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Wirtschaft Mazedoniens - Економија на Македонија - Economy of Macedonia (Rep. of)

Weltwettbewerbs-Bericht des Weltwirtschaftsforums

Rang Veränderung Rang Land Punkte 2009 Zu 2009
1 Schweiz 5,63 1 0
2 Schweden 5,56 4 2
3 Singapur 5,48 3 0
4 USA 5,43 2 -2
5 Deutschland 5,39 7 2
6 Japan 5,37 8 2
7 Finnland 5,37 6 -1
8 Niederlande 5,33 10 2
9 Dänemark 5,32 5 -4
10 Kanada 5,30 9 -1
11 Hong Kong 5,27 11 0
12 Großbritannien 5,25 13 1
13 Taiwan/China 5,21 12 -1
14 Norwegen 5,14 14 0
15 Frankreich 5,13 16 1
16 Australien 5,11 15 -1
17 Qatar 5,10 22 5
18 Österreich 5,09 17 -1
19 Belgien 5,07 18 -1
20 Luxemburg 5,05 21 1
21 Saudi Arabien 4,95 28 7
22 Korea 4,93 19 -3
23 Neuseeland 4,92 20 -3
24 Israel 4,91 27 3
25 Arab. Emirate 4,89 23 -2
26 Malaisien 4,88 24 -2
27 China 4,84 29 2
28 Brunei Darussalam 4,75 32 4
29 Irland 4,74 25 -4
30 Chile 4,69 30 0
31 Island 4,68 26 -5
32 Tunesien 4,65 40 8
33 Estland 4,61 35 2
34 Oman 4,61 41 7
35 Kuwait 4,59 39 4
36 Tschechien 4,57 31 -5
37 Bahrain 4,54 38 1
38 Thailand 4,51 36 -2
39 Polen 4,51 46 7
40 Zypern 4,50 34 -6
41 Puerto Rico 4,49 42 1
42 Spanien 4,49 33 -9
43 Barbados 4,45 44 1
44 Indonesien 4,43 54 10
45 Slowenien 4,42 37 -8
46 Portugal 4,38 43 -3
47 Litauen 4,38 53 6
48 Italien 4,37 48 0
49 Montenegro 4,36 62 13
50 Malta 4,34 52 2
51 Indien 4,33 49 -2
52 Ungarn 4,33 58 6
53 Panama 4,33 59 6
54 Südafrika 4,32 45 -9
55 Mauritius 4,32 57 2
56 Costa Rica 4,31 55 -1
57 Azerbaijan 4,29 51 -6
58 Brasilien 4,28 56 -2
59 Vietnam 4,27 75 16
60 Slowakei 4,25 47 -13
61 Türkei 4,25 61 0
62 Sri Lanka 4,25 79 17
63 Russland 4,24 63 0
64 Uruguay 4,23 65 1
65 Jordanien 4,21 50 -15
66 Mexiko 4,19 60 -6
67 Rumänien 4,16 64 -3
68 Kolumbien 4,14 69 1
69 Iran 4,14 n/a n/a
70 Lettland 4,14 68 -2
71 Bulgarien 4,13 76 5
72 Kasachstan 4,12 67 -5
73 Peru 4,11 78 5
74 Namibien 4,09 74 0
75 Marocco 4,08 73 -2
76 Botswana 4,05 66 -10
77 Kroatien 4,04 72 -5
78 Guatemala 4,04 80 2
79 Mazedonien 4,02 84 5
80 Ruanda 4,00 n/a n/a
81 Ägypten 4,00 70 -11
82 El Salvador 3,99 77 -5
83 Griechenland 3,99 71 -12
84 Trinidad and Tobago 3,97 86 2
85 Philippines 3,96 87 2
86 Algerien 3,96 83 -3
87 Argentinien 3,95 85 -2
88 Albanien 3,94 96 8
89 Ukraine 3,90 82 -7
90 Gambia 3,90 81 -9
91 Honduras 3,89 89 -2
92 Libanon 3,89 n/a n/a
93 Georgien 3,86 90 -3
94 Moldavien 3,86 n/a n/a
95 Jamaica 3,85 91 -4
96 Serbien 3,84 93 -3
97 Syrien 3,79 94 -3
98 Armenien 3,76 97 -1
99 Mongolei 3,75 117 18
100 Libyen 3,74 88 -12
101 Dom.Republik 3,72 95 -6
102 Bosnien Herzeg. 3,70 109 7
Лудиот;2061393 schrieb:
Weltwettbewerbs-Bericht des Weltwirtschaftsforums

