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Smallest, Lowest-Power OpenVG Vector Graphics IP Core (by Greek Think Silicon) Available

Woodcliff Lake, NJ April 17, 2014 A competitively small and low-power vector graphics processing unit (GPU) IP core is now available from semiconductor intellectual property provider CAST, Inc.

The ThinkVG Vector GPU IP Core offers full support of the OpenVG 1.1 vector graphics API. The company believes it is the smallest core to do sousing just 160K gates (excluding memories)and that it is also the most energy efficient. This makes ThinkVG ideal for enabling scalable vector graphics formats (e.g., vector fonts, SVG images, PDF files, or Flash animations) or sophisticated user interfaces in low-power devices such as smart watches, handhelds, feature phones, e-readers, automotive displays, and GPS navigators. The core is in production and real-world-proven: a top-tier customer is already shipping high-volume consumer devices embedding the ThinkVG GPU.

Designed by graphics processing experts Think Silicon, Ltd., the area-saving ThinkVG is built around VShader, a single-instruction, multiple-data (SIMD) shader processor, with multiple floating-point units and internal instruction and data caches. The core includes graphics accelerators that handle rasterizing and texture mapping, and a small VLIW (very long instruction word) blending unit. Power savings come from the reduced idle power used by the small silicon area plus a proprietary frame buffer compression technique that minimizes external memory accesses, advanced power management features, and dynamic voltage and frequency scaling (DVFS).

"With ThinkVG we're bridging the gap between power-hungry GPUs and non-programmable hardwired graphics accelerators, providing a very compact and low-power solution for embedded devices that require fast vector graphics rendering," said George Sidiropoulos, managing director of Think Silicon. "We focused on designing a Unified Shading Architecture assisted by a balanced hardware pipeline that achieves the highest throughput-per-gate ratio by means of high component reuse."

ThinkVG comes complete with a software library implementing OpenVG 1.1 running on VShader, and with an API package that runs on the system host processor with an emphasis on minimizing CPU overhead by the use of command lists.
"This OpenVG vector GPU is the perfect solution for product designers wanting to give midrange devices a high-end graphics feel with long battery life, great performance, and overall low cost," said Nikos Zervas, chief operating officer for CAST. "We believe it beats competitors in silicon size and power consumption, while matching the best of them in 2D or basic 3D graphics capabilities and speed."

The ThinkVG OpenVG IP Core is available now in RTL source code, with the software library and API package, drivers, a compiler, and other development aids. It is part of CASTs royaltyfree IP core and subsystem product line that features a growing family of GPUs and graphics accelerators, 32-bit processors and 8051s, H.264 and JPEG compression, system peripherals
and interfaces, and more. Call CAST at +1 201.391.8300, visit Semiconductor IP Cores and Electronic Platform IP from CAST, Inc., or follow @castcores on Twitter for more information.

Think Silicon Ltd. Mobile Graphics Solutions
Korres P4: Ξεκινάει η παραγωγή των πρώτων ελληνικών super cars

Σε διαδικασία κατασκευής εισέρχεται το πρώτο ελληνικό super-car παντός εδάφους, που δημιούργησε ο μηχανολόγος μηχανικός Δημήτρης Κορρές. Το καινοτόμο αυτοκίνητο γνωστό ως Korres Project 4 είναι 6.300 κμ, έχει την εμφάνιση ενός εξωτικού σπορ αυτοκινήτου, σκαρφαλώνει απίστευτα εμπόδια, έχει τελική ταχύτητα γύρω στα 300 χιλ. και απευθύνεται σε πλούσια πορτοφόλια, καθώς κοστίζει περί τα 230.000 ευρώ.

Στη γραμμή της παραγωγής μπαίνουν πιλοτικά τέσσερα αυτοκίνητα, για τα οποία έχουν ήδη βρεθεί οι πρώτοι πελάτες. Όπως τόνισε στη Voria.gr ο κ.Κορρές στο πλαίσιο του Tedx Thessaloniki 2014, όπου ήταν ομιλητής τα δύο αυτοκίνητα θα κατασκευαστούν στην Κατερίνη από τη Replicar Hellas και τα άλλα δύο στην Αμερική από την εταιρεία Kirkham Motorsports, που επίσης εξειδικεύεται στην κατασκευή replica οχημάτων. Σύμφωνα με τον κ.Κορρέ ο χρόνος κατασκευής υπολογίζεται σε 6-7 μήνες.
Korres P4: ???????? ? ???????? ??? ?????? ????????? super cars

KORRES P4 - YouTube
Korres P4: Ξεκινάει η παραγωγή των πρώτων ελληνικών super cars

Σε διαδικασία κατασκευής εισέρχεται το πρώτο ελληνικό super-car παντός εδάφους, που δημιούργησε ο μηχανολόγος μηχανικός Δημήτρης Κορρές. Το καινοτόμο αυτοκίνητο γνωστό ως Korres Project 4 είναι 6.300 κμ, έχει την εμφάνιση ενός εξωτικού σπορ αυτοκινήτου, σκαρφαλώνει απίστευτα εμπόδια, έχει τελική ταχύτητα γύρω στα 300 χιλ. και απευθύνεται σε πλούσια πορτοφόλια, καθώς κοστίζει περί τα 230.000 ευρώ.

