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Wirtschaft Mazedoniens - Економија на Македонија - Economy of Macedonia (Rep. of)

In Bosnien..also genauer im Norden..bei Prnjavor/Doboj wird ne Autobahn gebaut..alle Lastwagen kommen aus Makedonija..
[h=3]Macedonia: Budget Deficit Mounts to EUR 315 Million[/h]Labels: Finanzen

This year the Macedonian Government falls to budget deficit of astonishing EUR 315 million, although according to the initial plan, the deficit was set at EUR 297 million, Utrinski daily reads.

This increased deficit, which the government has adopted at a session last week, has been projected in the this year's budget balance. However, it was not presented at the official media conference, but was announced and explained through various statements made by the Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski and the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, Zoran Stavreski.

With the new balance, which the Government calls a "mini" correction, the budget deficit will grow by 3.9% of the gross domestic product (GDP), compared to the previously planned 3.5%, while the budget incomes and expenditures have been cut by some 2%. Given the fact that the GDP this year has been estimated at EUR 8.088 billion, according to the evaluations, the deficit will mount to EUR 315 million, i.e. EUR 18 million.

The Government claims the budget’s rebalance is done because of the fact that the construction of the highway leading to Gevgelija has accelerated, thus required more money. But, the opposition believes that this correction is the result of bad fiscal policy management.

Meanwhile, the data on the filling and emptying of the national treasury has shown that only in the first half of this year, 80% of the budget deficit was spent, i.e. the Government had spent EUR 240 million in the first six months, although only EUR 297 million were allowed.

On Saturday, Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski announced that the budget rebalance will be adopted due to the increase in salaries and pensions.

"The increase in salaries, pensions and the social assistance was a measure projected in the Budget, and the small increase in the budget deficit is related to the increase of means allocated for the construction of the highway leading to Gevgelija. The construction project is being implemented well, and according to the estimated dynamics, it has even accelerated, and in order not to have any disturbance, we needed additional resources," Gruevski said.

Macedonia's Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski says the increase in the budget deficit is due to the increase in salaries and pensions and the construction of the highway to Gevgelija. Photo: Radovan Vujovic

Previously, Finance Minister Stavreski said that the reason for the rebalance in budget, was the harmonization of the dynamics of expenditures, which was better than predicted, especially in the infrastructure sector, with the dynamics of the incomes.

According to Stavreski, there will be additional funds for social incomes. The cuts are equal in the goods and services sector, as well as in the transfers and capital expenditures sector.

"With this 'mini' rebalance, we will manage to remain in the zone of fiscal stability and secure undisturbed realization of the projects," Macedonia’s main treasurer said.

Vanco Uzunov, SDSM Vice President and economy professor, says the budget rebalance is a consequence of the bad fiscal policy management.

"The government, although it knew that there will be elections and planned all its expenses, spent much more than that. Secondly, I think this re-balance is a temporary thing, because the Government must have some acute need at this moment, while I expect a new, significantly larger rebalance in fall, and then, by publishing the Final Balance of the budget, it will justify the expenses" Uzunov said.

According to Uzunov, the link between the highway and the rebalance is dubious, and even its hasten construction. "Why the government, with its constitutional amendments, prescribes the budget deficit to be set at 3% of the GDP, and for several years now, it has been surpassing that limit, like for instance this year, when it will amount to around 4%," Uzunov added.

- See more at:
Macedonia: Budget Deficit Mounts to EUR 315 Million - Independent.mk

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[h=3]Foreign investors increase the export[/h]Labels: Export, Industrie, Wirtschaft

Johnson Matthey, Feni, Jugohrom Feroalojs, Sasa, Buchim are five companies that achieved the highest export value of Macedonia in 2013, and again Johnson Matthey, which imported automotive parts and power companies Okta, Lukoil, EFT Macedonia and ELEM are listed as the largest importers in Macedonia in 2013.

According to the Central Registry, the five largest exporters of Macedonia are the foreign investors, while the biggest importers are energy companies.

