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The Game of Thrones


Robb als böser Wolf ? Von dem hab ich noch nichts gehörtO_O

Spoiler :D

In den Flusslanden zieht ein Dire-Wolf mit einem Rudel normaler Wölfe durch die Gegend und fällt Menschen an, in Dance of the Dragons wird klar, dass dieser Wolf vorher menschlich war, denn er erkennt Banner etc. ... es könnte entweder Rob sein, oder Nymeria mit den Erinnerungen von Arya.

A Game of Thrones

Nymeria is found with her litter-mates near their dead mother in the snow by Jon Snow and Robb Stark.[SUP][2][/SUP] Arya keeps Nymeria as close as possible, even allowing the direwolf to sleep at the foot of her bed. Arya names her after Nymeria, the legendary Queen of the Rhoynar.[SUP][1][/SUP] Nymeria accompanies Arya south on the journey to King's Landing. When Joffrey Baratheon and Sansa stumble upon Arya playing at swords with her friend Mycah by the Trident, Joffrey challenges Mycah to a duel, and cuts Mycah in the process. Joffrey refuses to relent which leads Arya to hit him with her stick. Joffrey attacks Arya with his sword, and Nymeria lunges at Joffrey and bites him. After letting him go, Arya and Nymeria flee.[SUP][3][/SUP] Fearing for Nymeria's life, Arya and Jory are forced to chase her away.
A Clash of Kings

On her march north with Yoren, Arya hears talk of a huge female wolf who leads a pack around the Gods Eye that has no fear of men. Lord William Mooton and his sons ride out to hunt her, but are forced to retreat, losing their hounds in the process.[SUP][4][/SUP]
A Storm of Swords

Arya sees a pack of wolves while searching for Riverrun. The largest of the wolves returns her call when she howls at them. Later she has a wolf dream where Nymeria attacks Iggo of the Bloody Mummers and his companions and kills them.[SUP][5][/SUP]
Through her warg bond with Nymeria, Arya finds Catelyn Stark's body in a river. She drags her to the shore and tries to wake her, but realizes she is dead.[SUP][6][/SUP]
A Feast for Crows

From Braavos, Arya has wolf dreams at night where she leads a great pack in the forest.[SUP][7][/SUP]
Septon Meribald reports that a great pack of hundreds of wolves prowls the Trident.[SUP][8][/SUP]

Ser Danwell Frey complains of an unprecedented number of wolves in the Riverlands and tells Jaime that packs of wolves attacked their baggage train as they traveled from the Twins.[SUP][9][/SUP] Ser Dermot of the Rainwood scouts near Riverrun and reports finding hundreds of wolves who killed two of his sentries. One of the dying men said the pack was led by "a she-wolf of monstrous size. A direwolf, to hear him tell it."[SUP][10][/SUP]
A Dance with Dragons

Ghost sees Nymeria singing under the moon and a hundred little grey cousins of her pack singing with her. She was in hills, which were warmer than the Wall and full of food.[SUP][11][/SUP] When Arya was Blind Beth, her wolf dreams were of seeing the night sky of Westeros. During these dreams Arya sees the first snowfall in the Riverlands and that prey has been scarcer since the snow began. Nymeria and her pack feasted on a shepherd, his dogs and flock. Some of her little grey cousins were afraid of men, even dead men; but to her meat was meat and men were prey.[SUP][12][/SUP]
na na hab eh nicht draufgeklickt :D
Nur hab ich mich gefragt wieso du das gemacht hast... ich würds auch gerne wissen aber ich könnte es net übers herz bringen haha
Wie fange ich am besten an, Game of Thrones zu schauen? :lol:
TPB alle Folgen runterladen oder online irgendwo schauen?
kp was ihr alle gegen die deutsche version habt ... kuck zwar auch englsich mit untertiteln aber erste staffel auf deutsch gekuckt 2 auf englisch und später nochmal auf deutsch