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Wieviele Flüchtlinge kann Europa aufnehmen?

Man kann auf dem Video auch gar nicht erkennen, was da überhaupt genau passiert. Aber ist ja scheißegal. Köln, Kairo, vergewaltigt oder nicht vergewaltigt. Eine Meute brauner Allahuakbar-Rufer und ein blondes Mädchen irgendwo dazwischen, das passt gut zur neuen Agenda, also wirds verbreitet.
Das ist aber mal eine sehr unseriöse Zahl und die haust du uns hier auch noch einfach um die Ohren.
finde ich nicht, sondern die Zahl 1000 in Köln, da kannst Du das vll. zu recht behaupten.... ihr werdet verblödet und gegen Flüchtlinge angezündet... volles Verständnis zu haben, wenn beschlossen wird, Grenzen zu schliessen, Flüchtlinge nicht mehr rein zu lassen usw.

Wird aber nichts bringen, die Flüchtlinge werden Europa überollen....
Scheint das den Öffentlich Rechtlicheneinige Information “entgangen“ sind. Das sind nur einige Ausschnitte aus dem Guardian, bekanntes habe ich weggelassen.

Cologne police chief fired as witness says NYE violence was coordinated | World news | The Guardian

Lieli Shabani, 35, said she saw three Arabic speaking males who were “clearly giving instructions and directing a lot of the males”

Shabani, the witness spoken to by the Guardian, said she had viewed the events from the cathedral steps, having gone to the city centre to experience her first German new year, eight months after arriving as a political asylum seeker from Iran. She said she had been astounded by the police’s nonchalance. “They seemed to just let it happen,” she said. “I watched as men fired large firecrackers horizontally into the crowd and they police just stood at the side of the square with their hands on their hips”.

Describing what she called “coordination tactics” among the men, Shabani said: “I watched for some time as three men who were smartly dressed gave out instructions. One time a group of three or four males would come up to them, be given instructions and sent away into the crowd. Then another group of four or five would come up, and they’d gesticulate in various directions and send them off again.”

The men occasionally paused to take selfies on their mobiles, she said, adding that they wore “sports chic” or “the type of clothing rappers might wear – smart trainers, baseball caps”.

“It looked to me like they were clearly directing the events,” said Shabani, describing the evening as “chaotic”.

The kindergarten teacher suffered a 5cm gash to her right hand, after intervening to stop a firework explode in her three-year-old’s pram. “I saw it coming and put my hand up just in time to stop it,” she said.

The incidents in and around the square in front of the main train station have led to accusations of a police and media cover-up to avoid anti-foreigner sentiment following Angela Merkel’s open-door policy towards refugees and migrants. More than a million refugees have entered Germany in the past 12 months.

Victims have described their attackers as being Arab or north African in appearance but a Cologne lawyer joined a growing number of people on Thursday who insisted the description was incomplete.

“Clients I’ve spoken to who were there at the station to peacefully see in the new year say that there were also Albanian, Kurds, Montenegrins, Syrians and Iraqis involved in the tumult,” said Mehdi Labidi, a Tunisian-German.

Meanwhile, Finnish police reported an unusually high level of sexual harassment in Helsinki on New Year’s Eve and said they had been tipped off about plans by groups of asylum seekers to sexually harass women.

Helsinki’s deputy police chief, Ilkka Koskimaki, said: “There hasn’t been this kind of harassment on previous New Year’s Eves or other occasions for that matter … This is a completely new phenomenon in Helsinki.”

Security guards hired to patrol the city on New Year’s Eve told police there had been widespread sexual harassment at a central square where around 20,000 people had gathered for celebrations.

Swedish police said at least 15 young women had reported being groped by groups of men on New Year’s Eve in the city of Kalmar. A spokesman said groups of men encircled women on a crowded square and groped them. He said no one was physically injured but many of those targeted were terrified.