Eher ihr könnt nicht mit Gabun mithalten da gabun einen besseren Bip hat als ihr.
Ach du Hillis, es macht mir echt kein Spaß dich auf einem untergehenden Schiff zu sehen.
Eher ihr könnt nicht mit Gabun mithalten da gabun einen besseren Bip hat als ihr.
Eher ihr könnt nicht mit Gabun mithalten da gabun einen besseren Bip hat als ihr.
19,34 Milliarden USD (2013)
Gabun, Bruttoinlandsprodukt
822,1 Milliarden USD (2013)
Türkei, Bruttoinlandsprodukt
Extra für dich TuAF.
Türken finden Gefallen an männlichen Bauchtänzern
Wusst ja nichts, dass ihr an solchen dingen gefallen findet.
Extra für dich TuAF.
Türken finden Gefallen an männlichen Bauchtänzern
Wusst ja nichts, dass ihr an solchen dingen gefallen findet.
Extra für dich TuAF.
Turkish border officials 'allowing Syrian asylum seekers to holiday ferries into Greece'
Ferries carrying hundreds of asylum seekers at a time from Turkish mainland to Greece's Aegean islands
A dinghy overcrowded with migrants lands at a beach on the Greek island of Kos after crossing a part of the south-eastern Aegean Sea Photo: REUTERS
By June Field and Colin Freeman
6:40PM BST 27 May 2015
Turkish border officials are allowing huge numbers of Syrian asylum seekers to cross into Europe on holiday ferries serving the Greek islands, a Telegraph investigation has found.
Residents of Greece’s eastern Aegean islands say ferries carrying hundreds of Syrian migrants at a time are making the short hop from Turkey’s coast, with Turkish officials making no attempt to stop them boarding.
In what appears to be yet another gap in Europe’s border controls, the migrants have no need to risk their lives in rickety people-smuggling boats or pay exorbitant fees to smuggling gangs.
Instead, for a few Turkish lira, they can simply board regular passenger services at ports on Turkey’s south-west coast, taking them on to holiday islands such as Lesbos where local authorities have little choice but to accommodate them.
Andreas Karasarinidis, a Greek student from Athens who recently journeyed from Turkey to the Lesbos port of Mytilini, told the Telegraph that he had been astonished at the number of Syrian refugees travelling as fellow passengers.
“Out of 250 people, only 40 were Greeks,” he said. “The rest were from Syria, and very happy to be arriving in Greece. They were taking photos on their mobile cameras, obviously relieved to be safe. Greece is an open door. The port is swamped with them.”
Greece, like Italy, is struggling to cope with influx of new arrivals, which is expected to run into the hundreds of thousands this year. The Greek archipelagos have proved a particularly popular arrival point, with the sheer number of islands making the coastline difficult to police.
Coastguards say more than 1,200 migrants, many from Syria, have arrived on Greek islands over the past two days alone. At least 300 have turned up on Kos, a popular tourist destination that lacks even basic migrant reception facilities.
Officially, both the Greek and Turkish governments are supposed to be working together to stem the flow of migrants. The two historic enemies have been encouraged to bury political rivalries and work in conjunction with Frontex, the EU border control agency.
But while efforts have been stepped up to stop migrant traffic over the Greek-Turkish mainland border, the policing task still suffers from a lack of resources and political will. With austerity biting hard in Greece, many local boat owners and officials are said to be topping up their incomes by either joining the racket or turning a blind eye.
“Corruption is rife,” said Stephanos Psimenos, who is also a newly elected MP for Potami, the new Greek centre-left party that fought its first general election in January. “When someone who earns a monthly salary of 1,500 euros can look the other way for 1,000 euros for each person, that’s a lot.”
Asked about migrants using the ferry crossings to Lesbos, a local coastguard official in Mytilini told the Telegraph: “The Turkish authorities don’t stop them”.
Turkish border officials 'allowing Syrian asylum seekers to holiday ferries into Greece' - Telegraph
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