Rang Veränderung Rang Land Punkte 2009 Zu 2009
1 Schweiz 5,63 1 0
2 Schweden 5,56 4 2
3 Singapur 5,48 3 0
4 USA 5,43 2 -2
5 Deutschland 5,39 7 2
6 Japan 5,37 8 2
7 Finnland 5,37 6 -1
8 Niederlande 5,33 10 2
9 Dänemark 5,32 5 -4
10 Kanada 5,30 9 -1
11 Hong Kong 5,27 11 0
12 Großbritannien 5,25 13 1
13 Taiwan/China 5,21 12 -1
14 Norwegen 5,14 14 0
15 Frankreich 5,13 16 1
16 Australien 5,11 15 -1
17 Qatar 5,10 22 5
18 Österreich 5,09 17 -1
19 Belgien 5,07 18 -1
20 Luxemburg 5,05 21 1
21 Saudi Arabien 4,95 28 7
22 Korea 4,93 19 -3
23 Neuseeland 4,92 20 -3
24 Israel 4,91 27 3
25 Arab. Emirate 4,89 23 -2
26 Malaisien 4,88 24 -2
27 China 4,84 29 2
28 Brunei Darussalam 4,75 32 4
29 Irland 4,74 25 -4
30 Chile 4,69 30 0
31 Island 4,68 26 -5
32 Tunesien 4,65 40 8
33 Estland 4,61 35 2
34 Oman 4,61 41 7
35 Kuwait 4,59 39 4
36 Tschechien 4,57 31 -5
37 Bahrain 4,54 38 1
38 Thailand 4,51 36 -2
39 Polen 4,51 46 7
40 Zypern 4,50 34 -6
41 Puerto Rico 4,49 42 1
42 Spanien 4,49 33 -9
43 Barbados 4,45 44 1
44 Indonesien 4,43 54 10
45 Slowenien 4,42 37 -8
46 Portugal 4,38 43 -3
47 Litauen 4,38 53 6
48 Italien 4,37 48 0
49 Montenegro 4,36 62 13
50 Malta 4,34 52 2
51 Indien 4,33 49 -2
52 Ungarn 4,33 58 6
53 Panama 4,33 59 6
54 Südafrika 4,32 45 -9
55 Mauritius 4,32 57 2
56 Costa Rica 4,31 55 -1
57 Azerbaijan 4,29 51 -6
58 Brasilien 4,28 56 -2
59 Vietnam 4,27 75 16
60 Slowakei 4,25 47 -13
61 Türkei 4,25 61 0
62 Sri Lanka 4,25 79 17
63 Russland 4,24 63 0
64 Uruguay 4,23 65 1
65 Jordanien 4,21 50 -15
66 Mexiko 4,19 60 -6
67 Rumänien 4,16 64 -3
68 Kolumbien 4,14 69 1
69 Iran 4,14 n/a n/a
70 Lettland 4,14 68 -2
71 Bulgarien 4,13 76 5
72 Kasachstan 4,12 67 -5
73 Peru 4,11 78 5
74 Namibien 4,09 74 0
75 Marocco 4,08 73 -2
76 Botswana 4,05 66 -10
77 Kroatien 4,04 72 -5
78 Guatemala 4,04 80 2
79 Mazedonien 4,02 84 5
80 Ruanda 4,00 n/a n/a
81 Ägypten 4,00 70 -11
82 El Salvador 3,99 77 -5
83 Griechenland 3,99 71 -12
84 Trinidad and Tobago 3,97 86 2
85 Philippines 3,96 87 2
86 Algerien 3,96 83 -3
87 Argentinien 3,95 85 -2
88 Albanien 3,94 96 8
89 Ukraine 3,90 82 -7
90 Gambia 3,90 81 -9
91 Honduras 3,89 89 -2
92 Libanon 3,89 n/a n/a
93 Georgien 3,86 90 -3
94 Moldavien 3,86 n/a n/a
95 Jamaica 3,85 91 -4
96 Serbien 3,84 93 -3
97 Syrien 3,79 94 -3
98 Armenien 3,76 97 -1
99 Mongolei 3,75 117 18
100 Libyen 3,74 88 -12
101 Dom.Republik 3,72 95 -6
102 Bosnien Herzeg. 3,70 109 7