Johnson Matthey plant in Bunardgik is recorder; it is on the first place on the list of major importers and exporters in the largest state.

Johnson Matthey, Feni, Jugohrom Feroalojs, Sasa and Buchim are five companies that achieved the highest export value of Macedonia in 2013, and again Johnson Matthey, which imported automotive parts and power companies Okta, Lukoil, EFT Macedonia ELEM the list largest importers in Macedonia in 2013.

This list shows that foreign investors build the Macedonian export, while the country is dependent on emergencies, which are building the import.

Die Diaspora-Albaner werden diesen Sommer den Konsum ankurbeln, und dann wird die Staatskasse wieder gefüllt.
Financially, Macedonia on healthy legs!


While some of the neighboring countries are facing the threat of bankruptcy, financially Macedonia is standing on healthy legs.

After the bankruptcy of Argentina, the world’s analysts issued list of countries that are threatened by bankruptcy.
According to the magazine “Euromoney” from the neighboring countries, the following are candidates for bankruptcy Bosnia and Herzegovina and Croatia. Here is somewhere and Serbia, which preemptively avoided bankruptcy in recent months with stronger measures and reforms to reduce public debt, writes Lider.mk.
According to analysts from this magazine, Bosnia has the best chance of bankruptcy. The situation in the country is alarming, but not as dramatic as that in Argentina. According to the analysis, BiH in the next 12 months has 27.4% chance of bankruptcy. Economists warn that Croatia by 2016 will not be able to pay back debts. Although Croatia is not placed in the group of countries that are most affected by the bankruptcy, and bankruptcy is approaching, analysts say. On the other hand, the situation in Serbia will match the success of reforms for reducing public debt that is currently being implemented.
The countries of the region, according to the amount of public debt, currently Slovenija is recorder with 28.8 billion euro, but has the highest GDP among all the states, so it has the opportunity to pay it. On second place is Croatia with 28.7 billion debt euro. Follows Serbia with debt that exceeds 20 billion or 63.3 percents of GDP. BiH has public debt of 5.5 billion euro, 2.7 billion dollar of Macedonia and Montenegro 1.7 billion euro.

Macedonian economy will grow in the future

Macedonian economy stands of healthy legs- show all economic indicators, analyze Lider.mk. In the first six months, exports recorded growth rate of 17.8%, and according to the forecasts of the Central Bank by the end of the year provides even greater increase exports and reduce the trade deficit, due to largely increasing number of export capacity in the country.
And achieving GDP first quarter of 3.9% was above economists’ expectations. For the whole year, the Central Bank predicts GDP growth of 3.7%. Developments in the economy are favorable, so that would not be at all surprising if at the end of the year exceed these forecasts. Of course, this optimism may be supported by the positive developments in the European economy, as additional impetus for growth of the Macedonian economy.
“What is important is that the lower the budget deficit is and lower public debt is, the more favorable is environment for monetary policy. However, the budget is the basic instrument of government policy, what we as monetary policy can do is to maintain monetary stability through exchange rate stability and monetary policy has instruments, has the power to maintain balance in the Macedonian economy,” said the Governor of the Central Bank Dimitar Bogov in the interview.
Positive is that foreign exchange reserves of Macedonia are increasing not only because of the influx of Eurobond, but also due to purchase of foreign exchange market and the positive trends in this area. Currently, they account for approximately $ 2.3 billion.
In order to create stronger financial discipline, the Government proposed standardization of the budget deficit, up to three percents of GDP and public debt to limit the level up to less than 60 percents of GDP.

What countries are next for bankruptcy?!

Otherwise, bankruptcy, according to the magazine “Euromoney”, knocks at the door of Belarus, which is in serious financial trouble as largely relies on Russian goodwill. In the absence of other lenders to support, Belarus is in second place with a 25.9% chance of bankruptcy.
Then it follows Ukraine, whose economy is falling sharply as result of the political crisis, as well as due to the problem with Russia gas. Among the 10 countries in the world that cannot go bankrupt are Venezuela, Rwanda, Pakistan, Argentina, Bangladesh, Egypt and Greece.

