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traditionelle Tänze aus dem Balkan


Zeybek dance is named after the Zeybeks (of Turkmen and Yörük origins)
Zeybeks had a special dance in which performers simulated hawks. Romantic songs about their bravery are still popular in Turkish folk music. The yatagan sword was their primary weapon, but most of them carried firearms as well.
The Zeibeks fought against the Greek invasion of Western Anatolia during the Greco-Turkish War of 1919-1922.
Die ZEYBEK Tradition ist eine rein türkische Kultur. Sie hat ihre Wurzeln bei den Türkmenen in Innerasien. Viele ihrer Rituale und Bezeichnungen finden sich auch heute noch bei verschiedenen türkischen Völkern Innerasiens.
Zeybek entstand aus dem alttürkischen say (schützende Panzerung) und bek (stabil, straff, stramm, fest). Diese Wörter im Zusammenhang mit den Zeybek wird im Divanı Lügatı Türk (erstes in türkischer Sprache verfasstes Wörterbuch, 1074) erklärt.
İşte Harmandalı İşte Zeybek İşte Ülkücü Hareket - YouTube



Yörük Ali Efe

was a Turkish leader in the late periods of Ottoman Empire and later an officer in Turkish Army during the Turkish Independence War. He was one of the last Zeybeks in Turkish history.

On 15 May 1919, Greek Army captured İzmir and immediately set out to occupy a larger territory in Turkey's Aegean Region. Yöruk Ali organized meetings with the cooperation of other Efes in the region and grouped most Zeybeks of Aydın region under his command.
On 16 June1919 he made a surprise attack on a Greek garrison based in Malgaç train station. The garrison was completely destroyed and great amount of ammunition and supplies were captured. This was the first victory for the Turkish side in Greco-Turkish War (1919-1922).






Irgendwo in Griechenland von Arvaniten getanzt, ab 2:25

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stolze Griechen diese Arvaniten

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