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[Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri] - Turkish Armed Forces - Türkische Streitkräfte



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Missile Seeker Radar ( Für das nationale projekt "Atmaca" Anti-Ship Missile )


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das komplext wird nur von 5-6 länder weltweit beherrscht, es soll unter anderem auch für zivielle zwecke verwendet werden w.z.b am flughäfen wenn ich mich recht erinnere.


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HEWS is the “Integrated Self Protection System”, developed by ASELSAN for fixed and rotary wing aircrafts. Integrated around the Suite Central Processing Unit, HEWS provides situational awareness and threat specific countermeasures during mission with;
• Radar Warning,
• RF Jamming,
• Missile Warning,
• Chaff/Flare Dispensing,
• Laser Warning,
• IR Countermeasure integration capabilities.

HEWS is an Integrated EW Self Protection System for air platforms designed so as to provide “Maximum Protection” for the aircraft with “Minimum Workload” for the crew. Information from the subsystems are gathered, evaluated and after data fusion and decision process, the most appropriate countermeasure technique is applied.
Suite Management
• State of the art Integrated Self Protection System approach based on a sophisticated suite central processing function for the EW suite
• Flexible and modular integration around a Central Management Unit that provides open architecture to host additional EW subsystems according to the user requirements
• Dual redundant MIL-STD-1553B EW Bus architecture
• Support of various communication standards: MIL-STD-1553, RS-485, RS-232, ARINC-429, Ethernet
• Integration with on-board avionics
• Simultaneous evaluation of the threat, situation, aircraft and intelligence data
• Full situational awareness for the pilot

Missile Warning
• Missile Warning System based on passive ultraviolet technology
• 360° spatial coverage in azimuth by 4 sensors
• 4π steradian spatial coverage by 6 sensors
• High probability of detection
• High spatial resolution
• Low False Alarm Rate (FAR)
• Detection of missile threats at initial launch phases (provides maximum time for countermeasures)
• Fast reaction for countermeasure dispensing
• Multiple threat analysis and tracking capability
• No need for special cooling

Chaff/Flare Dispensing
• Fast reaction following threat detection
• Fully programmable Mission Data File architecture
• Designed for seamless glass cockpit integration
• Application of optimum countermeasure technique specific to the threat, managed by Suite Central Processing Unit
• Minimum workload for the pilot in a very dense threat environment
• Auto, Semi-Auto, Manual and By-Pass operating modes
• Simultaneous dispensing
• Numerous Chaff/Flare dispensing programs against RF and E/O guided threats
• Continuous inventory report and warning when payload quantity is critical
• Maximum redundancy through by-pass lines
• Automatic misfire detection and correction with the same type of payload
• Utilizes standard NATO cartridges and compatibles
• Fast reaction through discrete countermeasure dispense selection

Radar Warning
• Fast threat detection, threat classification and identification of the threats defined in the Mission Data File
• Handling Pulse, CW and complex (any combination of pulse and CW signals) radar signals
• Long range detection and high Probability of Intercept
• High accuracy of Direction of Arrival
• Operability in very dense threat environment
• Fully programmable Mission Data File architecture
• Detection capability for threats specified as “unknown threat”
• 360° spatial coverage

RF Jamming
• RF energy transmission enabling deceptive and noise jamming techniques in a dynamic threat environment
• Tracking and jamming the threats autonomously
• Phased array antenna and solid state transmitter architecture
• Fully programmable Mission Data File architecture
• Software controlled interfaces
• 360 spatial coverage

Laser Warning
• Detection of laser designator, beam rider and range finder threats
• 360° spatial coverage
• High accuracy of Angle of Arrival
• High sensitivity and Probability of Detection
• Low False Alarm Rate (FAR)
• Fully programmable Mission Data File architecture

IR Countermeasure
• Integration of IRCM equipment to HEWS Suite

and more...
• Full glass-cockpit compatibility
• Advanced Man-Machine Interface with Multi Function Display (MFD) support
• Night Vision Goggles (NVG) compatibility
• Descriptive and adaptive symbology on Multi Function Display for fast recognition of threats
•Programmable audio messages and alerts for maximum situational awareness including threat tipe and direction of arrival
• In flight event and RWR Pulse Description Word recording
• Single-point uploading/downloading of multiple Mission Data File and mission records through Pilot Control Panel
• Various levels of BIT support
• Software Support Station for Mission Data File generation and Post Mission Data Analysis
• Built-in pilot training mode
• Interoperability of each sub-system with each other

Aselsan | Hews Helicopter Electronic Warfare Self Protection System


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