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Exports with growth of 17.8% in the first 6 months of the year


The value of exports from Macedonia in the first six months of this year was U.S. $ 2.35779 billion and grew by 17.8 percents, according to the State Statistical Office.

According to published data, imports in this period was 3,551,715 thousand U.S. dollars and grew by 11.5 percents. Import coverage by export was 66.4 percents. The trade deficit amounted to USD 1,193,925 thousand.
Macedonia exported mostly catalyst carriers with precious metals or their compounds, nickel, sets of ignition wires, etc., for vehicles, aircraft or ships, iron and steel (rolled products) and clothes. In imports dominate crude oil, platinum and platinum alloys, unwrought or in powder, electricity and other metals of the platinum group and their alloys, unwrought or in powder form.
In January-June 2014, up 78.8 percents are exported to the EU, then 13.7 percents in the Western Balkans, and the most important import 64.5 percents have member of EU.
Macedonia’s most important trade partners are Germany, Great Britain, Greece, Serbia and Italy where is traded 52.8 percents of the total foreign trade.
In June this year the export value is 400 760 thousand U.S. dollars and import 564 933 thousand U.S. dollars.

Standort Mazedonien - Investoren gesucht

Mazedonien, seit 2005 EU-Beitrittskandidat, ist eines der kleinsten und auch ärmsten ‎Länder Europas. Doch es geht kontinuierlich aufwärts. Um seine wirtschaftliche ‎Entwicklung weiter voranzubringen, wirbt das Land sehr aktiv um Investoren.‎

