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Wirtschaft Griechenlands - Οικονομία της Ελλάδας - Economy of Greece

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Die Wirtschaft von Griechenland wird sich nie wieder erholen wartet mal ab wenn covid-19 erst mal zu ende ist wie viele geschäfte pleite gehen,und das ganze Geld von der EU wird nie beim kleinen mann ankommen.

Data centers: A big opportunity for Greece​

Naturally, technology giants are at the forefront of the surge and – here’s more good news – Greece features prominently on their radar. Microsoft’s September 2020 announcement of the construction of a data center in the area of Attica, along with the Digital Realty Group’s acquisition of Lamda Hellix SA (Greece’s largest carrier and cloud-neutral colocation provider featuring the biggest data center campus in Southeastern Europe) are just two prominent examples. In addition, Amazon has already expressed an interest in playing a part in the reshaping of Greece as a technology hub, while Google is expected to announce the construction of its own data center in Europe.
