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Wirtschaft Griechenlands - Οικονομία της Ελλάδας - Economy of Greece

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JPMorgan investiert in Viva Wallet

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Außerdem kündigt JPMorgan weitere Investitionen an

Momentan sehr viel Bewegung bei der griechischen Start-Up Szene

JPMorgan’s global head of wholesale payments, Takis Georgakopoulos, said in a separate interview that the hub will deal with three issues: cryptography, distributed ledger technology (DLT), artificial intelligence and machine learning related to payment systems.

“These are three areas in which JP Morgan is a leader among banks,” he said. The hub will be created in 2022, once the company has found “the right person to set it up and run it.”

Georgakopoulos said choosing Greece for the installation of a hub, as well as the acquisition of Viva, was not influenced by his or Dimon’s descent.

“Finding scientists who have this specialization is difficult. Hiring such people in Silicon Valley is almost impossible. We have been thinking about Greece for two years.”



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Echt sind das wieder diese Firmen mit vier Stühlen und einem Tisch,pro Firma :lol:
Ihr habt es geschafft Gorilla auf jeden Fall

Kannst du uns die Zahlen nennen wo junge Menschen Griechenland in Scharen in den letzten Jahren verlassen haben

Ich nenne sie dir Holzrücken,es sind 50000 junge meist gut ausgebildete und zwar jährlich
Das entspreche 400.000 jungen Menschen jährlich in der Türkei
Damit wir wissen in welchen Relationen wir sprechen
An deinem Volk wird ein stiller Genozid ausgeübt und von euch kommt gar nichts

Das gute ist ich hab jetzt eine Griechin kennen gelernt,eine Bild hübsche mal schauen :mrgreen:
Danke Angie,ich hätte nie gedacht dass ich das mal sage
Momentan sehr viel Bewegung bei der griechischen Start-Up Szene

JPMorgan’s global head of wholesale payments, Takis Georgakopoulos, said in a separate interview that the hub will deal with three issues: cryptography, distributed ledger technology (DLT), artificial intelligence and machine learning related to payment systems.

“These are three areas in which JP Morgan is a leader among banks,” he said. The hub will be created in 2022, once the company has found “the right person to set it up and run it.”

Georgakopoulos said choosing Greece for the installation of a hub, as well as the acquisition of Viva, was not influenced by his or Dimon’s descent.

“Finding scientists who have this specialization is difficult. Hiring such people in Silicon Valley is almost impossible. We have been thinking about Greece for two years.”



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