Vier Windparkanlagen bei Stip geplant In der ostmazedonischen Stadt Stip sollen in den nächsten 18 Monaten vier Windparkanlagen entstehen, welche eine Gesamtleistung von ca. 200 MW haben werden.
Vertreter der geplanten Kooperation zwischen der Südkoreanischen KOSEP, Samsung und der spanischen INVAL sind bereits vor Ort und planen den Baubeginn.
Bauanträge liegen lt. dem zuständigen Ministerium bereits vor. INVAL hatte bereits vor drei Jahren mit der Planungsphase begonnen.
Samsung and Kosep to build windmills in Macedonia
South Korea, too, is interested in the wind from Stip. Korea South-East Power CO (KOSEP), the largest electricity-producer in South Korea, together with companies Samsung and Spanish Inval, is in Stip, looking into the possibilities of windmill construction in the area.
From KOSEP, they say that they are interested in the project because it has growth potential. The company plans to enter the investment in partnership with Samsung and Inval. The launch of works will depend on the licenses, which should be obtained within the next 2-3 months, the KOSEP informs.
Spanish Inval has been working in Macedonia for three years, taking care of documentation needed for the windmill. The company claims there are no delays in the project and that it is being carried out according to the legal dynamics.
Vier Windparkanlagen bei Stip geplant - :: Nachrichten aus Makedonien / News from Macedonia
MINA Breaking News - Samsung and Kosep to build windmills in Macedonia