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Volkszählung 2011 Mazedonien

Presioneve ndaj turqve për tu deklaruar si maqedonas


Lidhja e Shoqatave Turke në Maqedoni ka konfirmuar se ka presione të mëdha që turqit të deklarohen maqedonas në regjistrim e popullsisë. Kryetari i këtij organizimi të shoqatave, Sulejman Baki deklaroi për INA se ka presione të mëdha ndaj regjistruesve turq që po regjistrojnë në terren si dhe ndaj popullatës që të deklarohen dhe regjistrohen si maqedonas mysliman dhe jo të shprehin përkatësinë e tyre etnike.
"Ne sot kemi takuar qytetarët tanë dhe ata janë të shqetësuar dhe irituar nga këto presione që vijnë nga njerëz të caktuar të lidhur me pushtetin. Nuk duam që të politizojmë këtë situatë të krijuar, por apelojmë që të ndërpriten këto presione ndaj popullatës turke në Maqedoni. Në rast se nuk ndërpritet kjo, do të kërkojmë ndihmën e Qeverisë së Turqisë përmes ambasadës në Shkup", deklaroi Baki.
Ai nënvizoi se paraprakisht janë njoftuar anëtarët turq pranë Komisionit Shtetëror të Regjistrimit dhe anëtarët e tjerë të këtij
komisioni, partitë politike turke dhe ministrinë që është pjesë e Qeverisë aktuale. "Nuk duam që problemi të marrë kahe tjetër", theksoi Baki, i cili ka shtuar se shqetësimin e ka parë në Koliçan të Poshtëm, Dërzhillovë, Cvetovë, Rostushe, Skudrinjë dhe Maqedoninë Perëndimore, si në Dibër etj.
Lidhja e Shoqatave Turke është një trup i organizuar i përbërë nga më shumë se 50 shoqata turke në Maqedoni.

Die Türken in Mazedonien werden von den Mazedoniern unter Druck gesetzt um sich als Mazedonier zu deklarieren,deswegen hat sich der Vorsitzende der türkischen Gemeinschaft beschwert und damit gedroht wenn das nicht aufhört das sie dann die Türkei zur Hilfe bitten.

Njeht Gut.
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Skopje suspends national census
Tue, Oct 11 2011 09:19 CET
byThe Sofia Echo staff
1 of 1

Photo: Reuters
The national census in Macedonia has been suspended, Macedonian news website Kirilica said, quoted by news agency Focus.

The state census commission (SCC) held a sitting late on October 10 2011 and decided that it was not possible to continue the process further under the existing circumstances, the report said.

The decision was a result of the inadequate implementation of the methodology set out by the state statistical institute, which was also co-ordinated with European Union statistics office Eurostat.

According to the commission, the census will not present real data about the number of the people and families living in Macedonia and so the commission could not execute its task and duties. All SCC members filed their resignations. The commission called for all participants in the census to stop all activities connected to the national tally.

Focus said that the census in Macedonia had been complicated by different interpretations of an article of the law regarding citizens who have been living abroad for more than a year.

Under the law, these citizens should not be counted. Albanian members of the commission, as well as representatives of the smaller ethnic groups, considered that people, who have come to Macedonia at least once should be counted too despite the fact that they have been living in another country for more than a year.

Because no compromise on the issue could be achieved, the census officers in the Albanian regions continued the national tally following their own interpretation of the law.

There were also other discrepancies and missed deadlines, the report said.

Skopje suspends national census - South Eastern Europe - The Sofia Echo

Der originale Artikel auf den sich die Sofija Echo bezieht:

Пропадна пописот, откажани сите понатамошни активности
вторник, 11 октомври 2011

Државната пописна комисија на вечерашната седница констатираше дека не се исполенти основните услови за натамошна реализација на пописот и ги сопре сите активности поврзани со пописот

Пред малку ДПК го дистрибуираше своето соопштение од одржаната седница според кое констатира дека не постојат услови за понатамошна реализација на пописот.

Во најголема мера ова се однесува на нееднаквата примена на методологијата утврдена од страна на Државниот завод за статистика, а усогласена со Еуростат во делот кој го разработува членот 6, став 3, членот 40 и членот 42 од Законот за попис на населението, домаќинствата и становите во Република Македонија 2011 година.
Државната пописна комисија од овие причини констатираше дека врз основа на погоре наведеното пописот не може да резултира со релевантни податоци врз основа на што комисијата не може понатаму да ги исполнува своите законски обврски. Поради тоа сите членови на Државната пописна комисија си поднесоа неотповиклива оставка.

ДПК ги повика сите учесници во пописот 2011 да ги сопрат сите идни активности поврзани со пописот.

Mehr:??????? ? ????????, ????????? ?? ????????? ??????? ???????? ???????? ???????
Skopje suspends national census
Tue, Oct 11 2011 09:19 CET
byThe Sofia Echo staff
1 of 1

Photo: Reuters
The national census in Macedonia has been suspended, Macedonian news website Kirilica said, quoted by news agency Focus.

The state census commission (SCC) held a sitting late on October 10 2011 and decided that it was not possible to continue the process further under the existing circumstances, the report said.

The decision was a result of the inadequate implementation of the methodology set out by the state statistical institute, which was also co-ordinated with European Union statistics office Eurostat.