Mazedonien, das kleine Land im westlichen Balkan, hat ehrgeizige Ziele – die Mitgliedschaften in der Europäischen Union sowie in der NATO gehören dazu. Die Republik mit guten Verbindungen in die Mitte Europas sieht vor allem die EU-Beitrittsperspektive als große Chance, ihre Wirtschaftsentwicklung voranzutreiben und europäische Standards zu erreichen. Bei der Verbesserung guter Rahmenbedingungen für Geschäftstätigkeiten hat Mazedonien schon große Fortschritte gemacht. Im jüngsten Doing Business Report der Weltbank belegt die Balkanrepublik Platz 23 von 185 bewerteten Staaten. Die im April 2014 wiedergewählte nationalkonservative Regierung Mazedoniens verfolgt recht erfolgreich eine wirtschaftsfreundliche Politik. Seit 2006 ist das Wirtschaftswachstum des Landes relativ stabil. Im vergangenen Jahr erreichte es sogar ein Plus von 3,1 Prozent – deutlich über dem regionalen Durchschnitt. Dieser Trend soll sich fortsetzen: für 2014 und 2015 prognostiziert die Weltbank einen Anstieg von drei beziehungsweise 3,5 Prozent.
Die wichtigsten Impulse für dieses deutliche Wirtschaftswachstum dürften laut German Trade & Invest von den Exporten in die EU – überwiegend nach Deutschland – sowie von Investitionen ausgehen. Mit einem Handelsvolumen von 1,6 Milliarden Euro war Deutschland 2013 wichtigster Handelspartner Mazedoniens. Bayern hat daran einen großen Anteil: Waren im Wert von 787 Millionen Euro wurden importiert, ein Plus von 28 Prozent gegenüber dem Vorjahr. Auch die Exporte in Höhe von 68 Millionen Euro stiegen um 17 Prozent.
„Mazedonien ist ein Nischenmarkt für die starken Branchen aus Bayern“, sagt Gabriele Vetter, Referatsleiterin Südosteuropa der IHK in München. Die Schlüsselindustrien des Landes sind der Textilsektor sowie die Kfz-Zulieferbranche. Geschäftschancen ergeben sich auch in den Bereichen Maschinen- und Anlagenbau, Umwelttechnik, Erneuerbare Energien und Energieeffizienz sowie in der Medizintechnik. „Unternehmen, die sich für ein Engagement interessieren, finden gute Unterstützung von politischen Institutionen“, sagt IHK-Expertin Vetter.
Den wirtschaftlichen Aufschwung kann Mazedonien auch dringend gebrauchen. Denn mit zwei Millionen Einwohnern und einem Bruttoinlandsprodukt von knapp acht Milliarden Euro im Jahr 2013 zählt die ehemalige jugoslawische Republik zu den ärmsten Volkswirtschaften Europas. Zentrale Herausforderungen der Regierung sind die Bekämpfung der hohen Arbeitslosigkeit und die Stärkung des Binnenmarktes. Vor allem mit Investitionen aus dem Ausland will die Regierung den notwendigen Aufholprozess deshalb weiterhin beschleunigen und wirbt sehr aktiv um neue Investoren.
Mazedoniens geografische Lage am Schnittpunkt zweier europäischer Verkehrskorridore sowie zahlreiche Handelsabkommen unter anderem mit der EU, den CEFTA-Staaten oder der Türkei sprechen für den Standort. Nur eineinhalb Flugstunden ist Skopje, Hauptstadt und Wirtschaftszentrum des Landes, von München entfernt. Niedrige Arbeitskosten und eine geringe Steuerbelastung sowie kurze Fristen um eine Firma zu gründen oder eine Baugenehmigung zu erhalten sind weitere gute Argumente. Mazedonien breitet nicht nur für große Unternehmen den roten Teppich aus, auch KMUs werden umworben, betont Sasho Markovski, Generalkonsul der Republik in München: „Gerade mittelständische Familienunternehmen aus Bayern können hier eine weitere Produktionslinie eröffnen, um weltweit konkurrenzfähig zu bleiben.“ Besonders gute Startbedingungen finden ausländische Investoren in bislang vier Sonderzonen rund um Skopje. Diese Technological Industrial Development Zones bieten Vergünstigungen wie Zoll- und Steuerersparnis sowie Investitionszulagen, der Anschluss an die Wasser-, Gas- oder Stromversorgung ist hier kostenlos.
Bisher liegt der Schwerpunkt der Auslandsinvestitionen in den Bereichen Automobilzulieferindustrie, Maschinenbau, Elektrotechnik und Elektronik. Auch deutsche Unternehmen wie die Deutsche Telekom oder der Automobilzulieferer Dräxlmaier aus dem bayerischen Vilsbiburg sind bereits vertreten. Mit 4000 Mitarbeitern ist Dräxlmaier gemessen an der Zahl der Beschäftigten momentan sogar das größte Unternehmen in Mazedonien. Die traditionell guten Wirtschaftsbeziehungen zwischen Bayern und Mazedonien sollen in Zukunft noch verstärkt werden. Mit seinem Besuch in München vor wenigen Wochen hat zuletzt Vizepremierminister Vladimir Peshevski deutlich gemacht, wie groß das Interesse Mazedoniens an verstärkten Kontakten zu Unternehmen aus dem Freistaat ist.

Mechthilde Gruber

[h=3]ThyssenKrupp produziert in Mazedonien[/h]Labels: Industrie, Investitionen, Wirtschaft

Consulting und Bereitstellung von Management-Know-How vereinbart

ThyssenKrupp übernimmt für die nächsten fünf Jahre die komplette Produktion des Ferro-Nickel-Hüttenbetriebs Feni Industries in Mazedonien mit einem jährlichen Volumen von 40 Millionen US-Dollar.

Das Geschäft wurde möglich, nachdem die ThyssenKrupp Materials AG und ihre Tochter Metallurgie die Privatisierungsverhandlungen mit dem französischen Werkstoff-Distributeur Société Commerciale de Métaux et Minerais SA. (SCMM) unterstützte.

