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Wirtschaft Griechenlands - Οικονομία της Ελλάδας - Economy of Greece

  • Ersteller Gelöschtes Mitglied 9433
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ich will mir das antun......:pinkflower:

Dann meide lieber Chalkidiki, da muss man wissen wo man hin will und/oder sich gut auskennen.
Kos, Santorini und Rhodos kann ich empfehlen.
Wobei Santorini (was die Aussicht angeht) der Overkill ist...
PS: Was Straende und Restaurants angeht - immer die Einheimischen fragen. Lohnt sich...

Fuer einen Kurztripp lohnt sich auch Edessa... und das weiter aussen (Berge) gelegene Pontendorf.
[h=1]Greek economy to grow by 0.9 in 2014, 2.9 pct in 2015, says EC report[/h]
ANA/MPA---The Greek economy is expected to grow by 0.9 pct this year and by 2.9 pct in 2015, the European Commission said on Monday.In its spring estimates for the country's economic outlook, the Commission confirmed its estimates released earlier this year (February 25). In the report, the Commission said it expected the Eurozone economy to grow by 1.2 pct this year and by 1.7 pct in 2015 (down from an 1.8 pct estimate in February). For the EU, it expects an 1.6 pct growth rate in 2014 (1.5 pct in February) and a 2.0 pct growth rate in 2015 (unchanged from February).
The unemployment rate is projected to fall to 26 pct in 2014, from 27.3 pct in 2013 (up from a 25.7 pct estimate in February) and to 24 pct of the workforce in 2015 (down from 24.6 pct in February).
The fiscal deficit is estimated to fall from 12.7 pct of GDP in 2013 to 1.6 pct in 2014 (down from a 2.1 pct estimate in February) and to 1.0 pct in 2015 (unchanged from February).
The public debt is expected to rise to 177.2 pct of GDP this year and to fall to 172.4 pct in 2015 (up from an 171.1 pct estimate in February).
The inflation rate is expected to remain negative at -0.8 pct this year from -0.9 pct in 2013, rising to 0.3 pct in 2015.
Finally, investments are expected to rise from 3.6 pct in 2013 to 12 pct in 2014 and 6.5 pct in 2015.
"Recovery signs are strengthening" was the headline of the chapter for Greece in the European Commission's spring economic forecasts report. The Commission noted that structural reforms made in product and services markets led to an improvement in competitiveness which in turn will boost exports and investments.
The Commission noted that confidence indexes have improved in the construction sector and among consumers, while industrial production grew in the first two months of 2014, retail sales stabilized along with building licenses. Greek exports are projected to grow further helped by a recovery in the Eurozone, while imports are expected to decline at a slower pace this year.
The European Commission noted that investments and private consumption were expected to contribute largely in a 2.9 pct growth rate expected for 2015. The unemployment rate reached its peak (27.3 pct) in 2013, while reforms made in the labour market and higher investments will contributed to a decline in the unempoyment rate from this year.
The report noted that risks are balance and related with general geopolitical developments in the region, while it stressed that any slowdown in implementing structural reforms could negatively affect confidence in the economy.
The Commission welcomed the Greek government's initiatives to rationalize spending, to have a more efficient social insurance system and boost tax collection.
Dann meide lieber Chalkidiki, da muss man wissen wo man hin will und/oder sich gut auskennen.
Kos, Santorini und Rhodos kann ich empfehlen.
Wobei Santorini (was die Aussicht angeht) der Overkill ist...
PS: Was Straende und Restaurants angeht - immer die Einheimischen fragen. Lohnt sich...

Fuer einen Kurztripp lohnt sich auch Edessa... und das weiter aussen (Berge) gelegene Pontendorf.

Rhodos kann ich auch wärmstens empfehlen. Insbesondere die Ortschaft Embona im Inselinnern. Die machen da lokalen Wein aus schwarzen Trauben, der ist so konzentriert, da steht förmlich der Löffel drin. Respektive man bleibt gleich am Sessel kleben wenn man halben Liter davon getrunken hat. September, du stehst morgens auf, das Erste was dir in die Nase steigt ist der Geruch nach fermentierendem Traubenmost. Die gegrillten Lammkoteletts waren im übrigen auch lecker. Wir haben zu zweit gleich 1.5 kg davon runter geputzt. Gut, großer Teil ist ja nur Knochen. ;-)

