haro aus faro
Das kann ja alles sein, du hast aber geschrieben es sei erlaubt, sowas mit Gefangenen zu machen und das war es offenbar nicht ... ob man da illegal was gemacht hatte ist eine völlig andere Frage
Ein Beispiel:From 1913 to 1951, Dr. Leo Stanley, chief surgeon at the San Quentin Prison, performed a wide variety of experiments on hundreds of prisoners at San Quentin. Many of the experiments involved testicular implants, where Stanley would take the testicles out of executed prisoners and surgically implant them into living prisoners. In other experiments, he attempted to implant the testicles oframs, goats, and boars into living prisoners. Stanley also performed various eugenics experiments, and forced sterilizations on San Quentin prisoners.[SUP][6][/SUP] Stanley believed that his experiments would rejuvenate old men, control crime (which he believed had biological causes), and prevent the "unfit" from reproducing
Wie stellst du dir das vor? "Ja Guten Tag, Herr Gefangener, wir würden ihnen gerne ein Schafshoden implantieren! Gestatten sie das?"