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turanische musik und kultur

Ersteres ist die Idee einer Vereinigung aller türkischen Gebiete zu einem großen "Turan"(ja User Cypriot, das gilt auch für Nordzypern:D) und die MHP ist eine politische Partei.

Ich weiß nicht ob du Nachrichten verfolgst aber wir vereinigen uns bereits zur Birleşik Kıbrıs Federasyonu (Vereinigte Föderation Zypern).
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We stayed several days at the home of Kazakh Eagle Hunter "Mana" in Olgii, Mongolia and watched him prepare for the Altai Kazakh Eagle Hunter Festival.
During one training session we attached a Go Pro Hero3 to the eagle to experience the speed. The Himalayan Golden Eagle or Berikut, can glide up to 120 mph, and dives as fast as 150 mph.
We have been playing with this idea already a while ago. So when we finalized this trip a couple of months ago, we started getting our gear ready. First we bought a GoPro Hero 3 at home in Belgium. Once we were in Mongolia we checked with the Denver Zoo Foundation who has some wildlife projects here in the country about the possibility and feasibility of attaching a camera to a golden eagle. They gave us some advice and assured us that when taking in their tips in consideration it would not harm or hinder the animal. Then we had to build the harness/jacket. We got assistance from Urnaa, one of the senior concierge ladies from the Kempinski Khan Palace Hotel in Ulaanbaatar. She went with us to an atelier where they made the harness according to our wishes. Once in Bayan-Olgii, we got the help from Canat, the owner of Blue Wolf Travel who arranged the stay with some eagle hunters. We were very happy with the family of Mana and his kind and gentle eagle.
The result from the test flight you see in the movie. It shows how fast and amazing the golden eagles of Altai are. How targeted they are and fly directly to their master.

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It's all about mother.

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Die Frau sieht auch sehr Schick aus.

Die hier ist auch schick.

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