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[Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri] - Turkish Armed Forces - Türkische Streitkräfte


Turkey, Britain to cooperate in technological consulting
Turkey's Science, Industry & Technology Minister Nihat Ergun met Prof. Lord Kumar Bhattacharyya, the chairman of the Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG) in Istanbul.

Turkey and Britain decided on Saturday to cooperate in technological consulting.

Turkey's Science, Industry & Technology Minister Nihat Ergun met Prof. Lord Kumar Bhattacharyya, the chairman of the Warwick Manufacturing Group (WMG) in Istanbul.

Ergun and Bhattacharyya decided to set up a renovation and technology center.

"The center, to be established between the Scientific and Technological Research Center of Turkey (TUBITAK) and WMG, will be opened and activated as soon as possible," Ergun said.

Ergun said the center would not only provide vocational programs but also develop R&D programs in aviation, health, defense industry, railway systems, automotive and online security.

WMG is an academic department at the University of Warwick. It was established by Professor Lord Kumar Bhattacharyya in 1980 in order to reinvigorate UK manufacturing, through the application of cutting edge research and effective knowledge transfer.

Lord Bhattacharyya is not only a member of the House of Lords but also an industrial adviser to the British prime minister.

Professor Bhattacharyya is the Chairman and founder of WMG. He has published extensively in the field of manufacturing and is advisor to many companies and organisations around the world. With many honours to his name, he was awarded a knighthood in 2003 for services to higher education and industry and was elevated to the Lords in 2004.

Turkey, Britain to cooperate in technological consulting | Diplomacy | World Bulletin
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Mardin Emniyet Müdürlüğü Kaçakçılık ve Organize Suçlarla Mücadele ekiplerince alınan istihbarat doğrultusunda 88 adet uzun namlulu silah dürbün ve şarjörleriyle birlikte ele geçirildi.
Mardin Emniyet Müdürlüğü'nde, salona sığmayan silahlar Emniyet Müdürlüğü bahçesinde sergilendi. Vali Turhan Ayvaz ve Mardin Emniyet Müdürü Mustafa Aygün, konuyla ilgili basın mensuplarını bilgilendirdi.
Mardin Emniyeti, Şırnak'ın Silopi ilçesinde mısır tarlasında gizlenmiş durumda, kısa menzilli uzun mesafeli sisli ve karlı havalarda kullanılabilme ile gece görüş özelliği bulunan dürbün monte edilmiş 88 adet suikast silahı ele geçirdi. Derik ilçesinde de ayrıca, bir bomba uzmanı olan bir teröristin yaralı olarak ele geçirildiği öğrenildi.
Mardin Emniyet Müdürlüğü Kaçakçılık ve Organize Suçlarla Mücadele ekiplerince alınan istihbarat bilgileri doğrultusunda Şırnak'ın kırsal kesiminde terör örgütüne ait olduğu belirtilen 88 adet uzun namlulu dürbün ile birlikte suikast silahı ele geçirildi. Kuzey Irak'tan PKK'ya getirilen silahlar, kırsal kesimde mısır tarlasında gömülü vaziyette bulundu.
Ele geçirilen silahlar sergi salonuna sığmayınca, Emniyet Müdürlüğü'nün bahçesinde sergilendi. Poşulu iki teröristin maket görüntüleri eşliğinde bahçede sergilenen silahlar hakkında bilgi veren Mardin Valisi Turhan Ayvaz, son operasyonla birlikte dağılma sürecine giren terör örgütüne büyük bir darbe vurulduğunu söyledi.
Operasyon hakkında bilgi veren Vali Ayvaz, "Yasadışı silah ve mühimmat kaçakçılığı ile mücadele kapsamında, Mardin ve Şırnak illerinde silah ve mühimmat kaçakçılığı yapan şahıslara yönelik yapılan planlı, projeli çalışma neticesinde Mardin Emniyetimizin Şırnak ile Silopi ilçesi Kavaklı, Buğdaylı ve Bostancı köylerinde Şırnak İl Emniyet Müdürlüğü ve Şırnak İl Jandarma Alay Komutanlığı görevlileri ile birlikte yaptığı operasyonda, Mısır tarlası içerisinde gizlenmiş vaziyette üzerine sisli, karlı havalarda kullanılabilme ve gece görüş özelliği bulunan dürbün monte edilmiş 88 adet uzun namlulu kalaşnikof marka silah yakalandı." diye konuştu.
Vali Ayvaz, olayla ilgili olarak S.O. M.O. ve N.T. isimli 3 kişinin yakalandığını belirterek, gözaltına alınanların sorgularının devam ettiğini ifade etti. Vali Ayvaz, Derik ilçesinde de ayrıca, bomba uzmanı olan bir teröristin yaralı olarak ele geçirildiğini ifade ederek, "Bu kişi ile birlikte 120 adet torpil içinde pariod teknik patlayıcı ve 120 adet ateşleme fitili ayrıca bombalarda kullanılan kavanoz parçaları, vidalar ve kırık camları ele geçirilmiştir. Bu çalışmalardan ve şu görüntülerden anlıyoruz ki terör örgütü esnaf, okul, öğrenci öğretmen dinlemeden vahşi bir görüntü içine girdiği ancak bunların da sonunun geldiği anlaşılmaktadır." dedi.
Vali Ayvaz, ele geçirilen silahların, Kuzey Irak'tan Türkiye'ye kaçak yollarla getirildiğini belirterek, "Bu silahlar, bir kilometreye kadar görüş alanı sağlıyor. Karlı, sisli ve gece görüşünde de etkili. Bu silahlar, Rus Menşeli 2010 yapımı suikastlar için hazırlanmış silahlar. Dürbünler ise farklı ülkelerin yapımı." diye konuştu.