Rhodos kann ich auch wärmstens empfehlen. Insbesondere die Ortschaft Embona im Inselinnern. Die machen da lokalen Wein aus schwarzen Trauben, der ist so konzentriert, da steht förmlich der Löffel drin. Respektive man bleibt gleich am Sessel kleben wenn man halben Liter davon getrunken hat. September, du stehst morgens auf, das Erste was dir in die Nase steigt ist der Geruch nach fermentierendem Traubenmost. Die gegrillten Lammkoteletts waren im übrigen auch lecker. Wir haben zu zweit gleich 1.5 kg davon runter geputzt. Gut, großer Teil ist ja nur Knochen. ;-)


Hört sich gut an. Mal sehen, vielleicht schwimme ich zum Kurztripp rüber.
Qatar Looks to Greece for LNG Bunker Market

Qatar wants to market its natural gas to the European shipping industry as the European Union (EU) promotes use of liquefied natural gas (LNG) bunkers, the business news side Arabian Supply Chain reports.

The nation is said to be in negotiations over the possible supply of the fuel for shipowners from Greece, which has the world's largest commercial marine fleet.

Qatar Petroleum International (QPI)'s chief financial officer recently visited Athens and spoke to Greek corporate leaders about the company's hopes for expanding into LNG trading in Greece, with a particular focus on the marine market.
QPI is planning a second LNG terminal in Greece, while Greece's Public Gas Corp. is considering options for a planned $483 million floating LNG terminal in Northern Greece.
Qatar Looks to Greece for LNG Bunker Market » Ship & Bunker
OECD expects Greek economy to start growing next year

Unlike the Greek government and the European Commission, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) does not expect Greece’s economy to grow this year.
In its bi-annual Economic Outlook the OECD foresees the Greek economy shrinking by another 0.3 percent of GDP this year. It expects there to be growth of 1.9 percent of GDP next year.
Greece and the Commission believe there will be marginal growth from this year.
The OECD sees unemployment at 27.1 percent this year and edging downwards to 26.7 percent this year.
On a global level, the Paris-based organization expects the world economy will expand 3.4 percent this year instead of the 3.6 percent predicted in November.
“Part of this deceleration is benign, reflecting cyclical slowdowns from overheated starting positions,” said OECD Chief Economist Rintaro Tamaki.
“However, managing the credit slowdown and the risks that built up during the period of easy global monetary conditions could be a major challenge.”

Tuesday May 6, 2014
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ΕΑΒ: Νέα σύμβαση με την πολωνική wzl-2
Σύμβαση για την παροχή συμβουλευτικών υπηρεσιών και τεχνογνωσίας συντήρησης των αεροσκαφών C-130 υπέγραψε η Ελληνική Αεροπορική Βιομηχανία (ΕΑΒ) με την πολωνική εταιρεία WZL-2.Το σχετικό πρόγραμμα έχει διάρκεια 18 μηνών και θα υλοποιηθεί σε δύο φάσεις, με την παροχή των υπηρεσιών της ΕΑΒ τόσο στις εγκαταστάσεις της εταιρείας στην Τανάγρα Βοιωτίας όσο και στην Πολωνία.Η ΕΑΒ επισημαίνει σε ανακοίνωσή της πως η νέα σύμβαση είναι ιδιαίτερης σημασίας καθώς, με την ανάληψη του συγκεκριμένου έργου, η εταιρεία επεκτείνει και ισχυροποιεί την παρουσία της στην πολωνική αγορά.«Η ΕΑΒ έχει αναδειχθεί σε Κέντρο Επιχειρηματικής Αριστείας για τα αεροσκάφη C-130. Η κεφαλαιοποίηση της υψηλής τεχνογνωσίας λόγω της μακρόχρονης δραστηριοποίησης στον κλάδο σε συνδυασμό με τις ανταγωνιστικές τιμές και την έμφαση στην ικανοποίηση του πελάτη, έχουν συντελέσει στη συνεχή διείσδυση της εταιρείας στη διεθνή αγορά. Αυτό επιβεβαιώνεται και από τη νέα συμφωνία με την WZL-2. Στόχος μας είναι το πρόγραμμα αυτό να γίνει το εφαλτήριο για περαιτέρω εδραίωση της εταιρικής μας παρουσίας στην πολωνική αγορά», δήλωσε ο διευθύνων σύμβουλος της ΕΑΒ, Δ. Παπακώστας.
???: ??? ??????? ?? ??? ???????? WZL-2 | ????????? & ?????? | naftemporiki.gr