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[Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri] - Turkish Armed Forces - Türkische Streitkräfte

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Wir reiten nun mal gern auf euch herum, ist doch nichts Neues. ;)
Wie sieht es den mit anti Tank raketen oder so aus?

Soweit ich weiß gib es 3 Türkische konstruierte "MILLI" Raketen die zu bekämpfung von Tanks einkategoriert sind :



3 .Cirit 2.75" Laser Seeking Rocket




Roketsan UMTAS and Cirit Missiles Trials (HD) - YouTube

UMTAS (Uzun Menzilli Tanksavar Sistemi) is a long range air-to-surface anti-tank missile developed by Turkish armor and missile manufacturer Roketsan.

ROKETSAN will provide the most important attack weapon of the Turkish T-129 ATAK Helicopter, the LRAT Anti Tank Missile. ROKETSAN is the main contractor of the project along with other leading Defence Industry companies of Turkey, and the Development phase of the project is aimed to be completed in 2011.
LRAT will be used by ATAK Helicopter as a modern air-to-ground anti tank weapon system against armored targets with its imaging infrared seeker and can reach to 8 km range, which is defined as long range in the rotary wing aircrafts - tanks warfare.
LRAT, which is also adaptable to land platforms, has the following capabilities;

  • Lock-on before and after launch
  • Can be used in day or night and in adverse weather conditions
  • Tandem warhead, effective against reactive armors
  • Insensitive munition characteristics against liquid fuel fire and bullet hits
  • Communication of seeker image to the user and command by user using Data Link.


160 mm
Missile < 37.5 kg; 4 Missiles + Launcher < 210kg
< 1750mm
500 - 8000 m
Insensitive Tandem Warhead effective against Reactive Armors
Guidance principles:
Inertial Mid-course guidance before target engagement
Transfer of attack area to the user via Data Link
Target selection by the user
Autonomous guidance to the locked target
Possibility to update target or hit zone after lock-on
T-129 ATAK and all modern Attack Helicopters compliant to MIL-STD-1760






The Medium Range Antitank Missile that will be deployed by Land Forces Units in order to eliminate or stop Armored and Mechanised enemy units is designed by ROKETSAN. The weapon system is developed to be used on a tripod or a land vehicle. It will also provide the user direct and top attack modes, fire-and-forget and fire-and-update firing modes, which can be selected on the weapon system before firing. MRAT could also be fired in confined spaces without harming the user. Inheriting the technology of LRAT, with which it belongs to the same family, MRAT will be equipped with an Imaging Infrared Seeker and will be deployable in day and night and adverse weather conditions, in addition to its capability to update target or hit point with its two-way RF Data Link. In order to increase the hit probability, MRAT also has lock-on after launch capability, and in this mode a mid-course guidance provided by MEMS based Inertial Measurement Unit will be used.



160 mm
200 m – 4000 m
Tandem – Against Reactive Armors
IR Imaging Seeker
Land Platforms, Tripod

Roketsan Resmi Web Sitesi


Cirit 2.75 Laser Seeking Rocket




Roketsan Cirit 2.75" Laser Seeking Rocket - YouTube

The 2.75" semi-active laser guided missile, CIRIT, is the highly accurate and cost effective solution for the Turkish Land Forces ATAK helicopter against lightly armoured ground targets. It is compliant to MIL-STD 810 F and MIL-STD 464 A, and is compatible with M and LAU series launchers. It can also be launched by the MIL-STD-1760 interface Smart Launcher, designed by ROKETSAN.

The missile has Insensitive Munition Motor with reduced smoke propellant, Insensitive Munition tri-mode warhead.


2.75" (70 mm)
1.5 - 8 km

Multi Mode Warhead - Anti Armour - Anti Personnel - Incendiary
Mid course Guidance with MEMS-IMU and Magnetometer Terminal Guidance with Semi Active Laser Seeker
AH-1W, AH-1P and MIL-STD-1760 interface


Cirit würde ich dort nicht einordnen. Die sind zwar gegen gepanzerte Fahrzeuge gerichtet, aber gegen einen Panzer selbst vermögen sie nicht viel anzurichten. Ist auch nicht deren Aufgabe, diese fallen den UMTAS und OMTAS zu.
Heute in den Nachrichten stand,dass die Türkei vorhat 6 Predators zu kaufen. Was ist den mit den ankas los? Sind die noch nicht serienreif?
Heute in den Nachrichten stand,dass die Türkei vorhat 6 Predators zu kaufen. Was ist den mit den ankas los? Sind die noch nicht serienreif?

Hast Richtig gehört Türkei wird 6 Predators ingesammt bekommen 4 davon werden ohne waffen bestück sein ( Aufklärung ) und die Restlichen 2 werden mit waffen bestück ( Aufklärung & Eleminierung ).

Silahlı predator geliyor

ABD Savunma Bakanı Panetta, Türkiye'ye 2 silahlı, 4 de silahsız Predator satmak için yeşil ışık yaktı.

Cumhurbaşkanı Abdullah Gül, ABD askerinin Irak'tan çekilmesi nedeniyle düzenlenen bayrak töreninin ardından Ankara'ya gelen Panetta'yı ağırladı.

Panetta, önceki gün akşam yoğun güvenlik önlemleri altında Amerikan Hava Kuvvetleri'ne ait uçakla Türkiye'ye geldi. Esenboğa Havaalanı'nda yetkililer tarafından karşılanan Panetta, ilk olarak, Milli Savunma Bakanı İsmet Yılmaz ile görüştü. Panetta dün de ilk olarak Anıtkabir'i ziyaret ederek temaslarına başladı.

Daha sonra ise Panetta ve beraberindeki heyet Cumhurbaşkanı Gül tarafından kabul edildi. Cumhurbaşkanlığı'nın internet sitesinde yer alan bilgiye göre, görüşmede ikili ilişkilerin yanı sıra, çeşitli bölgesel meseleler ele alındı. Gül, ABD'nin, Türkiye'nin terörle mücadelesine verdiği destek için de teşekkür etti.

Vatan'da yer alan habere göre, Panetta'yla, terörle mücadele, gerilen Türkiye-İsrail ilişkileri, Ermeni soykırım iddiaları, Türkiye'nin talep ettiği silahlı insansız hava araçları Predator'lar(2 silahlı, 4 silahsız), Kürecik'te yıl sonuna kadar aktif hale getirilmesi beklenen radar üssüne ilişkin son detaylar, İran, Afganistan ve Suriye konuları masaya yatırıldı.

Bakan Yılmaz'ın, Predatorlarla ilgili konuyu Panetta'yla görüşmesinde tekrar gündeme getirildiği öğrenildi. Konuk bakanın ise bu konuda Kongre onayı gerektiğini hatırlatarak, Türkiye lehine ikna sürecinde olduklarını dile getirdi. Gül'ün Panetta'yla görüşmesinde ise İsrail ile gerilen ilişkiler ve soykırım iddiaları gündeme geldi. Gül'ün İsrail ile ilişkilerde Türkiye'nin tutumunun belli olduğunu ifade ettiği, Panetta'nın ise bu konudaki gerginliğin sürmesinin bölge için de yarar sağlamayacağını dile getirdiği öğrenildi.

Sabah Anasayfa - Trkiye'nin en iyi gazetesi - Sabah

Der Anka ( Prototype ) ist noch in denn Testphasen mitte oder ende nächstes jahres wird der ANKA in serie gehen bis dahin muss sich Türkei mit denn Predators zufrieden geben.
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