Gündem M
die waffen kommen ursprünglich aus Rumänien ( Lizens bau ) sie sollten mehr auf die grenzen zwischen Türkei und Bulgarien kontrollieren. Möchte garnicht wissen wieviele solcher waffen in asewartenkammer gelargert sind mit denn ganzen Horoin das sie über die jahrzehnten eindepotiert haben. Bei einem Kriegszustand hätte Türkei das nötige :jew: und Waffenkapazität.

ps : kardes yanis theard yükledin
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Turkey to rewrite software source codes of 204 F-16 fighters

30 October 2011, Sunday / LALE KEMAL, ANKARA

The US administration agreed in principle almost two months ago for the transfer of information over software source codes of US Lockheed Martin-made F-16 fighters to Turkey.

Once the agreement is completed, and if approved by the US Congress, Turkey will have the capability to automatically modify the software source codes of the fighters’ weapons systems with national software source codes, said US sources who asked not to be named.Turkey will become the first nation among 26 to have the F-16s in their inventories and have the ability to receive information on the F-16 fighters’ software source codes -- primarily their weapons systems -- thereby enabling it to replace them with national software source codes whenever necessary.

Once Turkey and the US complete around 50 pages of technical details over the nature of the US transfer of technology, an agreement should be signed, pending US congressional approval.

The US Congress has long prevented arms transfers to NATO member Turkey, mainly in reaction to its strained ties with Israel.

However, the US administration has as of late sought US congressional authorization for the sale of three AH-1W Super Cobra attack helicopters to Turkey. This indicates a softening on the part of the congress toward Turkey.

Turkey has a long-standing request for Super Cobras. It has a shortage of these helicopters, required in its ongoing fight against the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) terrorists, who have increased their violent attacks as of late.

Meanwhile, it is not clear whether the US administration will seek US congressional authorization for another long-standing Turkish request for the sale of four Predator unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and two armed Reaper UAVs.

However, some of the weapons, including Predators that the US reportedly pledged to transfer to Turkey as it withdraws from Iraq in December of this year, are said to not be subject to the approval of the US Congress. These are weapons the US used during its war in Iraq.
Missile defense link

US sources stated that Washington has agreed in principle to transfer the information mainly concerning the weapon systems of the F-16s so that Turkey can integrate by itself the national software source codes because Turkey has pursued a very persistent policy on the matter.

However, Turkey’s approval to deploy a radar system of the US-supported NATO Missile Defense System on its soil is understood to have played an important role in Washington’s agreement to in principle transfer the software source codes of mainly the weapons systems of the F-16s to Turkey. Turkey agreed last month to host a powerful US-supplied radar system to act as advanced eyes for a layered shield against ballistic missiles coming from outside Europe.

The AN/TPY-2 surveillance radar in Turkey will boost the shield’s capability against Iran, which Washington alleges is seeking to build nuclear weapons, a charge Tehran denies.

“By agreeing to transfer information on F-16 weapon systems so that Turkey could automatically integrate them with national software source codes, the US sought to ease tensions with its NATO ally, which is important in safeguarding US interests in the Middle East. The US also puts strong emphasis on seeing Turkish-Israeli relations normalize,” said the US source.

50 weapons systems on each F-16

Lockheed Martin this year began supplying Turkey with 14 F-16C variants and 16 F-16Ds under a deal signed in May 2007. The total cost of 30 additional F-16s to Turkey is $1.78 billion.

