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Wirtschaft Mazedoniens - Економија на Македонија - Economy of Macedonia (Rep. of)

Finde ich toll :thumbright: Hast auch einen Link dazu?

Sorry! find ich TOTAL beschissen!!!

1. Tourismus - da muss der staat investieren und das geld durch steuern zurückholen, der tourismus gehört den lokalen. Das ist kein produkt das in mk hergestellt wird und der staat profitiert, sondern ein produkt das existiert und dem land nicht mehr oder weniger bip macht.

2. Energie - Da muss ebenfalls der staat investieren. Qatar und andere ölstaaten beherrschen die energiebranche so oder so. Genau so wie wir von okta und elem abgezockt werden, werden wir dan von denen abgezockt. meinermeinung nach gehören dinge wie vodovod, energie und telekomunikation in der hand des staates, weil das sparten sind die immer rendieren.
Sorry! find ich TOTAL beschissen!!!

1. Tourismus - da muss der staat investieren und das geld durch steuern zurückholen, der tourismus gehört den lokalen. Das ist kein produkt das in mk hergestellt wird und der staat profitiert, sondern ein produkt das existiert und dem land nicht mehr oder weniger bip macht.

2. Energie - Da muss ebenfalls der staat investieren. Qatar und andere ölstaaten beherrschen die energiebranche so oder so. Genau so wie wir von okta und elem abgezockt werden, werden wir dan von denen abgezockt. meinermeinung nach gehören dinge wie vodovod, energie und telekomunikation in der hand des staates, weil das sparten sind die immer rendieren.

Da hast du ja Recht ,aber wenn Katar in uns investieren will ..Wieso nicht? Aber du hast schon Recht das man aufpassen sollte.

P.S: Wieso zitierst du meinen Beitrag und nicht den von Zoran?
Norwegian Nebb Group opens office in Skopje
Monday, 04 February 2013

Six Macedonian IT engineers are to be employed in the Norwegian Nebb Software office, opened Monday in Skopje.

The entry of the Norwegian Nebb Group to Macedonia is a result of the government efforts for attracting foreign investments, Minister Vele Samak told reporters.
For the last six years the Macedonian Government has been focused on increasing the number of IT experts, investing in higher-educational institutions and labs, the Minister for Foreign Investments said.

"This (office) is one of the results of our continuous work in this sphere. Larger engagement of IT engineers has already been tangible in both foreign and newly-opened domestic companies," Samak said.
Nebb is an innovation and technology corporation headquartered in Asker, Norway. It aims to be at the very forefront of technology and a true centre of excellence in our fields of competence. Its primary markets are Energy & Environment, Oil & Gas, Pulp & Paper, and Process Industry. We provide solutions for Carbon Capture, Energy Management, SCADA and Control Systems, and Paper Machine Clothing. The Nebb Group is also present in China, India, Australia, Germany, Britain...

"Macedonia is not only an excellent tourist destination, but also an attractive one for doing business. Bright future lies ahead of the country. In addition to skillful, well-trained engineers, here we have found kind, friendly people, hospitality and delicious food, Nebb Group Board Chairman Asmund Risoy said.
Mazedonien sollte u.a auch das machen ,was es am besten kann,nämlich Nahrungsmitteln Produzieren und vermehrt im Bio-Nahrungssektor einsteigen .

Da hast du ja Recht ,aber wenn Katar in uns investieren will ..Wieso nicht? Aber du hast schon Recht das man aufpassen sollte.

P.S: Wieso zitierst du meinen Beitrag und nicht den von Zoran?

weil du sagtest dass du das toll findest, und gewohnheit aus anderen foren wo gleich beide user zitiert werden :)

- - - Aktualisiert - - -

Ich Investiere jedes Jahr in Skopsko Bier!

find ich super von dir. es sollte mehr mazedonische bürger geben die aktien von solchen firmen kaufen, vielleicht schafft es einer ja diese wieder ins land zurrück zu holen.
[h=1]ТАБЕЛА: Во Македонија се живее како во Чешка и Полска, пресмета ЕУРОСТАТ[/h]11/02/2013 | Економија | 0 Коментари

Во Европа најплатени се Данците, а најмалку зарабтоуваат Бугарите. Според Еуростат, европската статистичка служба, во Данска еден час работа се плаќа по 25 евра бруто, а во Бугарија само 1,5 евра или седумнаесет пати помалку.

Анализата на Еуростат за европските плати во 2010 година објавена деновиве покажува дека ако зарабтувачката се искаже во количина на стоки и услуги кои за тие пари може да се набават (паритет на куповна моќ) тогаш излегува дека Бугарите живеат не 17, туку само 5 пати полошо од Данците.
Според истата статистика, Македонците заработуваат по 2,5 евра на час или речиси исто колку и Летонците и Литванците, а повеќе од Турците, Бугарите и Романците. Но, со тие пари можат да купат повеќе добра не само од тие кои заработуваат помалку, туку и од граѓаните на Хрватска, Чешка, Полска, Португалија, Естонија, Словачка, Унгарија…
Macedonia's Government to cover half of rural business start-up costs
Macedonia's Government will allocate funds in the amount of 50 percent from the start-up costs to citizens who decide to open a business in a rural environment, Spokesman Aleksandar Gjorgjiev said at Monday's press conference.
The support refers to any business, such as mechanic, car wash, crafts, up to processing capacities and production facilities.
The Government will allocate about EUR 4 million for this purpose, with the estimated opening of over 1,000 small businesses and at least the same number of jobs.
All natural persons, legal entities, traders-individuals, SMEs in Macedonian villages and towns having a population up to 30,000 will be eligible for the financial support.
Source: Government
TriGranit cooperates with ERA Holding
TriGranit Group concluded an agreement with their Slovenian partner, ERA Holding, with regard to a large-scale co-operation in Skopje. By entering the Republic of Macedonia market, TriGranit Group is now present in 10 countries. The agreement covers the provision of real estate development, property management and leasing services.

ERA Group’s real estate development plans include a new city centre, the ERA City, which is being built in the direct vicinity of the centre of Skopje and includes a shopping and entertainment centre, office buildings and a hotel.

ERA Group also owns the 55,000 m² of Skopski Saem Skopje, the largest fairs and exhibitions centres in Republic of Macedonia, as part of totally 16 hectare plot owned by ERA Group. The land is located on the above mentioned 23-hectare urban plot. Skopski saem Skopje attracts more than 600,000 visitors each year. Part of Skopski Saem Skopje is Metropolis Arena, a multipurpose venue with a capacity of 9,000 people.

As a part of the cooperation, TriGranit Management Corporation will also be involved in the Property and Event Management of Skopje International Fairs and Exhibitions Centre as well as the adjacent multipurpose event hall.