Und während Mazedonien 5 Plätze gut macht fällt Griechenland 12 Plätze zurück :)
DHL Macedonia operates new Cargo Aircraft
Monday, 20 September 2010

DHL Express, company offering express transport and logistics, has expanded its services in Macedonia by purchasing a new cargo aircraft with the capacity of 4 tons.

According to the Company, the aircraft will operate five days a week, two times a day, connecting Macedonia with the rest of the world. The new aircraft will meet the demands of clients, improve the quality of service and increase the number of services offered by DHL Express on the Macedonian market.

The aircraft is a modern freighter produced in Western Europe, it meets all the current EU standards in the areas of security and environmental protection. The investment is worth EUR 1.5m on annual level.
ЕИБ ќе финансира нови проекти во Македонија

Коментари (1)
14.10.2010 18:28
Дарио Сканапиеко
Владата и Европската инвестициска банка договараат нова кредитна линија за финансирање на мали и средни фирми, откако ќе се потроши постоечката тешка 100 милиони евра.
Министерот за финансии Ставрески, и потпретседателот на ЕИБ, Сканапиеко, на денешната средба ги разгледуваа можностите банката да финансира и други проекти во земјава, како што се гасификацијата, коридорот 10, железничката пруга кон Бугарија.
Искористеноста на кредитната линија е некаде околу 55 проценти со последните проекти што се одобрени. Сметаме дека процентот на искористеност е солиден и имајќи предвиде дека и во останатиот дел, еден добар дел од средствата се веќе во фаза на лоцирање и преговори со компании кои што би можеле да ги повлечат“, рече министерот за финансии, Зоран Ставревски.
„Направивме некои измени во кредитната линија со цел да биде полесна, подостапна за компаниите. Што се однесува до локациите и до бројките во смисла на искористеноста на средствата сметаме дека се добри“, изјави Дарио Сканапиеко, потпретседател на Европска инвестициска банка.

OKTA, EVN and Makpetrol are the biggest while Macedonian Telecom, T-Mobile and Stone Bridge Communications are three best performing companies in 2009, according to the 7th publication of Euro Business Centre, ranking the 200 biggest and best performing firms in Macedonia. The publication, which was released Friday, 200 biggest companies realize 42.88% of the total income, while 200 best performing companies realized 53.50% of pre-taxation profit. - The ranking shows that our companies are becoming more transparent related to their working and achieved results, which is a basis for creation of healthy competition, Economy Minister Fatmir Besimi said. He also said that ranking of companies will contribute to their larger affirmation and attraction of foreign investors. OKTA noted a decline in their profit of 37.74 percent compared to 2008, while EVN Macedonia noted 15.39% more profit compared to last year and Makpetrol ended the 2009 with decline of 27.73% compared to 2008. The ranking of the Euro Business Center regarding the biggest firm list was made based on the total income stated in the annual financial accounts and the list of best performing companies was made based on the pre-taxation profit.


According to the State Statistical Office data, the Industrial producer price index on the domestic market in August 2010, in comparison with August 2009, was 107.7. This increase, first of all, is a result of the increased prices in Energy by 16.8%, Intermediate goods industries, except energy by 3.8%, Capital goods industries by 2.1% and Non- durable consumer goods industries by 1.9%.
The Industrial producer price index on the domestic market in August 2010, in comparison with August 2009, in the section Mining and Quarrying increased by 2.7%, in the section Manufacturing industry the price index increased by 8.0%, and in the section Electricity, gas and water supply it increased by 7.0%.
In August 2010, in comparison with August 2009, the index of the prices in the group Builders' carpentry and joinery increased by 5.0%.

