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Türkei auf dem 4 Platz in Humanitären Hilfen

Die Gesamte EU wird hier auch nicht genannt sondern einzelne Geberländer. Keine Unionen.

Was Bill Gates zudem macht ist super. Ich verstehe jetzt auch nicht, was dieser Schwanzvergleich soll. Man hilft Menschen und dann macht man einen Wettbewerb daraus wer am meisten gespendet hat?

Fuck it, ist doch total wayne wer wieviel gespendet hat hauptsache ist, dass man Hilft und die Hilfe auch dort ankommt wo sie gebraucht wird. Wenn ein Mann 50 Milliarden spendet sprich die Hälfte von dem was die EU als Staatsverbund gibt, dann stimmt da was nicht in der Welt oder in der EU.

Naja, hier im Thread wurde der Eindruck erzeugt, dass die Türkei viel mehr gibt als die westlichen Länder. Das stimmt nun mal nicht, da braucht man sich nichts vor machen.
Naja, hier im Thread wurde der Eindruck erzeugt, dass die Türkei viel mehr gibt als die westlichen Länder. Das stimmt nun mal nicht, da braucht man sich nichts vor machen.

Kann sein, jedoch hab ich Quellen geposter Dzeko hat welche gepostet. Als Land was Hilfe erhalten hat ist es auch schön zu sehen, dass wir das Geld nicht nur verwalten sondern es auch für wohltätige Zwecke abdrücken.
Kizim Gonca, wie soll man dich mit deiner Geschichtskenntiss ernst nehmen? Du kennst dich nicht mal im Südosten der Türkei aus und da willst du uns die Beziehung der Osmanen mit den Iren in primitiven Wörter veranschaulichen?

Bana biraz zaman ver. Sana iyi bir nörolog bulacagim( bu bir insanlik vasifem)

Hep siz mi bana. Birazda ben size.:emir:
Pflegt die Türkei heute noch irgendwelche gemeinsamen Rituale mit den Iren, die daran erinnern?

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Selbst ohne diesen Hintergrund mit den Türken usw. die Iren unglaublich Sympahtisches Volk.
Jährlich kommen die Vereine Drogheda United und Trabzonspor zusammen und tragen ein Freundschaftsspiel aus.

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Selbst ohne diesen Hintergrund mit den Türken usw. die Iren unglaublich Sympahtisches Volk.

Find ich cool.


The Story Of Turkey Sending Ships Loaded With Aid To Ireland During The Famine In 1847

10. Juli 2010 um 03:46
The Treaty of Lausanne, signed in 1923 between the allied powers and the Turks in the aftermath of World War I, still prevails on the Turkish agenda. While on the one hand, some celebrate this treaty, arguing that it marks Turkish independence from the invading powers, others are critical about it as so much was given away, like Cyprus, the Aegean islands, Mosul, etc.
Yahya Kemal Beyatl (1884-1958), a famous Turkish poet and a former ambassador, had an interesting memory from the signing of the Treaty of Lausanne, in which he participated as a reporter. He recounts that while all the plenipotentiaries of the allied powers (The British Empire, France, Italy, Japan, Greece, Romania, and the Serb- Croat-Slovene State) voted in unison in opposition to Turkey, the representative from Ireland was an exception; in each vote, he raised his hand in favor of Turkey’s interests.
Beyatl noticed this unusual person, and could not help asking him the reason. “I am obliged to do it. Not only I, but are all Irish men and women,” said the Irish representative. “When we suffered from famine and disease, your Ottoman ancestors shipped loads of food and monetary donations. We have never forgotten the friendly hand extended to us in our difficult times. Your nation deserves to be supported on every occasion.”
Ireland was ridden with famine and disease between 1845 and 1849. Also known as the Great Hunger, this famine had lasting effects: at least one million people died due to famine-related diseases and more than one million Irish fled, mainly to the United States, England, Canada, and Australia.
Ottoman Sultan Abdülmecid sent five ships full of food supplies and funds as charity. However, the British administration did not give permission for these ships to enter the ports of Belfast or Dublin. Taner Baytok, former Turkish ambassador to Ireland, recounts in his memoirs that these ships secretly discharged their load in Drogheda, a town approximately 70 miles north of Dublin.
On May 2, 1995, commemorating this charity, the mayor of Drogheda, Alderman Frank Goddfrey, paid honor to Baytok and erected a plaque in the Westcourt Hotel, which was then the City Hall where Turkish seamen stayed. Baytok says he first learned of this act of charity from an article by Thomas P. O’Neill published in The Threshold magazine in 1957. To this day, the Drogheda United football club remembers this generous act by displaying the star and cresent moon on their jerseys.
The Otoman sultan declared that he would donate £10,000, but on the orders of Queen Victoria, the British Ambassador in Istanbul informed the Sultan that he should reduce this amount, for the Queen’s donation was only £2,000. As noted in the letter of gratitude from the “noblemen, gentlemen, and inhabitants of Ireland,” the amount donated by Ottoman Sultan Abdülmecid was reduced by the Queen to one thousand pounds.
Ottoman efforts to provide food and lessen the pains of the Irish people, despite political obstacles and the long distance, certainly deserves to be appreciated. It is a case study that should be analyzed carefully, not only as historical evidence for the friendship between two nations, but also as a perfect example that differences of race, religion, or language should not prevent humanitarian aid.
This generous charity from a Muslim sultan to a Christian nation is also important, particularly in our time when Muslims are often unfairly accused of human rights violations. Likewise, the appreciative plaque and overall reaction of the Irish society in return for this charity deserves to be applauded. We hope that the Turkish-Irish friendship sets a model for peace among different nations.
On a recent trip to Turkey, President of Ireland, Mary McAleese expressed gratitude to the Turkish people for the humanitarian aid provided by the Islamic Khilafah to Ireland during the Great Famine, 160 years ago.
The Turkish newspaper, “Ikinci Vatan”, reported that President McAleese on her official visit to Turkey made the statement during her meeting with Turkish president Abdullah Gul and expressed the words of gratitude from the people of Ireland for humanitarian aid provided by Ottoman Caliphate.
Jährlich kommen die Vereine Drogheda United und Trabzonspor zusammen und tragen ein Freundschaftsspiel aus.

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Selbst ohne diesen Hintergrund mit den Türken usw. die Iren unglaublich Sympahtisches Volk.

Ah Fussball. Ok, das ist ja schonmal was.