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Volkszählung 2011 Mazedonien

Census Cancelled, Albanians Are Below 17%
Tuesday, 11 October 2011

The ruling Government has decided to cancel and postpone the Census for some other time. No one is sure when would that be.

The Census had counted nearly 1.3 million people so far and one thing became evident: the Albanian ethnicum will not be able to reach the coveted 25% they reached in a fraudulent census back in 2002.
Information from ethnic Albanian census takers point that according to the numbers from the field, and despite ignoring the Census laws by counting people that were not present, the Albanian ethnicum would struggle to get to 17% of the population, as many had believed. Hence the alarm was sounded, all ethnic Albanians from the Census Bureau resigned, while the Macedonians resigned because the Census laws were ignored, people that were not present for years were being counted.

NATO/EU's 25%

Because of the "uprising" orchestrated by NATO/EU, which was intended to turn Macedonia into a second Kosovo and a base for NATO, the Ohrid Framework agreement written for Macedonia in Brussels before the conflict begun had stipulated law changes for ethnic Albanians should they be 25% of the population.

The miracle happened in the 2002 census overseen by NATO/EU when somehow the ethnic Albanians pulled off an astonishing 25.2% of the population. Lets not forget, Crvenkovski whose party was in charge of the census was thrilled with the new numbers, which in itself was seen as a red flag... and it was.
Now when the more realistic numbers have leaked, it will put the forever unhappy Albanians at less than 17% which in turn brings into question the validity of the Ohrid Framework Agreement! It also brings into question the number of DUI and DPA MPs in Parliament.

Although Albanians are used to a preferred treatment in it that they are always right, must be appeased and their demands met, Eurocrat Merkel worried for her own country had this to say: Giving rights to minorities doesn't work and creates instability. Either accept the German culture and language or return to your home country". Sarkozy said the same thing when speaking of France!
In Macedonia, not just that the Albanian ethnicum has received more rights than the Macedonians themselves and other minorities, they publicly say they do not feel Macedonia is their country (most of them came as refugees from Kosovo). All of this as a result of a fraudulent census in 2002.

Macedonia should for once take a page from Greece, Albania and Bulgaria and administer a census the way these countries administer it: Count people as "Macedonian Citizens" or "Non Citizens". Problem Solved. Albania even fines people $1,000 if you claim to be of other ethnicity.

Zuletzt bearbeitet:
Die Volkszählung soll in ein paar Monaten neu durchgeführt werden, heute wird von der Regierung ein entsprechender Vorschlag im Parlament vorgelegt.

Нов попис за неколку месеци
среда, 12 октомври 2011

Владата на Република Македонија денес ќе одржи вонредна седница поради прекинот на пописот

На седницата треба да се поднесе предлог за донесување на закон за прекин на пописот. Предлог-законот ќе биде доставен до Собранието на Република Македонија, каде ќе се гласа за законот.
Вонредната седница на Владата следува по вчерашната оставка на членовите на Државната пописна комисија, на само четири дена пред крајот на пописот што започна на први октомври.

Пописот ќе започне отпочеток за неколку месеци. Одлуката за негово прекинување, нема директно да наштети на процесот кој мора да се случи.

Напротив, сегашните пропусти ќе се надополнат и во услови кои не оставаат простор за било каква опструкција, јасно ќе се изврши пребројувањето.

| - kirilica.com.mk
Natürlich unter 25%, und das sogar weit!!!!

Alles andere ist Fake wie 2002 :puh:

Nein auf keinen Fall. So läuft die Scheiße nicht. Das ist der größte gefakteste Scheiß den es gibt. Wenn die Ergebnisse bekannt werden und es sind wirklich unter 25 dann muss Ahmeti die Eier haben zu boykottieren. So läuft die Kacke nicht. Weit unter 25 das würden noch nicht mal die Hardcorenationalisten unter euch glauben. Allein Tetovo, Gostivar, Diber, Kumanovo, Aracinovo, Lipkovo, Struga und Skopje bis auf Skopje und Kumanovo sind in allen genannten Gemeinden die Albaner die absolute Mehrheit und in Skopje und Kumanovo gibt es genügend. Wenn sich die Regierung selber Steine in den Weg legen will bitte, aber nicht mit uns.