Ferro-Nickel ist ein wichtiger Rohstoff zur Herstellung von Edelstahl. ThyssenKrupp Metallurgie sorgte in dem Akquisitionsprozess für die Finanzvermittlung und technische Beratung. Die ThyssenKrupp-Tochter ist zudem für die nächsten fünf Jahre für das Consulting vor Ort sowie die Bereitstellung von Management-Know-how verantwortlich
New Turkish investment enters in Bitola


A group of 12 directors who represent four dynamic Turkish companies recently visited Macedonia. The Macedonian Ambassador to Turkey, Goran Tashkovski accompanied these companies and they met with the Minister for Foreign Investments, Jerry Naumoff.

Minister Naumoff held several meetings with representatives of these companies in Skopje and Ohrid, where he presented the business advantages that Macedonia offers to Turkish investors.
One of the companies, that is visiting Macedonia for the second time “OXI Group,” confirmed that they will open plant in Bitola for exporting patches for tires.
- Turkey and Macedonia are close neighbors with friendly relations. Based on relations with many companies that we work with in this period, our planned trips and competitive pro-business environment that Macedonia has created, I predict many other Turkish projects in the near future that will create more jobs for the Macedonians, says Minister Naumoff.
Macedonian Ambassador to Turkey, Goran Tashkovski emphasized that the Macedonian embassy for three years is working hard to establish strong link between companies and businessmen from Turkey and the Republic of Macedonia by promoting the principles of openness, honesty, communication, trust and sincere friendship.
- Government together with the Prime Minister and Minister for Foreign Investments, Jerry Naumoff succeeded in promoting all positive conditions offered by Macedonia to attract foreign investment in Turkey. We will continue to intensify these relationships in the future, noted the Ambassador Tashkovski.

A second investment of “Grishko” in Macedonia, 200 new jobs


The company “Grishko” is satisfied the first investment in Macedonia, in Slepche, decided once again to invest in our country.

The second plant will be built in Demir Hisar.
Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski met with company officials, who presented him the detailed plans for the new investment.
Minister for attracting foreign investment, Bill Pavleski after meeting revealed that the start of construction of the new plant would take place in early October.
- In its first factory “Grishko” employ 82 people, who are currently working on the production of footwear. The plant, which today was announce will employ about 200 people. It is expected that next year, t second plant to begin with operations, and in the meantime will require train of additional workers, said Pavleski.
Nikolai Grishko is satisfied with the capacity of the plant, which was opened in Slepche, which he called “modern factory with excellent conditions.”

Workers at the plant in Macedonia are working in modern conditions.
-The minister Pavleski proposed us to build the second facility, for which I promise we will open it soon. With this, I hope that my investment in Macedonia will be successful. We train workers from scratch, as they have no experience for this type of production, Grishko said.
The owner of the company said that so far he has invested 1 million euro, but pointed out that the funds are not crucial in this case, because he has invested in the development of the Republic of Macedonia.
-I am for the first time in country where corruption is not mentioned. You have unique government. Today the Prime Minister, although injured came to the meeting with me. I would like to express to him and the government special thanks for the help, Grishko added.
This company is the No. 1 brand in the world.

Four foreign companies have decided to invest in Macedonia


Four foreign companies have already confirmed the investment in Macedonia, one of them is the German company that will be located in Zone 2 Skopje, which will invest in electric devices and create 500 new jobs.

Prime Minister Nikola Gruevski, who added that the same company is looking for number of professional staff, stated this.
-We are in the middle of discussion with numerous companies, four of them, as I already informed, few days ago have already confirmed, and with the majority of them we are already in the final discussion and with some, we are in the middle of discussion and with some, we have just begun, while with some we are trying to establish contact, he pointed.
The second investment is the American company that has about 3,000 employees and wants to invest in Zone 1Skopje and thus will create about 420 new jobs by the end of 2016.
The third company, Gruevski said, is the food industry, from Turkey and will build their capacity on area of​20,000 square meters.
-The fourth investment comes from America and will initially employ 300 people and further employment will reach up to 1,000 people and they are looking for people who knows foreign languages, pointed the Prime Minister.