Στη γραμμή της παραγωγής μπαίνουν πιλοτικά τέσσερα αυτοκίνητα, για τα οποία έχουν ήδη βρεθεί οι πρώτοι πελάτες. Όπως τόνισε στη Voria.gr ο κ.Κορρές στο πλαίσιο του Tedx Thessaloniki 2014, όπου ήταν ομιλητής τα δύο αυτοκίνητα θα κατασκευαστούν στην Κατερίνη από τη Replicar Hellas και τα άλλα δύο στην Αμερική από την εταιρεία Kirkham Motorsports, που επίσης εξειδικεύεται στην κατασκευή replica οχημάτων. Σύμφωνα με τον κ.Κορρέ ο χρόνος κατασκευής υπολογίζεται σε 6-7 μήνες.
Korres P4: ???????? ? ???????? ??? ?????? ????????? super cars

KORRES P4 - YouTube

Geil! :D
Greece signs hydrocarbon exploration agreements in three areas


ANA-MPA -- Greece on Wednesday signed the concession agreements for hydrocarbon explorations in three separate areas of Greece, an investment that could exceed 700 million euros for surveys and the extraction/productions of deposits estimated at 300 million barrels.
The event was attended by Government Vice-President and Foreign Minister Evangelos Venizelos, Environment Minister Yiannis Maniatis and Deputy Minister Asimakis Papageorgiou, Britain’s Energy Minister Edward Davey andCanada’s ambassador Robert Peck. Prime Minister Antonis Samaras did not attend the event due to unplanned obligations.
The following agreements were signed:
1. The joint venture of Energean Oil and Gas/Petra Petroleum is the concessionaire for a reserve in the land area of Ioannina in northwesternGreece, where up to 100 million oil barrels are expected to be produced.
2. The joint venture of Hellenic Petroleum/Edison/Petroceltic is the concessionaire for an offshore reserve in the Gulf of Patras, at the western exit of the Gulf of Corinth. The reserve is estimated to be able to offer about 200 million oil barrels.
3. The joint venture of Energean Oil and Gas/Trajan Oil & Gas Ltd. is the concessionaire for an oil reserve at Katakolo in northwestern Peloponnese, east of Zakynthos island.
Greek economy shrinks by 1.1 pct in first quarter

The Greek economy shrank by 1.1 percent in the first quarter of the year on a 12-month basis, Greece's statistics agency said on Thursday.

The data, unadjusted for seasonal factors showed that output by the bailed out economy “decreased by 1.1 percent in comparison with the first quarter of 2013,” the ELSTAT agency said.

Based on the data announced on Thursday, the economy in 2013 shrank by 3.86 percent according to AFP calculations.

This year, the economy is expected to switch into growth of 0.6 percent, showing the first expansion since 2008, according to the Finance Ministry.
[h=2]Verträge unterzeichnetGriechenland hofft auf Ölvorkommen[/h]Seinen Haushalt hofft Griechenland auf längere Sicht auch mit Hilfe von Öl und Gas zu sanieren. Im Westen des Landes werden Vorkommen vermutet. Jetzt werden Probe-Bohrungen durchgeführt.

iechenland vermutet im Westen des Landes Öl- und Gasvorkommen, die Einnahmen in Höhe von 15 bis 20 Milliarden Euro in einem Zeitraum von 25 bis 30 Jahren für den Staat bringen könnten. Aus diesem Grund wurden am Mittwoch in Athen drei Verträge zwischen Griechenland und Öl-Konzernen unterzeichnet.
Ein Teil der möglichen Einnahmen sollen nach Angaben des griechischen Außenministers Evangelos Venizelos zugute der defizitären griechischen Renten- und Krankenkassen kommen.
Die Probe-Bohrungen werden drei Konsortien griechischer, britischer italienischer und kanadischer Firmen durchführen. Hinweise auf Vorkommen gibt es vor der Hafenstadt Patras, in der Region der Hafenstadt Katakolon auf der Halbinsel Peloponnes sowie in Nordwestgriechenland nahe Ioannina. Insgesamt werden 300 Millionen Barrel Erdöl vermutet, hieß es aus Kreisen des Energieministeriums.

Noch größere Reserven werden auch südlich von Kreta und in der Ägäis vermutet. Seismische Untersuchungen des Meeresbodens vor Kreta wurden im vergangenen Jahr abgeschlossen. Bislang sind jedoch wegen nicht geklärter Hoheitsrechte mit Ägypten und Libyen keine Forschungsverträge unterzeichnet worden.
Das Euro-Krisenland muss seit 2010 mit internationaler Hilfe über Wasser gehalten werden. Bislang flossen 240 Milliarden Euro an Krediten der Eurozone, der EU und des Internationalen Währungsfonds. Wegen der Krise steckt Griechenland seit sechs Jahren in der Rezession.
Biden sees Cyprus as ‘key player’ in energy market

US Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday said Cyprus has the potential to become a “key player” in the Eastern Mediterranean and expressed Washington’s support for a resolution to new peace talks on the divided island.
“Cyprus is poised to become a key player... transforming the Eastern Mediterranean into a new global hub for natural gas,” Biden said on the second day of his visit to Nicosia after talks with President Nicos Anastasiades.
Biden, the first US vice president to visit the island in more than 50 years, said Washington stood ready to provide whatever support is necessary for a settlement, noting that such a breakthrough would lead to greater prosperity and security as well as opportunities for new generations. He added that it was “long past time... that all Cypriots are reunited in a bizonal, bicommunal federation,” but stressed that he had not visited Cyprus to “present or impose” a solution to the United Nations-mediated talks.
Biden also visited the Turkish-occupied north of Cyprus and had talks with Turkish-Cypriot leader Dervis Eroglu but emphasized that Washington recognizes only “one legitimate government in Cyprus,” that led by Anastasiades, and that his “visit and meetings throughout the island will not change that.”
Interest in solving the longstanding division of Cyprus has grown since the discovery of large undersea gas reserves off the island’s coast and in the wake of the crisis in Ukraine and its possible impact on Russian gas.
