es gibs noch keine festgelegten angaben zum verkaufspreis.
Die drohnen in seiner klasse werden so um die 25-50 Millionen euro pro Stück gehandelt. ich denke das der Anka sich auch in diesen werten bewegen wird.
Ne yaptin kardes... maximun 10 mil. olmasi gerekir. Cünkü biz zamaninda israillilere 10 Heron icin 140 mil $ verdik. Tabiiki egitim yedek parcalari dahil icinde. Ankada Heron ile ayni siniflandirmada, yani ikiside Male-UAV. Genelde yerli üretimi bizimkiler bayagi ucuza mal ediyorlar. Mesela, biz gecenlerde 30 F-16 Block 50+ icin 1,2 Milyar $ bayildik, bizim yanimizdaki ülkedekiler ise ayni adet ve model ucaklara 1,6 milyar verdiler.
Veya 6 Denizalti U-214'e biz 2,2 Milyar verdik, onlar ise 4 tanesine 2 Milyar vermek zorunda kaldi falan filan......
haklisin yeniden siteye baktimda yanlis anlamisim 5-15 Million Euro civarinda satiliyormus UAV lar.
Kursura bakmayin.
Lockheed Martin partners with Turkish Industry for training opportunities and PAC-3 missile canister production
Monday, Jun 11, 2012
Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] signed agreements today with two Turkish companies to collaborate on training solutions for coalition military personnel and the production of PAC-3 Missile single canisters. The partnerships were confirmed at the 31[SUP]st[/SUP] Annual Conference on U.S.-Turkish Relations in Washington, D.C.
In the first agreement, Lockheed Martin expands its collaboration with Havelsan, Inc., to identify and pursue opportunities to provide training solutions in the United States, Turkey and around the world. The agreement includes training technologies for electronic warfare, flight, land vehicle and artillery service members. The agreement also includes wildland fire suppression simulators for military or civil firefighters.
“Havelsan has developed a number of cost-effective technologies that complement Lockheed Martin’s student-centric training methodologies,” said Jim Weitzel, vice president of training solutions for Lockheed Martin’s Global Training and Logistics business. “The collaboration will offer customers more value for preparing professionals under the most realistic conditions.”
“Havelsan sees tremendous potential to provide technologies developed by Turkish industry to customers all over the world in collaboration with Lockheed Martin,” said Alparslan Kuloglu, director of marketing and business development for Havelsan. “The ingenuity of Turkey’s technologists and Lockheed Martin’s experience developing training systems make an attractive combination.”
Lockheed Martin and Havelsan are currently working together to provide the Turkish Air Force with high-fidelity F-16 full mission simulators as well as weapons and tactics trainers.
The second agreement, with Turkish missile manufacturer Roketsan, will enable the company to become a supplier of PAC-3 Missile single canisters. With technical assistance from Lockheed Martin, Rokestan will provide production line development, special tooling design and fabrication, production planning, first article inspection, qualification hardware and delivery of new one-pack missile canisters for sale to the Government of Turkey.
The United States and other international PAC-3 system customers have expressed interest in the new single canister launch system, to replace existing four-pack canisters, enabling more flexibility of the PAC-3 system in the field.
“Roketsan will provide a proven legacy of air and missile defense solutions to the PAC-3 system,” said Orville Prins, vice president of international air and missile defense business development for Lockheed Martin’s Missiles and Fire Control business. “This agreement will provide long-term capacity and growth for Turkish industry and will make Roketsan a Lockheed Martin certified supplier of single canisters, supporting PAC-3 sales to Turkey, and other potential customers to include the United States Army.”
“Being a system house for missile and rocket systems design and manufacture for more than 20 years, Roketsan has evolved from a national supplier to an international market player,” said Selçuk Yaşar, president of Roketsan. “By using its expertise and knowledge gained from many national and international programs in designing and producing high technology rocket and missile systems, Roketsan will be a strong supplier to Lockheed Martin. With this strategic partnership Roketsan will also help Lockheed Martin to maximize the logistic advantage of being close to the area where there is potential increase in the demand for air defense systems.”
Lockheed Martin has been an industrial partner of Turkey since 1984 and is committed to continued partnerships with Turkish industry to offer affordable defense systems.
About Havelsan
Havelsan provides mission-critical defense solutions in Turkey and abroad. It develops core competencies in C4ISR, Naval Combat Systems, homeland security, testing, training and simulation technologies, e-government applications, energy management systems, system-system integration and system-platform integration.
About Roketsan
Roketsan, Turkey’s leader in national missile and rocket programs, is one of the strategic and technology production centers of Turkey’s defense industry. Roketsan is engaged in the development and production of artillery rocket systems, air defense systems, anti-tank missiles, and precision guided munitions specializing in structural, thermal, mechanical design; internal ballistics; guidance-control, weapon systems, aerodynamic, composite structures, propellant systems and warhead technologies.
About Lockheed Martin
Headquartered in Bethesda, Md., Lockheed Martin is a global security and aerospace company that employs about 123,000 people worldwide and is principally engaged in the research, design, development, manufacture, integration and sustainment of advanced technology systems, products and services. The Corporation’s net sales for 2011 were $46.5 billion.
Your Defence News - Lockheed Martin partners with Turkish Industry for training opportunities and PAC-3 missile canister production
Lockheed Martin und die türkische Rüstungunternehmen(Roketsan,Havelsan) werden zusammen arbeiten,das bedeutet höchstwarscheinlich das wir die PAC-3 Patriot Luftabwehrraketen auswählen werden für unsere Luftabwehr.
Werden wir unser Know How durch die PAC-3 erweitern oder nur diese Systeme kaufen?
Wie gut ist das System?
Lockheed Martin [NYSE: LMT] signed agreements today with two Turkish companies to collaborate on training solutions for coalition military personnel and the production of PAC-3 Missile single canisters. The partnerships were confirmed at the 31[SUP]st[/SUP] Annual Conference on U.S.-Turkish Relations in Washington, D.C.
Wir kaufen nicht mehr wie früher einfach nur fertige ausländische Systeme wir wollen immer Techtransfer oder Joint Venture oder mindestens das unsere einheimische Wirtschaft auch Geld verdient damit.
Wir werden zusammenarbeiten mit Lockheed Martin.
So wie es aussieht bekommen wir Techtransfer von Lockheed Martin und unsere Firmen Havelsan und Roketsan bauen dann die PAC3 in der Türkei für unsere Luftabwehr Ausschreibung.
Das beste ist meiner Meinung die S-400 der Russen aber die PAC3 ist auch sehr gut. Mit der PAC3 können wir zufrieden sein,dann haben wir eine gute Luftabwehr.
Da steht nichts von "techtransfer". Ich denke die sensiblen Teile werden die USA uns vorenthalten. Auch ist der transfer von Antriebstechnologie in den USA per Gesetz verboten. Ich bevorzuge weiterhin die S-400.
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