Galatasarayli 96
Da sind ja die Leo's![]()
wollt ich sagen,aber was hat es mit demm Ballen auf sich der unter dem Helikopter scwebt?
Da sind ja die Leo's![]()
Ich glaube die F5 sind nit mehr in unserem invi
Im vergleich hat unsere luftwaffe eine zu kleine auswahl an kampfflugzeugen und ein zu kleines inventar.
Ok, aber trotzdem haben wir (finde ich) ein zu kleine zahl an flugzeugen im vergleich zu anderen großen Armeen..
Keine ahnung war gerade in meinem film.. ^^ denke 270 F-16 und 160 F-4 reichen schon aber die F-4 sollten langsam durch die F-35 abgelöst werden.. xDdefiniere das mal genauer. wieviele kampflugzeuge bräuchte die türkei, deiner meinung nach und warum?
hier mal eine sehr informative seite, über unseren pars (FNSS):
[h=3]FNSS 8x8 Pars.[/h]
Many thanks to DWI for the vid!
Why is Turkey's defense sector growing so fast?
Because its government supports it.
What happens when a military organization puts out a request for a vehicle and then backs out of the deal? You publicize what you're bringing to the table and you get public or at the very least blogging community support for your gear.
Lockheed Martin, BAE, General Dynamics and SAIC are doing nothing to promote their vehicles.
Its as if they're so afraid of each other that they don't realize that the program they're fighting tooth and nail for is dying right before their eyes.
FNSS is doing it right though. Good for them!
Posted by Solomon at 6/11/2013 09:53:00 PMEmail ThisBlogThis!Share to TwitterShare to Facebook
[h=4]4 comments:[/h]
Jem YildizTuesday, June 11, 2013 10:56:00 PM
8m turning radius for a 8x8?! HMMWV has 7.6m turning radius.
SolomonTuesday, June 11, 2013 11:02:00 PM
yeah the more i see this vehicle the more impressed i become. quite honestly the only thing it needs is to be tested in combat and win and people will be lining up to buy it.
House5150Wednesday, June 12, 2013 3:09:00 AM
Turkish government has very little else to back!....and currently, they are not popular with there own public so a bad choice of example to follow...nice vehicle though!
paulWednesday, June 12, 2013 6:04:00 AM
slightly ironic that this started life as the GPV colonel, a US company in new haven. FNSS just updated the design, including the 6x6 version. GPV had a whole family of these starting with 4x4 going up to 10x10. The 10x10 sounds like overkill, but it's the same size as the polish hipotatum you posted the other week, so good when internal volume is a priority, ie keeping the vehicle crew out of the way from a med team (plus room for a decent number of stretchers.
details of sizes and crew layouts are on the army recognition site, quite interesting. You can see the (slight) difference between Mk1 US version and the pars
SNAFU!: FNSS 8x8 Pars.
Weißt du vielleicht warum unsere Marine kein einzigen Zerstörer hat?
Bin zwar kein experte aber unsere marine ist nicht wirklich schlagkräftig, 3-4 zerstörer klassen und ein flugzeugträger wären nicht schlecht..aus dem gleichen grund warum wir keinen todesstern haben. wir brauchen ihn nicht. bisher jedenfalls.
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