According to the commission, the census will not present real data about the number of the people and families living in Macedonia and so the commission could not execute its task and duties. All SCC members filed their resignations. The commission called for all participants in the census to stop all activities connected to the national tally.

Focus said that the census in Macedonia had been complicated by different interpretations of an article of the law regarding citizens who have been living abroad for more than a year.

Under the law, these citizens should not be counted. Albanian members of the commission, as well as representatives of the smaller ethnic groups, considered that people, who have come to Macedonia at least once should be counted too despite the fact that they have been living in another country for more than a year.

Because no compromise on the issue could be achieved, the census officers in the Albanian regions continued the national tally following their own interpretation of the law.

There were also other discrepancies and missed deadlines, the report said.

Skopje suspends national census - South Eastern Europe - The Sofia Echo

Der originale Artikel auf den sich die Sofija Echo bezieht:

Пропадна пописот, откажани сите понатамошни активности
вторник, 11 октомври 2011

Државната пописна комисија на вечерашната седница констатираше дека не се исполенти основните услови за натамошна реализација на пописот и ги сопре сите активности поврзани со пописот

Пред малку ДПК го дистрибуираше своето соопштение од одржаната седница според кое констатира дека не постојат услови за понатамошна реализација на пописот.

Во најголема мера ова се однесува на нееднаквата примена на методологијата утврдена од страна на Државниот завод за статистика, а усогласена со Еуростат во делот кој го разработува членот 6, став 3, членот 40 и членот 42 од Законот за попис на населението, домаќинствата и становите во Република Македонија 2011 година.
Државната пописна комисија од овие причини констатираше дека врз основа на погоре наведеното пописот не може да резултира со релевантни податоци врз основа на што комисијата не може понатаму да ги исполнува своите законски обврски. Поради тоа сите членови на Државната пописна комисија си поднесоа неотповиклива оставка.

ДПК ги повика сите учесници во пописот 2011 да ги сопрат сите идни активности поврзани со пописот.

Mehr:??????? ? ????????, ????????? ?? ????????? ??????? ???????? ???????? ???????
Census Data Pours In, Bujar Osmani Culprit for Fraud
Wednesday, 12 October 2011

More information has come out from the Census Bureau, perhaps the shocking part of this information is the fact that ethnic Albanians census takers were issued directives by Census Deputy Chief Bujar Osmani to sign up people that are not present nor are Macedonian citizens.
This is a direct attempt by a high ranking Census official to committ fraud. Boskoski for a similar reason is in jail. If the law applies to Bujar Osmani, he must be brought to Court and if convicted sent to prison.

DPK (Census) sources claim that the irregularities with the Albanian ethnicum started right from the start. Thousands of ethnic Albanians were signed who do not live in Macedonia, with "photocopies" or no documentaiton at all. DPK confirmed many of the "photocopies" circulated from village to village, so in many places the same photocopies were counted 4, 5 times. Needless to say, these are strong violations against EU(Eurostat) and Macedonian census laws.

Only 20% of the population counted before census was halted

The most irregularities were reported in the Tetovo and Gostivar region. Out of the 7,000 counted the DPK had identified 1,700 photocopies.
In Kicevo, 3,000 cases were fraudulent, most were from people who were not present, no documentation, the rest came in photocopies.
Struga had 2,000 fraudulent cases. Skopje had 2,500 fraudulent cases, while Saraj and Studenicani registered 1,500 fraudulent cases.

The most bizarre report (as if the ones above are not bizarre), came from my own region of Chaska, near Veles. The entire region has around 7,000 people, out of which 6,500 are Macedonians, around 300-400 are Turks, and maybe around 80-100 ethnic Albanians.
The DPK said 3,000 fraudulent cases appeared in Chaska!!! Almost all where photocopies of ethnic Albanians. The same photocopies from Tetovo circulated their way to Chaska?

14 Million euros were wasted for two weeks on the Census. Someone (Bujar Osmani and Co.) should be held accountable for this, for once.

MINA Breaking News - Census Data Pours In, Bujar Osmani Culprit for Fraud

mazedonisch: ??????? ?? ?????? ??? ?? ???????
Ethnic row threatens Macedonia census

A commission in charge of a sensitive population census in Macedonia resigned and called for a halt to counting yesterday in a row reflecting deep ethnic divisions a decade after the Balkan country narrowly avoided civil war.
The panel met late on Monday and then issued a statement saying its members had quit and urging census officers to stop the count.
There was no immediate word from the government.
The numbers are crucial to a delicate power-sharing system created in 2001 as part of a deal to end fighting between government forces and ethnic Albanian guerrillas seeking greater rights for their minority community.
The commission complained about the implementation of methodology set out by the state statistics institute in co-ordination with the European Union statistics office, Eurostat.
“The census will not present the real data about the number of people and families living in Macedonia and so the commission could not execute its tasks and duties,” the statement said.
The dispute centres on whether or not to count people absent from the former Yugoslav republic for over a year, based on copies of their identification papers.
The Macedonian side says they should not, while ethnic Albanians argue that in not doing so the authorities are trying to lower their official percentage because of the number of ethnic Albanians working abroad.
Census officers in different regions have been following different interpretations of the rules, media reports say.
Macedonia’s last population census was held in 2002, after Western diplomacy staved off civil war, using the lure of Nato and EU integration to squeeze greater minority rights from the government and get the guerrillas to disarm and enter politics.