaut werden. wie wahr diese gerüchte sind kann ich leider nicht sagen da es sich halt um ein gerücht handelt.

Türkiye Güney Kore ortak savaş uçağı yapacak



Kore'nin ciddi gazetelerinden biri yazdı (linki kırmızı altta)

Güney Kore'nin iddialı savunma sitelerinden biri, Türkiye'nin bu ülkenin üreteceği yeni nesil savaş uçağı projesine ortak olacağını yazdı. Yazı Türk general Nihat Kökmen'in Güney Kore savunma bakanı Kim Kwan-Jin'i ziyaret etmesinden sonra yayınlandı.

Yazıya göre Türkiye Endonezya'dan sonra KF-x projesine ortak olacak üçüncü ülke. Türkiye bu projeyle elindeki F-4 ve F-5 uçaklarını yeni 5. nesil Stealth savaş uçaklarıyla değiştirecek.

Trkiye Gney Kore ortak sava ua yapacak
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Turkey's Procurement Diplomacy Bears Fruit


Over the past few years, the Turkish defense industry has focused its research and development efforts on a range of new weapons systems, driven by the goal of an overall technological modernization of Turkey's armed forces. In the process, defense exports have doubled, demonstrating that Turkish defense firms also have the potential to impose themselves on the global market.

Turkish defense companies, backed by Turkish diplomats, have signed a number of high-profile export deals in 2011. Earlier this year, Turkish President Abdullah Gul's official visit to Indonesia -- which, with a majority Muslim population of 246 million, is likely to become one of Turkey's strategic allies in Southeast Asia -- brought contracts worth $400 million. Meanwhile, Malaysia, one of the world's largest arms importers, inked a $600 million deal to set up a Turkish-Malaysian partnership that will produce more than 200 armored vehicles. More recently, BMC, one of Turkey's leading producers of armored vehicles, announced it will soon start exporting one of its models to Iraq and Afghanistan. Moreover, several African countries have shown a growing interest in Turkish defense equipment: A Turkish delegation including representatives from the government and leading defense firms recently paid visits to Ghana, Nigeria and Kenya, and new deals seem to be in the offing.

Turkey's strategy has prioritized investment in the development of new products. One of the most interesting and keenly awaited projects is Turkish Aerospace Industry's (TAI) Anka, a medium-altitude long-endurance unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). First presented at the International Defense Industry Fair in 2010, the Anka is currently undergoing flight tests, but several countries, including Pakistan and Egypt, have already expressed interest in purchasing it. Turkey itself has a strategic need for a reliable UAV fleet: Its purchase of Israeli-produced Herons has become a casualty of the ongoing diplomatic crisis with Israel, and the forthcoming withdrawal of U.S. Predators from northern Iraq will reduce its intelligence capabilities in the campaign against the Iraq-based PKK insurgency. As a result, TAI and the Turkish government agreed to speed up the engineering work, and now aim to have a fully employable version of Anka by mid-2012.

Other major projects are being pursued as well. Starting this year, Aselsan, a leading Turkish defense firm, has received governmental funding for two critical projects, T-Laladmis and T-Maladmis, through which it will develop prototypes for low- and medium-altitude missile-defense systems. Furthermore, Turkey's first two corvette-size warships were launched earlier this month as part of MILGEM, another major procurement project, started three years ago with the aim of producing a total of 12 patrol and anti-submarine warships. Upon the satisfactory conclusion of the MILGEM project -- which is likely to lead to the sale of some of the ships to foreign countries -- Turkey will start a similar project for the development and production of a fleet of frigate-size warships.

As for land forces-related projects, the firm Otokar recently debuted Altay, Turkey's first-ever main battle tank, the result of three years of research and a $500 million budget. And last June, another company, MKE, began manufacturing 50 prototypes of the Mehmetcik 1, a 7.62-millimeter assault rifle that could soon become the standard weapon for Turkish troops.

The recent deals signed with Indonesia and Malaysia highlight not only the entry of the Turkish defense sector into the global market, but also Ankara's growing willingness to use defense exports as a political tool for Turkish diplomacy. Governmental delegations have included defense industry representatives on recent official visits to foreign countries, helping Ankara strengthen economic ties with partner countries from Southeast Asia to Africa. In this sense, Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan's diplomacy seems to rely on a strategy that couples his outspoken views on international politics -- especially on Israel -- with sheer profitable business. This formula has been particularly effective in North Africa, where the positive reception he received on his recent tour could be a prelude to major deals between Turkish defense firms and countries in the region, in particular Egypt and Libya.

However, Turkey's defense sector still has some persistent gaps, especially when it comes to attack helicopters, an essential asset in the fight against the PKK. Ankara purchased 10 SuperCobras from the United States in the 1990s, but after several crashes, only six of them are currently operative. The need for more became apparent in 2009, and Turkey eventually signed a deal with AgustaWestland for the urgent production of about 50 T-129 attack helicopters. More recently, after having accepted to host NATO missile-defense radar installations on its soil, the Turkish government managed to obtain three more SuperCobras from the United States, highlighting the gap in Turkey's helicopter fleet -- and the dependence on U.S. equipment.

Years of investment in the defense sector are clearly starting to bear fruit for Turkish firms, which now have the diplomatic backing and the technological quality to make the leap into the global market. Though Ankara's dependence on U.S. products could represent a credibility gap in the long run, Turkey is currently running research and development projects that could overcome this issue. Moreover, given the range of defense products rolled out by Turkish firms recently, the day in which Turkey will mainly employ indigenous weapon systems could be relatively close at hand.

WPR Article | Turkey's Procurement Diplomacy Bears Fruit
Vieleicht doch eine Kooperation zwischen Türkei & Brazilien ? die Grafik stammt von der Seoul Air Show am 21 October.
ich weiß garnicht mehr was sache ist einmal japan und jetz brazillien man die Türkei sollte sich jetzendlich mal entscheiden mit wem sie einen jet bauen wollen.


As part of its KF-X presentation at the Seoul Air Show on 21 October, Eurofighter representative Cassidian displayed a fascinating chart with a fighter market forecast. Click on the chart to download a high-resolution version.

There are some questionable assertions, as one might expect of a manufacturer-driven forecast. Eurofighter, of course, predicts the Dassault Rafale loses in the United Arab Emirates and India. The Boeing F/A-18E/F Super Hornet production line joins the Lockheed Martin F-22 and Boeing F-15E in the history books by 2017, according to Eurofighter. Interestingly, Eurofighter accepts that all 3,100 Lockheed F-35s are purchased, although the chart closes the production line five years early in 2030.

But most fascinating of all is what Eurofighter thinks will happen in Brazil and Turkey. (See dark blue stripe in bottom-left of chart). These two countries join forces to introduce a new fighter in 2025, joining a growing list of indigenous projects already started in China, India, Japan and South Korea, Eurofighter forecasts.

This assertion may have come as a shock to the South Koreans in the room. They are counting on Turkey to join KF-X and contribute 20% of the development costs, splitting 40% of the bill with Indonesia.

Brazil and Turkey have both expressed desire to break free of dependence on foreign suppliers of fighters, but we were not aware of a possible joint programme. If Brazil and Turkey do intend to introduce a new fighter by 2025, they will likely start working on the project within the next few years.

Eurofighter forecasts new Brazil-Turkey fighter in 2025 - Iran Defense Forum