Under a separate agreement signed in April 2005 between Turkey and the US, 213 Turkish F-16s are being upgraded at a cost of $1.1 billion at the Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) in Ankara. Turkey will be able to change the software source codes of the weapons systems on a total of 204 F-16s with national software source codes if a final agreement is reached with the US.

There are 50 different types of weapons systems on each F-16 that are classified.

Turkey to rewrite software source codes of 204 F-16 fighters
Gönderen Çınar Çakmak zaman: Pazartesi, Ekim 31, 2011 0 yorum


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Turkey to rewrite software source codes of 204 F-16 fighters

30 October 2011, Sunday / LALE KEMAL, ANKARA

The US administration agreed in principle almost two months ago for the transfer of information over software source codes of US Lockheed Martin-made F-16 fighters to Turkey.

Once the agreement is completed, and if approved by the US Congress, Turkey will have the capability to automatically modify the software source codes of the fighters’ weapons systems with national software source codes, said US sources who asked not to be named.Turkey will become the first nation among 26 to have the F-16s in their inventories and have the ability to receive information on the F-16 fighters’ software source codes -- primarily their weapons systems -- thereby enabling it to replace them with national software source codes whenever necessary.

Once Turkey and the US complete around 50 pages of technical details over the nature of the US transfer of technology, an agreement should be signed, pending US congressional approval.

The US Congress has long prevented arms transfers to NATO member Turkey, mainly in reaction to its strained ties with Israel.

However, the US administration has as of late sought US congressional authorization for the sale of three AH-1W Super Cobra attack helicopters to Turkey. This indicates a softening on the part of the congress toward Turkey.

Turkey has a long-standing request for Super Cobras. It has a shortage of these helicopters, required in its ongoing fight against the outlawed Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) terrorists, who have increased their violent attacks as of late.

Meanwhile, it is not clear whether the US administration will seek US congressional authorization for another long-standing Turkish request for the sale of four Predator unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) and two armed Reaper UAVs.

However, some of the weapons, including Predators that the US reportedly pledged to transfer to Turkey as it withdraws from Iraq in December of this year, are said to not be subject to the approval of the US Congress. These are weapons the US used during its war in Iraq.
Missile defense link

US sources stated that Washington has agreed in principle to transfer the information mainly concerning the weapon systems of the F-16s so that Turkey can integrate by itself the national software source codes because Turkey has pursued a very persistent policy on the matter.

However, Turkey’s approval to deploy a radar system of the US-supported NATO Missile Defense System on its soil is understood to have played an important role in Washington’s agreement to in principle transfer the software source codes of mainly the weapons systems of the F-16s to Turkey. Turkey agreed last month to host a powerful US-supplied radar system to act as advanced eyes for a layered shield against ballistic missiles coming from outside Europe.

The AN/TPY-2 surveillance radar in Turkey will boost the shield’s capability against Iran, which Washington alleges is seeking to build nuclear weapons, a charge Tehran denies.

“By agreeing to transfer information on F-16 weapon systems so that Turkey could automatically integrate them with national software source codes, the US sought to ease tensions with its NATO ally, which is important in safeguarding US interests in the Middle East. The US also puts strong emphasis on seeing Turkish-Israeli relations normalize,” said the US source.

50 weapons systems on each F-16

Lockheed Martin this year began supplying Turkey with 14 F-16C variants and 16 F-16Ds under a deal signed in May 2007. The total cost of 30 additional F-16s to Turkey is $1.78 billion.

Under a separate agreement signed in April 2005 between Turkey and the US, 213 Turkish F-16s are being upgraded at a cost of $1.1 billion at the Turkish Aerospace Industries (TAI) in Ankara. Turkey will be able to change the software source codes of the weapons systems on a total of 204 F-16s with national software source codes if a final agreement is reached with the US.

There are 50 different types of weapons systems on each F-16 that are classified.

Turkey to rewrite software source codes of 204 F-16 fighters
Gönderen Çınar Çakmak zaman: Pazartesi, Ekim 31, 2011 0 yorum


Jetzt können wir auch unsere eigenen Waffen in die F-16 integrieren.


A-G Domestic Missiles

HGK-1 (15 miles)
KGK-82 (60 miles)
SOM Cruise missile (180+ km)
NEB Bunker Buster
Lazer Guided Munitions
ATMACA SSM (80+ km)

A-A Domestic Missiles

Short Rage IIR guided Missile
Long Range Radar guided Missile

Tubitak SAGE HGK

Tubitak SAGE HGK - YouTube