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USA planen Intervention in Syrien

Für oder gegen Assad

  • Umfrageteilnehmer
  • Umfrage geschlossen .
A remarkable report by Anne Barnard of the New York Times this weekend confirms my multiple reports here at PJ Media about the increased alliance between the U.S.-backed Free Syrian Army (FSA) and al-Qaeda’s Syrian affiliate, Jabhat al-Nusra.
As Barnard reports:
In northern and eastern Syria, where Mr. Assad’s opponents won early victories and once dreamed of building self-government, the nationalist rebel groups calling themselves the Free Syrian Army are forced to operate under the extremists’ umbrellas, to go underground or to flee, according to Syrian insurgents, activists and two top commanders of the American-financed F.S.A. groups.
Two weeks ago I reported that Jabhat al-Nusra had used U.S. TOW anti-tank missiles in the rebels’ seizure of the Syrian Army’s base in Wadi al-Deif. The terror group posted a video showing the use of the TOW missiles in the battle (at ~3:50):

Nusra fans on Twitter were also noting the U.S. missiles being used:
Now Barnard confirms that FSA elements were fighting at Wadi al-Deif under the direction and/or control of Jabhat al-Nusra:
The fall of the army base at Wadi al-Deif, which straddles an important supply route in Idlib Province, proved the Nusra Front’s dominance, they said. Other insurgents had long besieged the base without victory. Nusra succeeded after seizing much of the province from Harakat Hazm and the Syrian Revolutionaries Front, two of several groups that until recently, American officials were calling the opposition’s new hope [...]
How exactly the Wadi al-Deif battle unfolded remains murky, with different commanders giving different versions. But reports and images from the operation make two things clear: antitank missiles were used, and Nusra claimed the victory. That means that the American-backed fighters could advance only by working with the Nusra Front, which the United States government lists as a terrorist group, or that they have lost the weapons to the Nusra fighters, effectively joined the group or been forced to follow its orders.
One commander of a group that received antitank missiles said that some F.S.A. fighters were forced to operate them in the battle on behalf of the Nusra Front, which had captured them from American-backed groups — a turn of events that he worried would lead the United States to cut off support [...]
Abu Kumayt, a fighter with the Syrian Revolutionaries Front who said he fought in the battle under cover, gave a slightly different version. He said that groups with the antitank missiles fought alongside Nusra fighters and under their command — but that only Nusra and its Islamist ally Ahrar al-Sham were allowed to enter the base when it fell. Nusra, he said, lets groups vetted by the United States keep the appearance of independence, so that they will continue to receive American supplies.
Earlier this month I noted reports from the Los Angeles Times and McClatchy that U.S.-backed units trained under a covert CIA program were openly operating with Nusra in southern Syria while other “vetted moderate” groups who had received heavy weaponry from the U.S. were surrendering their weapons to Nusra or delivering them to another hardcore jihadist group, Ahrar al-Sham.
Perhaps even more worrying is the $500 million in weapons that the FSA has surrendered to ISIS and admissions by FSA commanders that they are operating with both Nusra and ISIS. And last week a German journalist who spent 10 days embedded with ISIS in Iraq and Syria told France24 that ISIS is obtaining weapons supplied by Western governments and being sold by the FSA:
Todenhofer went on to say that the IS militants are being armed by the West – if only indirectly – as Western moves to arm moderate Syrian rebels have backfired.
“They buy the weapons that we give to the Free Syrian Army, so they get Western weapons – they get French weapons … I saw German weapons, I saw American weapons,” he said.
“The best seller of weapons is the Free Syrian Army, which is financed by NATO, financed probably also by France, but at least by the United States.”
So it is no wonder that the administration is openly ditching the FSA.

<em>NY Times</em> Admits: U.S.-Backed Free Syrian Army Under Effective Al-Qaeda Control | PJ Tatler

Women who were kidnapped after ignoring parents' pleas not to travel to Syria as aid workers issue video begging for their lives

  • Greta Ramelli, 20, and Vanessa Marzullo, 21, travelled to Syria this summer
  • Went to city of Aleppo to help hand out aid when they were captured
  • They are believed to be held by Al Qaeda affiliated group Jabhat Al Nusra
  • Video has emerged seeming to show the pair asking to be returned home
  • Scripted message also warns that their lives are in danger if they stay

Italian aid workers kidnapped in Syria issue video plea | Daily Mail Online

Hoffentlich werden sie gerettet und machen so ein scheiß nie wieder..

- - - Aktualisiert - - -

Neue Karte aus Syrien von einem Pro FSA Aktivisten

Wenn ich mir so die Umrisse der Länder in der Syrien Gegend so anschaue ... mano man ... diese Grenzziehungen.
Um Nazi-Deutschland zur Kapitulation zu zwingen haben Russland, die USA, Grossbritannien, Frankreich, Jugoslawien und weitere Beteiligte mit vereinten Kräften die Nazis bekämpft und besiegt.

Und heute haben wir wieder einen Nazistaat.

Denn so wie Hitler alle Nichtdeutsche und Juden töten wollte, so wollen die Faschisten des IS alle Nichtmuslime töten. Sie verwenden dazu keine Gaskammern sondern schneiden den Menschen direkt den Kopf ab und wer etwas mehr "Glück" hat wird erschossen.

Damals im 2. Weltkrieg hat man alle Hebel in Bewegung gesetzt um dem Nazistaat den Gar auszumachen und Heute fliegt die "Anti IS Koalition" halbherzige Luftangriffe gegen einzelne Ziele. Genau wie die westlichen Alliirten dem Völkermord in Nazi-Deutschland lange zugeschaut haben, bevor Sie mit grossen Kräften eingriffen, so scheinen Sie auch dem heutigen Völkermord in Syrien und Irak durch die IS mehr oder weniger zuzuschauen.

Die Luftangriffe können den Islamischen Staat zwar schwächen aber wenn die "Anti IS Koalition" dieses Terrorregime ein für alle mal eliminieren will wird Sie nicht um den Kampf am Boden herum kommen.