Macedonia, WB/IMF agree on nearly EUR 600 million support for various projects
Washington, 11 October 2010 (MIA) - Macedonian delegation, led by Vice Premier and Finance Minister Zoran Stavreski, is coming back in upbeat mood from the World Bank (WB)/International Monetary Fund (IMF) annual assembly after it agreed on nearly EUR 600 million support for the country's economy with the two institutions, MIA reports from Washington.

"IMF and World Bank expressed satisfaction from the quality of economic policies and results achieved in time of crisis, i.e. economic recovery and preservation of stability. Both institutions voiced readiness to help Macedonia in the coming period, so that we exit the crisis sooner and achieve higher economic development. In this regard, it is quite significant that the two institutions have promised to help Macedonia with nearly EUR 600 million, of which IMF is to provide EUR 400 million, while the World Bank should allocate EUR 150-200 million depending on projects agreed", said Vice Premier Stavreski.

Pertaining to IMF, he referred to the possibility of Macedonia becoming the first country to obtain the so-called open credit line, which the Fund gives to countries with strong and sound economic policies, thus verifying their quality.

"We should discuss the details of the credit line with experts and businessmen and see whether it is in Macedonia's benefit at this point of time", added Stavreski.

Talks with the World Bank focused on defining credits and projects in the coming year, primarily in the energy field.

"This includes the energy project for long-distance power-line towards Serbia and budgetary support amounting to US$ 30 million, as well as a smaller insurance project. WB expressed readiness to fund dam Lukovo Pole and we will develop the complete documentation for the purpose of accelerating its implementation", said Stavreski.

He also referred to talks with the International Finance Corporation (IFC) and their increased participation in the private sector.

"I am satisfied from Macedonia's reception and the preparedness of the largest financial institutions to be its partners in the coming years, for the benefit of the country's economy and citizens", underlined Vice Premier and Finance Minister Zoran Stavreski.

The Macedonian delegation was also comprised of Vice Premier for Economic Affairs Vladimir Pesevski and Deputy-Minister of Economy Metodij Hadzi-Vaskov.

IMF: Macedonian economy to rise by 1.2% this year, 3% in 2011

Washington, 7 October 2010 (MIA) - International Monetary Fund (IMF) foresees in its latest report that Macedonia's economy will rise by 1.2 percent this year and by 3 percent in 2011. Inflation rate in 2010 will amount to 1.9 percent, rising to 3 percent next year.

Regarding regional countries, Serbia (1.5%), Albania (2.6%), Kosovo (4.6%) and Turkey (7.8%) will perform better than Macedonia, whereas the country is expected to have bigger GDP growth than Bulgaria (0%), Bosnia&Herzegovina (0.5%), Montenegro (-1.8%) and Croatia (-1.5%).

The IMF says in its report that global economy will rise by 4.8 percent this year and 4.2 percent in 2011. Developing countries will register a rise exceeding 7 percent, whereas highly developed countries 2.7 percent.

IMF Chief Economist Olivier Blanchard believes a double-dip recession is less probable, but the crisis is still not over. Unemployment will be the largest economic and social challenge for global and national economies.

The IMF says it is still not the time to end state support, but the private sector needs to be revived, whereas governments must demonstrate they have a clear vision in reducing budget deficits and exit the crisis.

The report reads the financial system continues to be a weak point of global economic recovery, with further reforms for regulation of the financial system required.

The report is released in light of the October 8-10 IMF/World Bank annual meeting in Washington, attended by a Macedonian delegation led by Vice Premier and Finance Minister Zoran Stavreski.
hallöchen ,

also ich für meinen part investiere jedes verdiente euro in mazedonien !! irgendwann werd ich mal so reich wie lazim destani aus tetovo !!!
